Guillermo Alvarez

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 4.98150431566 out of 5 with 1189 ratings

Guillermo Alvarez Bariatric Surgeon MD

Guillermo Alvarez Bariatric Surgeon Picture

18 yr in Bariatrics

18 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

18 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

100% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 11

Max Age of Patient is 75

Brandi Carter Profile Pic
Brandi Carter
Patient Coordinator
Rosie Flores Profile Pic
Rosie Flores
Patient Coordinator
Lourdes Carranza Profile Pic
Lourdes Carranza
Personal Assistant

1189 Reviews for Guillermo Alvarez
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como empezar?
tanto sobrepeso me hacia mal! me dolian las rodillas!
mi confianza paso a ser menos que cero! era el tipico gordo que daba risa...
pero en realidad no me sentia bien conmigo mismo...
y una persona me comento de este procedimiento y fui con el doctor Alvarez...
simplemente me convencio... lo dificil fue convencer a mis papas ya que tengo 19 años... el doctor me ayudo y los convencimos...
me opere el 28 de junio...
desde ese dia se puede decir que todo cambio radicalmente...
empeze a adelgazar... la gente me dice que se me nota un chorro... y eso excelente... te hace sentir seguro y con mas confianza.
toda la vida te cambia...
tanto en lo animico como en lo fisico como en lo que a salud se refiere!
fue la mejor decision que pudimos haber tomado.
su habitos! todo!


My name is Angela and I had my gastric sleeve surgery done by Dr. Alvarez on June 5th, 2010. Many people are worried when they think about going across the border to Mexico for surgery, I felt that way at first, but once I got to meet Dr. Alvarez and his staff in person all that went away. He was just so easy to talk to and made me feel at ease with the whole decesion to have the gastric sleeve. The staff was awesome and treated me like I was the only one that was having surgery. All my questions and concerns were answered, they are very knowledgeable about the whole procedure. The surgery itself went so well, with minimal scarring and I was back on my feet in no time. They were great with the aftercare program, they contacted me to see how things were going and not to hesitate to call them anytime. I would rate him and his staff a 10/10. He had a wonderful bedside manner as well as being a wonderful and knowledgeable surgeon. Going to his office across the border was only about a mile and it went smoothly and they took care of all the transportation. So if there is anyone that is doubting going to Dr. Alvarez in Mexico for the gastric sleeve, put your fears to rest, it will be a decesion that you will not regret...i know that i didn't since I am only 6 1/2 weeks out and have lost 37 pounds which I could not have done on my own without the gastric decesion I ever made, I just wish I had done it years ago...Thank you Dr. Alvarez for changing my life for the better!!


I recieved the gastric sleeve surgery on June 19, 2010. I was anxious about going to mexico but it wasn't any different from going to a hospital in the states. It was an older hospital, but clean. Dr. Alvarez was very kind and made me feel comfortable. He was very encouraging when I was nervous. He had staff during the day that spoke english, but the language barrier at night really wasn't an issue at all. They understood everything I said. After surgery, when I got home, I couldn't have made it through those 2 weeks without his coordinator, Susan. She is so helpful and responds to my emails daily. I'm feeling great now and am losing weight. I'm feeling better about myself more and more every day. I mainly went to Dr. A because it was cheaper, but now I'm glad I went to him for many more reasons.


where do i start? I had my gallbladder taken out 2 years ago and ever since then I have tried EVERYTHING. I continued to gain weight up to where I am now.. 243lbs.. 100+lbs more than I used to be. My friend from work had the VSG done by Dr. Guillermo Alvarez last year along with his sister and mother. He went from being over 400lbs to 220lbs in 11 months, his mother and sister look amazing as well. He introduced me to Dr. Alvarez's website and told me of all the wonderful things. I emailed Susan, shes the one you talk to. She immediatly got back to me and the process started. I emailed her all day and all night and she always responded to me so quickly. She cared about how my day was going, what feelings I was having, and was supportive of whatever decision I made. We set a date, I sent the deposit (very easy) and she sent me the paperwork. The paperwork is VERY informative and a nice guide to have before surgery and I'm seeing after surgery.. no need to guess. She kept up with me the entire time I was counting days until my surgery, seeing how I felt, making sure I was ready. I was kinda worried about flying and crossing over into Mexico, but I always had my surgery buddy that had already been through this that made me feel alot better. So many things run through your head about going to mexico, I"m so glad I did not listen to my head! I flew out of San Jose on tuesday the 6th to San Antonio, Tx. Once there we took the shuttle to the La Quinta hotel right up the way, it was a very nice hotel! We stayed the night there, and woke up to the beautiful weather. At 11 am wednesday the 7th Rosy the driver met us and the other couple at the hotel in lobby. She is such a doll! She helped us get our bags into the van and basically described what was next. The ride is about 2 hours from San Antonio to Eagle Pass on the border. The ride was fun, got to talk to the other couple and Rosy. She always took care to ask if any of us needed to stop for any reason, even just to stretch. The van was very nice, new and comfy. We made it to the hotel in Eagle Pass and she got us checked in and let us be. Its a very nice hotel, pool, ect. There is alot of food very close, good food, its a cute little town. You have the rest of the afternoon to play around, explore, relax, whatever you like to do. The next morning now thursday the 8th Rosy picked us up at 7:15 to head to the hospital. Its a very short, bout 8 minutes drive across border to hospital. It was not scary at all, infact it was kind of fun. As soon as we were in mexico Rosy was pointing out things, there was this very cool painting site! We arrived at his office which is attached to hospital. Its not what you'd think when you think mexico, a very pretty, glass, professional office. We went inside and were immediatly greeted by Dr. Alvarez and his nurse Jessica. They instructed us to sit down on very nice leather couches, I was not complaining. He eased the mood by explaining he was going to talk with us and then jokingly said " who wants their surgery first?" The other girl beat me to it, but it was ok. He spent about 10 minutes talking with her and then sent her up with Jessica. Then he called me in, we talked, medical history, that kind of stuff. He asked me if I had any questions... we took my weight, and took the dreaded before surgery pictures. Jessica then took me up to my room. I was suddenly not so afraid he was so nice, she was so nice, how could anything go wrong? We went up to my hospital room, right next to the other couple. that was nice so we could interact. The hospital was very nice and so was the rooms. Very roomy, tv, a computer(very nice) nice big bathroom, a couch that folds out for your surgery buddy, air conditioned, phone and a fridge. We sat in there and unpacked and got comfortable while jessica was doing pre surgery work on the other lady. She came and got me and we went down and had my blood taken and then over for the xray. We talked the whole time, she is so nice! We then went back to my room and I got into my gown and watched some tv bout 30 minutes or so before it was my time. They came in and gave me my IV and made sure I was doing ok. I am the hardest person alive to IV because my veins are so small and noexistant. Jessica put her arms around me, hugged me and gave me her hand and told me to squeeze. I laughed and told her shes so tiny Id be afraid to hurt her. She laughed back and said just do it, squeeze my hand, and she wiped my tears. A couple minutes later they came in with the hospital bed and i hopped on it, everyone around making sure I was ok. This all really helped because I get nervous sometimes. They said its gonna feel like you've had a couple shots of tequila and i said awsome I love tequila and that was all I remember. I woke up safely back in my bed before i knew it. The surgery is very quick. I wasn't in pain or anyting.. a little sore .. feels like I did a bunch of crunches. There was nurses, jessica, dr. alvarez, and his associate dr. gabriel checking up on me all the time. It was so nice to see everyone comming in and making sure I was ok! I had to get up alot to pee the IV does wonders for getting your system flowing. I had no problem moving about, just a little sore. If I felt any pain or any nausea they would get something, but they stayed ontop of everything so there really was no nausea or pain. I slept the rest of the day, relaxed on my laptop, called home, and watched tv. All night i could hear the nurses comming in to check on me, I felt in very good hands. Friday morning the 9th I woke up to ice chips! OMG i could never imagine how bad I would want them! They took my IV out so I could relax and be more mobile, that was nice. Jessica, Dr. Alvarez, and Dr. Gabriel all came in to see how I was feeling and say some nice words of encouragment. It was so nice seeing them all , and they all genuinly care, they dont have to come in, let alone how often they do! They really need you to be up walking, get the blood flowing. They encourage you to walk down hall which is not very long there and back 2 times every 30 minutes or so. Some of the times I walked with the lady in next room, sometimes by myself, and if Jessica was ever in sight she walked with me. She is the BIGGEST sweetheart, she would always pick me up and keep me going. She would support me and walk with me and squeeze a little girl talk time in there. I looked forward to when I had to walk because I got to talk to her. I took a shower a couple times Friday which felt really good!! (a nice warm shower) We then went down with jessica back to his office for the leak test. i was kind of nervous and so was other lady but jessica told this funny joke the whole way there, it was hilarious! The leak test was 5 minutes at most, You stand infront of a machine and take a sip of this pink milk stuff and watch it on TV go down your stomach. It was SO cool, watched it go down the tube and into my new stomach. We then went back to the room and jessica asked "stairs or elevator?" Me and the other girl felt so good and were so excited that we said stairs! Got back up to the room, relaxed, read a book, did some more of my walking. My surgery buddy had gone to explore the town so I had gotten up to walk and Jessica happened to be in the hall. She popped up and said "lets go walk, I'll support you." So we walked..infact mroe than the minimum and then sat in the comfy chairs in hall and just talked. She kept me very good company! We talked about everything from our families to our lives, it was so interesting to hear her story! Any day I would consider her a friend. It came time for her to check on everyone around me and I understood we had been talking along time so I went back to my room. My surgery buddy and next door neighbors husband ordered dominoes and enjoyed that in cafateria.. LUCKY! They had both gone out and had fun exploring mexico! All day long everyone of them kept checking up on me and if I did feel any discomfort they would give me something right away. Dr. Alvarez comes and listens to your tummy alot to make sure you are healing well. That night they give you an option for a sleeping pill to help you sleep, i took it, it was a very good night sleep! Saturday the 10th I woke up to jello and juice on my bed stand. OMG!!! it was sooo good! I had to slow myself down and remember small bites, small bites! Then at alternate times they all jessica, nurses, dr. alvarez and dr. gabriel came to say good morning and check on us. I took a shower and got ready for our sit down at 8am. He brought us into same room and gave us each a personalized care package. We each got a pillow that has diagram of surgery with pen, (so cool!) a page explaining surgery, perscription, medications, receipt for taxes, an awsome sleeve bumper sticker (already on my truck), a card that explaines we had surgery and to let us order kids menu or smaller portions, a note for work, and his and dr. gabriels card inside a backpack. He slowly explained all the meds pulling everything out of bad, what they were for and when to use them. (if you forgot it explaines on perscription card) Its very easy. Explained the next few weeks and months in detail . He then asked if we had any questions and then it came time for the goodbyes. I tried to blame the tears on pain, but we all knew I was fine. I admit it I cried, it was sad leaving such nice people. After being with them for a couple days you will not want to go home either and am going to wish you could take them all home to be your friends! There was lots of hugs from everyone and they walk you down to the van. I gave extra hugs, everyone was so nice to me! They waved goodbye as we drove away in the van. We headed back to San Antonio with Rosy. We had such a fun ride, joking, telling stories. We got back to the La Quinta and Rosy set up a room for the other couple that was staying and asked if we wanted a ride to airport or hang out.(our flight was a couple hours away). Him and I wanted to stay and play so she gave us lots of hugs goodbye. She is such a doll!!! We waved goodbye and then went to play. When we were ready the hotel gave us a ride to airport, no charge. We went to airport and had no problem getting through with fluids or meds and of course I opted for the wheelchair ride. When will you ever beable to do it again, take advantage! We flew home which wasnt a problem at all. It is now Sunday the 11th and I have been enjoying my birthday without the cake. I have been playing around with my 6 year old, just no bending down or playing on my tummy lol! I have been up to vitamin world to brag about my surgery and how happy I am. Now I am enjoying my jello with candle ontop. I gave myself the best birthday present, they all gave me the best birthday present. A new life with amazing memories from my trip that I will never forget! To Dr. Alvarez and his entire team, you are all a special group of people! Anyone that is afraid or hesitant shouldnt be afraid of anything! It is not scary or hard! It is very professional, clean, and as you've read the staff is amazing. It was like a birthday vacation! The cost was so low, and the full package included everything! I'm making it in payments with a very helpful lender. I couldn't of asked for anything more and glad I spent my money there, I got way more than I payed for. I have talked to them today since being home, and am going to continue contact with my progress. I'm so excited to see what comes from here!!!! I would recommend him to my mother, father, sister, brother, friend...there is no better way! I have told everyone I've come into contact with, I'm so proud to have him as my docter. The surgery itself is very safe, gives good results, and it is permanent. You can see by reading my story im very active 3 days after surgery. i was 2 days, one day after surgery! Its such a safe WLS option!!! I cant wait to post some more as I lose more weight!!!


Dr. Alvarez was very professional. He and his staff did not treat me like a patient but like a guest. They made sure my needs were meet at all times. Even though the surgery was in Mexico, my husband and I felt safe. My husband walked up and down the streets and ate at the local restaurants without fear. After one month, Dr. Alvarez still keeps in contact and answers my emails. If I had to do it all over again, I would go back again. I lost a total of 30 lbs. I appreciate everything he has done.


Doctor Alvarez is a great surgeon, I haven't had any complication since my surgery and i will forever be greatful for him and his staff for thier kind care and support. I highly recommend him and I will do it again in a heart beat. Thanks again Dr.A


HI! I had the gastric sleeve procedure done a month ago w/ Dr. Alvarez. I was very skeptical at first, having to go down to Mexico to have the surgery done. Susan, who is the RN who makes all arrangements for the surgery initiating w/ the first call was very thourough and prompt to answer all of my questions and expectations. He and his staff were extremely professional and made me feel comfortable secure. All arrangements and appointments ran very smoothly and I had been told. Dr. Alvarez made me fell reassured and within a couple of days I was back at home with no complications. I would most definately recommend him to anyone considering this surgery. It is truly life changing. In just my first month I have already lost 23 lbs.! I am amazed.


Surgery Date-5/25/10
Stop! Don’t look any further for a great VSG surgeon. Dr. Alvarez is not only the best at what he does, he is kind, compassionate and will explain everything in easy to understand terms.

Dr. Alvarez along with his team, Dr. Gabe, Susan, Jessica, Rosy and the nursing staff, make your VSG experience smooth and effortless. We got to know Susan through the emails and phone calls. Susan’s mission was to make sure we understood everything. Scheduling went off without a hitch. Rosy picked us up at the airport hotel and drove us to Eagle Pass, TX to a beautiful hotel. The next morning she picked us up for the 10 minute trip to Dr. Alvarez’s office, right across the border, in Mexico.

Dr. Alvarez looks exactly like his picture and is a very comfortable person to be with. He introduced his team and we got to meet the backbone of this wonderful practice. You don’t feel intimidated by him or any of his colleagues. He talked with us about the surgery, what he would be doing and what to expect after the surgery.

Within an hour, I was in surgery. An hour after that I was in my room recovering.
After surgery, Dr. Alvarez and Dr. Gabe were in checking on me every couple of hours. And each day they would be in to check my progress for the 2 days I was there. The nursing staff is very professional, conscientious and sensitive to your needs. They were checking on me every hour for 24 hours.

Jessica, a delightful young lady, is a translator/Interpreter/Nurses Aide, an all-around person, who assists the patients and companions. She made the experience easy to understand and can help in answering any questions you have. She is also available to take companions to restaurants in the area.

In my opinion, Dr. Alvarez is the best and I have no qualms about recommending this great surgeon to anyone thinking of having VSG surgery. . . . .MORE TO FOLLOW.
Thanks Doc


Outstanding surgeon! Professional and helpful staff. Great surgical skill and bedside manner.


I had surgery on May 14, 2010 with Dr. Alvarez and the experience was great. He is fluent in English and does not even have an accent. I currently live in Brazil and thought about having the surgery here but the price difference was too great. I could fly from Brazil to Texas and have the surgery and it was still cheaper than Brazil. Dr. Alvarez is very professional and has a great staff. I have not had any problems other than the normal pains of having major surgery but if I did Dr. Alvarez made it clear that I can email him or his nurse Susan at any time for questions. I discussed with Dr. Alvarez my bougie size and we both decided on a size 40 would be good for me as a active male. On my trip there was a lady from Tennessee that had the surgery two years ago and was bringing her mother to have the surgery. Talking with her made me feel comfortable and the fact that she was bringing her mother there for surgery was a good sign. There is no problem having surgery in Mexico especial if it's with Dr. Alvarez!

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