Guillermo Alvarez

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 4.98150431566 out of 5 with 1189 ratings

Guillermo Alvarez Bariatric Surgeon MD

Guillermo Alvarez Bariatric Surgeon Picture

18 yr in Bariatrics

18 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

18 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

100% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 11

Max Age of Patient is 75

Brandi Carter Profile Pic
Brandi Carter
Patient Coordinator
Rosie Flores Profile Pic
Rosie Flores
Patient Coordinator
Lourdes Carranza Profile Pic
Lourdes Carranza
Personal Assistant

1189 Reviews for Guillermo Alvarez
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After extensive research into the need to change my life, I finally decided that having gastric sleeve surgury was best for me...but I wanted to find a surgeon who was not only qualified but experienced. My search led me to Dr. Guillermo Alvarez. Dr. Alvarez practices just over the border in Mexico (about 2hrs outside of San Antonio, Texas). My whole experience was enjoyable and comfortable. Dr. Alvarez and his staff made me feel comfortable the whole time..from the second I was picked up to the second I was dropped off. While in the hospital, I never went without...I was never in pain, thanks to the wonderful nurses making sure that I was given my meds on time and Dr. Alvarez or his fellow doctors checking in on me. This thus far has been the best decision of my only regret is waiting so long to have the surgery. Now, some people might read this and say..."but its Mexico". To that I say..."so". I truely received better medical attention with Dr. Alvarez and his staff that I have ever received here in the United States ( and I live in a large city in California). Moreover, Dr. Alvarez had the most experience performing VSG surgery than any American doctor that I researched. I never felt scared or uncomfortable traveling or staying in Mexico. I trused him with my life and in turn he gave me a life worth living now. Please do not hesitate...give him a call and start living too.

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After conducting extensive research like reading weight loss surgery reviews, watching You Tube surgery videos and speaking with friends and family, I decided to give Dr. Alvarez a call. I spoke with Susan and she answered all of my questions and quickly set up my surgery date for Tuesday, May 1, 2012.
I am so pleased with the entire experience with Dr. Alvarez and his staff. From the moment I got to San Antonio, TX I felt so well taken care of. I loved meeting Dr. Alvarez for my consultation and his smile was just so genuine. Rosie the driver was so sweet and funny and the ride to Eagle Pass went very quickly. The surgery went very well. Very little pain just a tightness, and pulling near the belly button. I did feel a bit dizzy with the medication but once I spoke to Dr. A, he adjusted my meds and I felt much better. The nurses were very efficient and accessible. Jesus the night nurse was such a sweetheart, Jessica was top notch and made sure that both myself and my mother was comfortable and even went with my mom to get lunch. And Susan the coordinator was amazing - she even called the day I returned to San Antonio, TX to check on me.
A few days after surgery, I was able to walk around a mall and start to buy some new clothes! I highly recommend Dr. Alvarez - you will not regret it. It has been about a month and I am down 25 lbs and I feel great. Remember to eat protein first and get in that exercise!

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I was impressed with the help that I received from Susan before my surgery. I felt comfortable contacting her if I had any questions. Rosie picked us up at our hotel in San Antonio and took us to the hotel Eagle Pass and returned the next day to take us to the hospital. Once at Dr. Alvarez's clinic his assistant, Jessica, weighed me, took my before pictures, and took me for my blood work and x-ray before surgery. Dr. Alvarez's team were very courteous and helpful through the whole process. Dr. Alvarez and Dr Gabe visited me several times each day to ensure I was doing okay and answer any questions that I had or my daughter (travelling companion) had. Jessica took my daughter to visit some of the sites in the area of the hospital and accompanied her to a restaurant in the area for a meal. During this whole time my daughter felt comfortable walking in the town. I would recommend Dr. Alvarez and his team to anyone wanting to make a dramatic change to their life. My surgery was on May 3rd, 2012 and to date I am down 27 lbs and am feeling better each day. I can hardly believe the difference in way that I look and feel already.

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I had my sleeve done by Dr. Alvarez on April 27th and all I can say is this man and his team are TOP NOTCH! I did a lot of research on this procedure and the thing that really impressed me was the time and commitment he put into his YouTube Video's. I spoke with this coordinator Susan and had a date within hours of deciding to go with him. Dr Alvarez is also on Twitter and responds to ALL his tweets. My wife and I flew into San Antonio a day early and was picked up by his driver Rosey and driven to Eagle Pass for the night. She was very engaging and answered any and all questions we had as we drove down south. The next morning she was there bright and early to take us across the border. This was no different than me driving to the local Wal-Mart. We went through and weren't even stopped. We arrived at Dr Alvarez's office and things began to move along...quickly. You meet Dr Alvarez for a few minutes where he will answer and questions you might have and gives you an overview of what will be happening. Next you meet Jessica who in my opinion is the textbook definition of kindness and compassion. She is his patient coordinator and is responsible for taking you to X-ray, blood draw, etc. This young lady is passionate about her job and performs it at a level well above 100%. She will also help you spouse or traveling companion with ANYTHING. She took my wife to lunch and dinner and stayed with her the entire time. Surgery with Dr Alvarez was amazing. When I awoke I thought I had just taken a nap. I awoke with ZERO Pain and was walking around within hours. He and Dr Gabe were coming around every two hours to check in on me and make sure everything was good to go. The staff at the hospital was first class as well. Even though most of them did not speak English, Jessica was there to help when possible but I can honestly say, there was never a problem. The second day was more of the same, the Dr.'s came by every two hours or so (this is on a Saturday mind you). On Sunday we were discharged with specific instructions and med's. We taken back to San Antonio where we caught our flight and were back home on Monday. Dr Alvarez follow up with you each week up until you move to the final stage of your diet. The whole experience was impeccable. I would recommend Dr Alvarez wholeheartedly to any and everyone at anytime. You just don't find Dr's like this very often!!

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It was one thing reading all the rave reviews about Dr. Alvarez, but it was a whole different experience meeting him in person. The reviews were amazing but nothing near the personal experience of meeting Dr. Alvarez. 

Dr. Alvarez is the nicest, most genuine and caring physician I have ever met. My first impression of Dr. Alvarez, and his entire team of physicians, nurses, assistants,  was that this was just too good to be true.  Everyone was very polite, very helpful and extremely professional.   Dr.  Alvarez's sincerity, compassion, honesty and his passion to help his patients get a better quality of life, was simply amazing.  
The whole process is extremely well organized and this was by far the best medical experience I have ever had. Dr. Alvarez and his caring team made me feel like family. I felt completely spoiled with the round-the-clock attention I received. It seemed like everyone went over and above the call of duty to ensure that the patients got the very best care possible. The surgery went extremely well and I felt so good afterwards. Dr. Alvarez was readily available to answer all my questions and he explained the surgery very thoroughly which put my mind at complete ease.  He made sure I was comfortable at all times. He continues to make time to answer any and all questions that his patients have long after surgery. 
This has been the most amazing life changing experience I have ever had.  My advice to anyone considering weight loss surgery is to pick up your phone and make the call to Dr. Alvarez's office. Your life will never be the same. 
The very first phone call to his coordinator Susan will set the ball rolling.  The process is so smooth and so easy. This is a major life changing experience and no one needs to go into this kind of major surgery with stress and anxiety.  With Dr. Alvarez and his team, you will have nothing to worry about. 
Dr. Alvarez has performed over three thousand of these surgeries so who better to perform your surgery.  
I have a new lease on life and I have Dr. Alvarez to thank for this.   I am very happy and I am looking forward with hope to the future. 
Thank you Dr. Alvarez. 


Before I begin touting our tremendous experience with both Guillermo Alvarez, M.D. and his knowledgeable and friendly staff, let me take you back to some of my own pre-surgery worries.
With television and movies being what they are nowadays the term “Mexican Hospital” usually conjures up images of back alley procedures and organs being stolen against your will, so imagine my surprise when I found myself flying down to Piedras Negras, Mexico – which in all honesty is only 1 mile over the border of Eagle Pass, Texas – for what I consider to be the surgery of my lifetime. Few things can make you as queasy as; number one, having the nerves of the procedure itself, and number two, having the procedure done in an unfamiliar country.
In the interests of full disclosure, my wife and I also watch a lot of “Criminal Minds” and “CSI” too, which didn’t help matters either as Mexico tends to get a bad rap on those programs as well.
The other issue I know you’re probably plagued with; as was I, is the fact that you must rely on the word of strangers to make yourself feel comfortable about the surgery and its circumstances. And even though everything I’m stating is true, it probably seems miles away from a concrete guarantee.
Well, unfortunately this is the only issue I wasn’t able to fix for myself beforehand; it’s just something that you have to come to terms with, because until you go through it for yourself, talk from someone else is just that, talk.
Luckily for me and my wife – we received the surgery on the same day – we had compiled endless amounts of data on Dr. Alvarez and his past procedures beforehand – which I strongly urge you to do as this will make you feel loads better – compounded with the tireless efforts of Susan George – one of Dr. Alvarez’s best assets, who is not only a great LVN but is also a former surgery patient – and the knowledge that Dr. Alvarez had previously performed my mother’s Lap-Band exhumation when complications arose for her. Please note that Dr. Alvarez was not the doctor who put her Lap-Band in.
Anyway, now that I’ve got you good and amped up, let me defuse at least a few of your worries. As stated before, do your research, this will more than anything else give you peace of mind throughout the trip. Rest assured your journey to Mexico will be the most anxious part, because once you enter the hospital and speak with Dr. Alvarez, you’ll feel a bit silly at the thought that you ever needed to worry.
Dr. Alvarez has the unique ability not only to put his patients at ease, but he also makes each and every patient feel like they’re his only patient. This is a hard enough quality to find in a doctor period, much less from one who is thousands of miles away, but Dr. Alvarez takes on this challenge as boldly as the surgery itself, assuring you even after you’ve left the hospital that if you ever have any questions or need anything, he is at your utmost disposal.
The staff is fantastic and endlessly accommodating, and though they may at times throw you off a bit; as only certain members speak English, there is always an interpreter on hand for anything you need. We actually found several Apps you can get for your smartphone as well which enable you to speak English into the phone and subsequently have the phone translate to Spanish. This in my opinion was a bit of overkill once we got to the hospital, but it made us feel better beforehand nonetheless.
Since undergoing this life changing procedure; not more than 2 months ago, I’ve lost over 40 pounds and so has my wife and we have no intentions of stopping anytime soon. So although I know you may still have a few more than valid reservations about taking the plunge, I hope I’ve helped you even just a little bit on your journey toward life altering health and happiness.

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Dr. Alvarez has a short prescreening process. There are no fees to be prescreened. No dietitians, shrinks, or other providers to pay. US insurance does not usually cover surgery in Mexico; however Dr. Alvarez' fee is all inclusive. No billing hassles for the hospital, surgeon or anethesiologist. Dr. A's fee is reasonable especially if you compare it to drugs you are already taking for conditions that will be solved by weight loss surgery, copays for a US surgery and the time it takes to get approved for US surgery by an insurance company. In the US I figure the Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy (which I had) could easily run to four times what Dr. A's all inclusive fee is. This is money well spent.

Dr. A and staff are located approx 3 hrs south of San Antonio, TX in Piedras Negras, Cohuilla, Mexico. This quiet town shares the border with Eagle Pass, Texas. I am told that Eagle Pass is the home of the original "nachos" tex/mex appetizer dish. Dr. A's staff takes care of all transportation from and back to San Antonio for patients and their companions. All you have to do is get to San Antonio rendezvous point. You are safe and secure at all times with a veteran driver in a well marked van. At the Specialty Hospital in Piedras Negras, you have an English-speaking nurse available 24 hrs a day for whatever you or your companion needs. The hospital itself is in the middle of town and secure. It is cleaner than clean. Even compared to US hospitals.

Depending on your weight and bmi, you may be required to do an all liquid prediet. Consuming enough protein is key to not feeling hungry while on the diet for a week or two or whatever Dr A want you to do. You get enough detail about the prediet from Dr. A's office to be successful. The prediet is to help the liver soften so that surgery is more successful for the patient.

The procedure takes about 45 minutes start to finish. You get a general relaxer which will probably put you out immediately, and then anesthsia in the OR. Five small incisions and voila! you are done. Let me mention here that the bougie size (generally speaking the width measurement used to close off your stomach) that Dr. A uses is smaller than most surgeons use in the US. This means you will have a smaller stomach pouch and therefore more success at weight loss, in my opinion. The surgery is laproscopic. Your abdominal cavity is filled with gas (nitrogen mixture I believe) to help the cameras and intruments and Dr. A to do his work. After surgery, you wake up back in your room. A leak test has already been performed. Although the gas is taken out of your abdomen, you'll want to walk the hospital hallway to loosen up any leftover. You will get pain meds, anti-nausea and antiacids all night the first night. You will be intubated during the surgery, so you might wake up with a sore throat that will go away pretty quickly.

Recovery is quick. After surgery you will be required to stay on an all liquid diet for four more weeks. This is to promote healing. On your release from the hospital in Piedras Negras, you will be driven back to San Antonio for another night in a nice hotel. Be sure to have your passport for coming back into the US. Again, you will be very safe during the van ride.

I am very pleased with my surgery and my stay with Dr. Alvarez and his staff. I started at 258.8, did a pre-diet and on surgery day was 248.8. Now one month later, I am 223. I'm looking forward to more weight loss as time goes on. I would recommend him to anyone wanting to circumvent the US procedures and get to the solution for his/her weight and health issues. You will be in good hands in Mexico with Dr. A.

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Dr. Guillermo and his entire staff were the best, they were very proffessional, very caring and very attentive to all of my needs. From when you get to San Antonio and meet Rosie the driver till she drops you off at the hotel it was very relaxing and I was never concerned about safety going to Mexico. My husband went with me and he walked up and down the streets nearthe hospital with no concerns. I feel it was a better experience than if I would have had the surgery here in the the states. I would recommend Dr. Guillermo to my best friend or anyone who has a desire to have any surgey he provides.


My arrival into San Antonio on Thursday April 12 was seamless. I was met by Dr. Alvarez’s pleasant driver within minutes of arriving at the hotel. My husband and I were loaded into a new, large comfortable van and we headed south towards Eagle Pass. We drove through downtown San Antonio which was nice to see, all while the driver, Rosy, showed us the sights. We then exited onto a country road. We were treated to the sights of beautiful Texas ranches, cattle, pecan trees, etc. Rosy was great in pointing out all of these things to us. She is very informed and it was really great to see this part of the U.S. Sometimes we take for granted where our food comes from and how much work goes into getting it to our local supermarkets. ? We finally arrived in Eagle Pass. We were checked into the Holiday Inn. It was clean, comfortable with all down bedding, etc. Rosy informed us that she would be picking us up at 7:30am to take me to the hospital. We rested for a little bit and then called a taxi to take us for my “final” meal for the next four weeks. We chose the Mexican restaurant that Dr. Alvarez recommended. I can still remember how delicious it was. The best beef I have ever eaten. The taxi driver was kind and friendly. He came back for us after dinner, took us to a store to buy drinks, etc. and brought us back to the hotel. We felt 100% safe at all times. Rosy arrived promptly in the morning to pick us up and take us to Piedras Negras. I was nervous. Yes, about the surgery, but mostly about crossing the border. There is so much negative stuff on the news. I was shocked as to how nice, smooth and quick it was. I also got a lot of comfort out of the fact that there is a military base as soon as you enter Piedras. How much safer can it get? The drive was short and before we knew it, we were at Dr. Alvarez’s office. Not only is he a skilled surgeon (I did my research before I chose him), but he is a kind, gentle and positive man. He lives and breathes these surgeries. You and your outcome are clearly his most important priority. Let me just add that Dr. Alvarez and his entire team, not only speak English fluently, you would think they were your neighbors in the Midwest. Not even an accent! So, if you are worried about any language barriers, don’t. That is a non-issue. The hospital was quiet and very clean. It was different from the hustle and bustle of an American hospital and I grew to appreciate that. Our suite was large, clean and comfortable. We had a computer, Wi-Fi, and a private bathroom. We also had access to a phone that you could use to call the US whenever you wanted. We were very comfortable. A nurse came in, placed my I.V. and I was taken to surgery. Before I knew it, I was back in my room and resting very comfortably. I slept for most of the day and by the morning I was off the I.V., taking in ice chips and walking, walking, walking. I was also visited by Dr. Alvarez at least 12 times. I couldn’t get rid of the guy. ;) I was discharged Sunday morning and Rosy was there waiting. The drive back to San Antonio was a little quieter for obvious reasons. Once we arrived back there, we checked into the hotel near the airport (La Quinta) and my husband walked the 2 minute walk to Wal-Mart and bought me some drinks and popsicles. We had a good night’s rest and then headed home in the morning. I was in constant touch with Dr. Alvarez or his coordinator for the first several days and those needs seemed to taper off as the healing process continued. Although, it has been 4.5 weeks since my surgery and anytime I reach out to Dr. Alvarez I am promptly and kindly responded too. Having this surgery was the smartest decision that I have ever made. I went to see my family doctor at 4 weeks post op. I was down 24 pounds, my blood pressure was 110/78, my cholesterol was 150 and for the first time in 8 years, my liver functions were completely normal. My fatty liver was healing itself! I can’t be more pleased with my choice of Dr. Alvarez. I honestly don’t think I would have had the same results with anyone else. I could be wrong, but that is how I honestly feel. All of his positivity saturates your body and you become so positive yourself. It’s just an amazing dynamic! If you are considering this surgery, don’t wait. I wish I had done it years ago!!!!!

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Dr.Alvarez is so informative,skilled, and kindhearted.He has picked a staff that is second to none. Traveling to Mexico was not even an issue.Really, not at all we felt completely safe. We were so impressed with the whole experience we told them to please send people to us so we can tell them how wonderful everything was that we experienced. So people would not be afraid to come to Mexico.We would refer anyone who is thinking about weight loss surgery to Dr. Alvarez. He and his staff are A+++. My surgery was May 4th 2012 and I am so happy I had it done in Mexico with Dr. Alvarez. Thank you Dr. A for your kind bed side manner it really makes the difference. Thanks so much- Michelle

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