Guillermo Alvarez

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 4.98150431566 out of 5 with 1189 ratings

Guillermo Alvarez Bariatric Surgeon MD

Guillermo Alvarez Bariatric Surgeon Picture

18 yr in Bariatrics

18 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

18 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

100% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 11

Max Age of Patient is 75

Brandi Carter Profile Pic
Brandi Carter
Patient Coordinator
Rosie Flores Profile Pic
Rosie Flores
Patient Coordinator
Lourdes Carranza Profile Pic
Lourdes Carranza
Personal Assistant

1189 Reviews for Guillermo Alvarez
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I had VSG (Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy) surgery performed by Dr. Guillermo Alvarez on January 18, 2010. It was the best experience with a surgeon/doctor I've ever had. He was so professional and took such time and care in our feelings. An American doctor has never been so caring like him. His staff was wonderful as well. Susan took care of all our paperwork and any questions we had before and after surgery. He has a great bedside manner and answers any and all questions with you in his office before the surgery. Dr. Alvarez totally made me feel at ease upon first meeting him. I was a little nervous when crossing the border into Mexico since that was my first time out of the United States but he made me feel totally relaxed. The day of my surgery everything went just like Susan and him had told me it would. He made sure we understood all the aftercare as well before returning home. He even checks in with me from time to time and is always available to help. I am now 8 months post-op and I've lost 65 pounds and it's been the best thing that's ever happened to me! It's helped my knees and back so that I can get out of bed easier each day and even run on a treadmill. I am a much happier person to be around and I love trying on clothes now! I feel more confident when going on in public and don't feel like I'm being judged by my weight. If I had to do it all over again....I WOULD and I'd still have Dr. Alvarez do my surgery. He is the best doctor I've ever had. He is so caring and truly loves to help others!
Thank you Dr. A for helping me regain my life back!
Mrs. Amy Mathias


I had a great experience with Dr. Alvarez, and I would recommend him to anyone! My mom and I went down together at the end of May and had our sleeves done. He has done more sleeves than just about any other surgeon, and I could really tell that he knows what he is doing! The entire experience was like a well-oiled machine. Everything happened exactly like he said it would, there were no surprises. Next week I will be 4 months out and I have lost 61 pounds (2/3 of the way to my goal!). I could not be happier with my sleeve. His patient coordinator Susan is absolutely wonderful! I had a million questions before my surgery and she thoroughly and happily answered every single one of them. And as a sleeve patient herself, she speaks from experience. What also impressed me about Dr. Alvarez is that he was so easily reachable by email or phone for any questions I had post-op. He usually replied to my emails within an hour or two! You cannot get that kind of response from American surgeons! If I had the decision to make over again, I would not change a thing. Dr. Alvarez exceeded my expectations and I know I could still contact him if I had any issues or questions and he would be happy to talk to me. If anyone has any specific questions, I would be happy to answer them, just message me! Best of luck to everyone in decision-making mode!


I just wanted to share my opinions about my own experience with Dr. Alvarez. I had my VSG surgery with Dr. A on April 2/10. I waited to post a review until several months later because I wanted to talk about the post-surgery experience as well. Although my family was a bit nervous about having surgery so far away, the team that Dr. A has built, starting with Susan and Rosy, is just amazing. I felt very secure through the entire process. I do have to admit that the hospital environment in Piedras Negras is different than what you typically see in Canadian or U.S. hospitals (i.e. the hallways are always filled with people and equipment). But in Piedras Negras, it was very quiet and peaceful. I expected different based on the reviews of previous posters (folks had raved about how modern the rooms were.) This is not a typical Canadian hospital environment. The building is older and the area of town is older too. However, that had absolutely no bearing on the quality of care I received or the cleanliness of the hospital. I don't remember what the operating room looks like (the happy drugs erased my memory from the moment I was wheeled out of my room into surgery!), but I'm confident that based on the degree of cleanliness I saw outside the operating room, that the operating room was in great shape. All the equipment was very modern. The patient rooms were well upgraded (as compared to those in other parts of the hospital and most were very large (mine happened to be a bit small and cramped), but there was TV, a computer in my room and access to a phone with long distance anywhere in North America. The attention from Dr. A's surgery team and all the nurses were great. I felt very well looked after. When we were being transported back to San Antonio, Rosy was great about ensuring that the hotel accommodated every need we had. By the time I arrived in San Antonio, I had very little discomfort and absolutely zero pain. My incisions were tiny, well stitched and healing very nicely. Since arriving back in Canada after my surgery, the only problem I have had was when I caught a viral bug a few months after surgery. It became difficult to eat and drink, but that had nothing to do with Dr. A. Ten days after surgery, I was off my insulin (I was taking 150 units per day). Four months after surgery, I had lost 80 pounds and my endo declared my type 2 diabetes "cured". All my comorbs have disappeared. The one issue that I wished I had had better guidance on was how to decrease my insulin throughout the liquid phase. I couldn't find a doctor at my home base who seemed to be able to give me concrete directions on how to scale it down. Dr. A's team couldn't give me the advice either. I suspect that unless you had daily visits with a endo, it all boils down to a guessing game of how much to decrease by, along with being vigilant that your sugar isn't going too low (because while you are on the liquid phase, you have to be super careful because your options to bring your sugar levels back up are very limited). I consider my experience to be very very positive. I would recommend Dr. A to anyone. He is a bit more expensive than some of the other offers out there, but the comfort of knowing that my procedures and after-care was being handled in a full-fledged hospital was for me, worth the extra cost.

1 person found this helpful


Dr. Alvarez and his staff were fantastic! The service provided to me began the moment I met Rosy (his driver) at the hotel the day before my surgery. Rosy was so friendly she was able to put my mind at ease before even meeting Dr. A. The hotel accommadations provided were top notch and all the hotel staff treated me and my husband with the utmost respect. Dr. Alvarez is so incredibly personable, down to earth yet very professional. Within 5 minutes of meeting him I felt I was in safe hands. He was able to easily answer all my and my husbands questions thoroughly. The private hospital where the surgery took place was somewhat old yet very clean and again the nursing staff were excellent. Dr. Alvarez has specific rooms in one area of the hospital for his patients only. My room accommadated myself and my husband, had a flat screen tv, computer with internet , availability of a phone to make long distance calls to home at no charge and a full bathroom with an awesome shower right in our room. My day of surgery, Dr. Alvarez checked in on me 3 times, his nurse at least 5 times and the hospital nurses every hour. I have never received health care at this level in any facility in Canada.
Before I left to go home Dr. Alvarez thoroughly reviews aftercare, provided me with all the medication needed (not just the prescriptions for me to fill) and provided me with his personal email address and cell phone number to call at any time with questions. Dr. Alvarez also has a nurse / administrative assistant who has answered many, many of my emails with friendly helpful advice (which he answers promptly I might add). Prior to my surgery I was given a complete aftercare and diet guidelines booklet. Since my surgery, whenever I have had questions, Susan (nurse and admin assistant) has been able to address them immediately. She has been so positive and supportive.

Without hesitation I would recommend Dr. Alvarez for Vertical Sleeve surgery. I have had no complication to date and have never once regretted it. It has been a truly positive experience.


My first impression was "Wow, what a handsome guy!"
My impression never changed.
The office staff was terrific, especially Susan who made all the arrangements.
I liked least that I couldn't take him home with me.
Future patients should know that they can trust Dr. Alvarez implicitly. He is caring and devotes all the time you need.
He emphasizes aftercare and has a ton of printed aftercare info and is available 24/7 by phone, email, etc.
I would rate him Triple A all the way.
Surgical competence is number one, but bedside manner that inspires confidence is also very important, and Dr. Alvarez has it all. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend him to anyone interested in the VSG surgery.
I also loved his "wingman," and Rosy, the driver and font of information and fun! Loved her. The hotels were also very nice.
The only advice I could give to prospective patients is if possible, take a friend with you who speaks Spanish.


This surgeon was very calm, self-confident and generally sure of himself. The longer I interacted with him between the time I spent at the hospital, and the way he keeps contact with you after you return home via Face Book, I came to understand he really cares, unlike 'states' doctors I have encountered in my past. His staff was more than capable. Every IV I have ever had caused bruising...not his staff. I was really amazed...not even my blood draw site bruised. There was nothing to 'not' like. If you are contemplating weight loss surgery...this doctor is the one ...look no further!!! His nurse, Susan emails me daily, sometimes twice a day. I can't say enough positive about this surgical team. You are sent home with detailed instructions, and his nurse, Susan follows up with you regularly. If you don't have email, she calls you. I even got a call from Susan in my hotel room just before I was scheduled to fly home.) All of the risks are outlined in his paperwork and he has a pre-op consultation with you the morning before your surgery. On a scale of 1 to 10, I think Dr. A. tips the charts at maybe a 14 :) His bedside manner was so warm and caring and his surgical competence, I believe, far exceeds the competition because of his specialty with the Vertical Sleeve.


Dr. Alvarez was thorough, patient, and attentive throughout my surgical process. His staff was exemplary and helpful, while always checking my vital signs and making sure I was comfortable. The assistance to my daughter while I was in surgery was fantastic. The staff took her shopping for anything she needed while I was "under" and made sure she was back in time for my recovery.

After the surgery, Dr. Alvarez did not change in providing excellent service. He checked on me regularly and kept his staff informed of any changes needed in medication or treatment.

I have had minimal discomfort even after a month. Dr. Alvarez has a great bedside manner, is very competent, and explains everything. I highly recommend him.


I was 100% committed to this surgery, but my husband was a bit uneasy about me going to Mexico. Wow, did he change his mind! The whole procedure was so professional. The hospital was not new, but pristine. The staff was nothing but professional at all times. Dr. Alvarez was open about any questions or concerns we had. Once we met him in person, any and all fears went out the window. Once a person is committed to doing this procedure, I recommend Dr. Alvares and his staff 100%. The only regret I have is that I did not do it sooner!!!


Dr. Alvarez was a jewel. Not only is he extremely well experienced with Vertical Sleeve and Lap-Band surgeries (over 3000 performed) - he is the most likable and down-to-earth Surgeon you likely will ever meet. Surgeons/Doctors in the US could learn a lot from him. Staff and facility was fine - I was well cared for and had no side effects to my surgery. I had no gas, no nausea, little pain the day of surgery which was handled by medication.
I traveled to Mexico alone as I am much "braver" when there is no one fussing around me. Felt perfectly safe at all times while there. Well organized medical experience.
Suggest you tell few people you are going to Mexico until AFTER surgery. They just will worry you UNNECESSARILY!


Hello my name its Michelle and I’m 25years old. Since i was little i struggle with my weight for many years. My weight went up to 242lb and my health was starting to deteriorate as well as myself steam. I first hear about bariatric surgery a year ago when I started to think about that possibility. As time went by was diagnosed with degeneration of bilateral knees, I suffered chronic back pains and muscle aches. My Orthopedic doctor told me that I needed to lose weight, be more healthy or in a future not too far I was going to become a candidate for knee replacement surgery; and that’s when everything change in my mind. I found out about Bariatric surgery via internet, were I started to read and view all the testimonials from people literally around the world until I decide to go with Dr. Alvarez myself and talk about possible surgery. First impression of Dr. Alvarez was EXCELENT! He is a very nice, dedicated doctor that explained to me for more than an hour all possibilities and types of surgeries that they perform. He answered all my questions from top to bottom in a very nice and educational matter. Finally I decide to have VGS surgery with Dr. Alvarez in Piedras Negras Coahuila Mexico. I had my surgery on July 10th 2010 and all I can think and say are positive things. The service was extraordinary, the Doctor went to see me several times a day, was always available, the service in the hospital and staff were great.Bedside manners from nurses and MD were always at the TOP. The surgery took around 40 minutes and I felt good. In and Out surgery, the surgery was a Saturday morning and I was backing home Sunday around 6pm. No complications from surgery, now I feel great! I had lost 27lb and I’m starting to wear jeans that I could not use a year ago! It’s a big change of life, and I extremely recommend the surgery. Now a lot of things are starting to change in my life and myself steam it’s starting to build back. Again ONLY POSITIVE THINGS I CAN THINK AND SAY ABOUT DR. ALVAREZ AND HIS STAFF! Every appointment with him its always a pleasure experience, always very nice and dedicated. All his instructions were clear, simple and easy to follow. Please don’t hesitate to search for information that in a future can literally change your life! It’s an easy, safe and simple way to regain your life! I personally highly recommend Dr. Alvarez as first choice for Bariatric Surgery!

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