Guillermo Alvarez

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 4.98150431566 out of 5 with 1189 ratings

Guillermo Alvarez Bariatric Surgeon MD

Guillermo Alvarez Bariatric Surgeon Picture

18 yr in Bariatrics

18 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

18 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

100% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 11

Max Age of Patient is 75

Brandi Carter Profile Pic
Brandi Carter
Patient Coordinator
Rosie Flores Profile Pic
Rosie Flores
Patient Coordinator
Lourdes Carranza Profile Pic
Lourdes Carranza
Personal Assistant

1189 Reviews for Guillermo Alvarez
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I found Dr. Alvarez through my sister. She had surgery in the states in August and since my own insurance would not pay for it, we had to find an alternative solution so that I could afford to pay cash. She found Dr. Alvarez and did a LOT Of research on him. She came to me with him and I also did a lot of research on him. I paid the money and went to Mexico to have it done on June 1st. I met him that morning and he is everything he is online and more. Very sweet and compassionate person! I felt at ease immediately and was excited to get this done. The surgery went very smoothly and I had little pain from incision and no nausea! The staff answered all questions and was there with me anytime I needed them. Dr. Alvarez came by to check on me several times the first day and sat on the couch and talked to me and my sister at length. He was very personable and easy to talk to. I followed his instructions to the letter and have had no trouble whatsoever. I'm five weeks out now and doing very well. I've lost over 40 pounds already and am having to take up my clothes every week! I'm very excited about my future and recommend Dr. Alvarez wholeheartedly to anyone interested in having the surgery done!!! He is AWESOME!!!!!

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I was not at all hesitant to schedule my VSG with Dr. Alvarez, mostly due to the fact that I personally know numerous people from my town that have gone and used Dr. Alvarez. They all had terrific results, and a very positive experience. This eased any concerns that I might have had. Susan (schedules your surgery, paperwork for short term disability, and provides support/answers questions)was very helpful and was the voice of the clinic until I arrived in San Antonio. Rosie picked us up, and drove us to Eagle Pass, Texas where we stayed for the evening. Then she returned to pick us up and drive us over the border for surgery that morning. There was nothing scary about crossing the border or being in Mexico. The morning of surgery you meet with Dr. A and then are whisked off for pictures, x rays, etc. Then before you know it you are waking up sleeved! The first day I felt FANTASTIC! It must have been whatever was in that IV, lol. It was good stuff, and kept me feeling great. The next day you obviously have less meds, and you will start to feel the effects a bit more. It is nothing bad though. Just some minor bubbly, gassy feeling, and mild incision pain. You can get pain medicine if you feel you need it. I spent most of the time walking the halls of the hospital. The hospital is not a new, modern looking hospital, but it is very clean. The staff was wonderful, and very professional. You spend 2 nights in the hospital and are discharged on the third day, and taken back to San Antonio (I felt good enough to go to the Riverwalk for a few hours!). This process works like a well oiled machine. They have everything down perfectly, and as a result, you don't have to worry or stress over anything. Dr. Alvarez is wonderful, and has a fantastic bed side manner (Dr. Gabe who works with him is also wonderful). Don't be scared, just book it! I am one month out tomorrow, and I have lost 27lbs. I am beyond thrilled.

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i was lucky enough to find Dr. Alvarez through a referral from a friend, who had the vgs a year ago- at first, when I thought about going to Mexico was insane! you know the hype, the drug cartel, being kidnapped, or thrown in a mexican jail. well happy to say, all the stereo-types were totally wrong! after doing all the research, and trusting my friend, who absolutel sailed through the process-all of the process of doing the profile,getting all the paper-work together was handled easily and quickly with the assistance of SUSAN- Susan was so helpful,fully understood and answered all my questions,quickly and and promptly- I was so impressed with the way the staff put everything together for me- I decided to drive to Eagle Pass,Tx, and I didn't have a hitch! from Rosie,the shuttle driver, to Jessica,the patient liason,everything went smoothly! Dr.Alvarez, has to be the kindest,personable doctor, that I have had the pleasure of knowing- I'm a nurse,and worked with many types of doctors in my career,but he is a notch above the rest!I was treated at the hospital there, with the utmost respect and kindness-I got better care in Mexico,than any other hospital in the U.S.- I had my surgery on May 28th,2012,and didn't have any pain,nausea or discomfort-I stayed in the hospital for 2 nights, and got to leave early on the 3rd day-I've lost 46 pounds thus far,and feel better than I have in years-in just over a month,I've been able to get off of insulin, an oral diabetic, 2 blood pressure medications and one medication for diabetic neuropathty! I wish I had done this years ago! I can not say enough about Dr. Alvarez and his great staff! And by the way,I am not a spring chicken! i'm a 57 year old grandmother of 10! So if i can do this and have such a positive experience, i urge anyone that is thinking of having this procedure done, to get off your butt, and do it!


I have to say my whole experience traveling from Oregon to Mexico to have Dr. Alvarez perform my surgery was amazing and went well over my expectations. I made the trip all alone and had no concerns or problems with anything. From the coodinating and scheduling of the surgery through Susan and Rosie picking me up at the hotel in San Antonio and driving me to Eagle Pass and then taking me to the hospital in Mexico was very organized and not a bump in the road at all. Now, the time came to meet Dr. Alvarez and the staff at the hospital. Himself and his team were very warm, personable and accomondating. Dr. Alvarez is an amazing surgeon and takes very good care of you before,during and after surgery. All the information that he tells you about the surgery before and after is very informative, makes you aware of what to expect. Everything he told me went exactly as it was suppose to. The hospital is an older facility but very very clean and the nurses are very tentative to you. I'm just past a month post surgery date and feeling great! I'm so happy that I decided to make the trip to Mexico to have the VSG surgery performed by Dr. Alvarez. Until you meet Dr. Alvarez face to face you will never know how great of a person and surgeon he is. Thank you Dr. Alvarez and staff for helping me change my life.


I would like to share my personal journal notes regarding my sleeve surgery with Dr. Alvarez and his team of professionals:

My research, prayers and wisdom payed off!!! Dr. Alvarez and his team are awesome!!. Far more professional, and compassionate than I ever expected. Upon meeting Dr. Alvarez and his team, a warm hand shake to my husband, and a warm secure embrace by Dr. Alvarez. I knew immediately that I made the right decision to come to Piedras Negras Medical Center in Piedras Negras, Mexico. Dr. Alvarez and his team met with my husband and I and assured us that the surgery would be be successful. All concerns were addressed actually prior to making the decision and upon our arrival. Dr. Alvarez's assistance Susan George throughly addressed all my concerns prior to surgery, as she has also experienced Dr. Alvarez's laparoscopic surgery. I'll never forget that first telephone call to the office on a Saturday afternoon, and her birthday. She is truly a compassionate & caring individual.

We actually stayed overnight at a hotel in Eagle Peak about 5-10 miles from the Mexican border. In the morning we crossed the border, within minutes we were at the Piedras Negras Medical Center. In speaking with Rosie the Driver, this quaint Mexican township once belonged to the state of Texas, and is divided by a river. You can actually see people walking across the border on both sides as though they are walking to school, work, or visiting friends. I felt very, very safe.
Also Dr. Alvarez and his team do no more than 3-4 surgeries a day and not on the week-end. He visited me right after the surgery, during the recovery and on discharge day. His team of surgeons also visited us at least once a day while there. Accommodations are available for your spouse or a friend to stay in the room with you. So very reassuring to have my husband right there with me. Funny, I asked my husband three times, when were they coming to get me for surgery. Three times he told me that the surgery was complete hours ago. English and Spanish speaking nurses check in on me every 2-3 hours throughout my recovery. I weighed in at 198 lbs, I am now 175lbs!! June 23. Thanks again Dr. Alvarez team!! Goal is 130 lbs. 45 more pounds to disappear. This will be the best decision you have ever made in your life. If you have any questions


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I should first start with my apprehension of even going to Mexico these days for anything, much less surgery. Then there is the visions of some third rate quack doing surgery on me in a third rate facility. Or waking up in an alley with one kidney missing.

These thoughts couldn't be farther from reality.

I should say that I researched Mexican Doctors for two months before finally choosing one. And yes there are cheaper, however I was willing to pay extra for what I believed and came to discover was better more personalized service.

I the two months of research I was unable to find anything negative regarding Dr. Alvarez, his staff or facility. As a postoperative patient of his, I now know why.

He is a first rate Surgeon who truly cares about his patients. In fact I called him with a question two weeks post op and was responded to almost immediately with an email from him. What American Doctor does that?

I could make this a lengthy post bragging about what a professional he, his staff and service are but I will just say…. ” Thank You Dr. Alvarez “ I have no regrets having chosen you and would recommend you to anyone considering this surgery.

I’m 5 weeks post-op and down a total from 285 to 235. 50 lbs


Hello everyone, I am a Nurse Practitioner from Dallas, TX, recently transplanted from NE Arkansas, who underwent the gastric sleeve on May 18, 2012.

I have fought the battle with my weight for most of my life, and have been on one diet or another for 15 out of the past 20 years of my life. Unfortunately, I always gained the weight right back, if I was able to get it off in the first place.

When I heard about Dr. Alvarez in Mexico I started checking things out. I got a copy of his book and read it several times. After researching all of the wonderful reviews (I never saw a bad one!), I got a passport & scheduled my operation and made plans to head to Mexico. My family was not able to go with me, but I had no problems with that. I knew that I was ready for this life-changing procedure and was not going to let anything stop me from reaching this very personal goal.

Dr. Alvarez and Susan were wonderful at giving me all of the pre-op information I was going to need. I meticulously read over everything, several times, in hopes that I would in no way compromise my procedure due to not being aware of everything I needed to know.

I flew from Dallas to San Antonio, where I was picked up and taken to the La Quinta hotel to meet Rosie, who would take me to Eagle Pass, TX, where I spent the night. The next morning Rosie took me over the border to the hospital in Piedras Negras, MX. The drive literally took about 10 minutes. I met Dr. Alvarez and his team, my history was reviewed, I was weighed and my picture was taken for their records. I then went to have my labwork and chest x-ray done, and then went to my room where I changed and had an IV started. That's literally the last thing I remember before waking up post-op!

Dr. Alvarez and Dr. Gabe came and checked on me several times over the next couple of days. His nurses, both Jessica & Jesus, are bilingual and one of them was always available to help me during my stay there. The facility was very nice, quiet, and extremely clean and I always felt very safe, which is what I always tell people that gasp about me going to Mexico for surgery. After a couple of days I was discharged, and Rosie brought me back to the airport, and I was back home before I knew it. I did have some soreness after the procedure, but this was relieved with the pain medication I was sent home with. Oh, did I mention Dr. A fixed an unknown hiatal hernia I had while I was there? So I had a combo surgery package, which added to my soreness. I followed the diet as instructed and was able to return to work the next week. I did take it slow at first, but felt much better after getting back into the swing of things.

I am now one month out from surgery and feeling pretty great. I have not started working out yet, though, and hoping my weight loss speeds up when I do. My initial weight was 208 and today I'm at 187. I truly believe that Dr. Alvarez literally saved my life and I am looking forward to the rest of my life being wonderful. I am no longer consumed with thoughts of food, whats for dinner, or being exhausted once I get home from a long day at work, and grabbing something unhealthy out of the cabinet to stuff my face with. He gave me the tools to have a better life, and I can no longer eat thoughtlessly, and sure can't overeat now. I cannot emphasize how great my experience was with Dr. Alvarez and his team. Even post-op at home, any questions I have, I e-mail him and he gets right back to me, within just a couple of minutes, now what physician does that?

Good luck to those of you that are considering weight loss surgery. You will definitely be in great hands if you go with Dr. Alvarez!


I first heard of Dr. Alvarez as I was searching you YouTube for videos regarding weight loss surgery. This is the first time I had heard about the gastric sleeve. Everyday for months I researched different surgeons and weight loss procedures in the U.S. and outside of the U.S. My husband is a surgeon and I had him look at all information as well. By far, Dr. Alvarez was the most experienced in this procedure and had a phenomenal success rate. From the first phone call I made (Thank you Susan) the whole process was flawless. Once we arrived in San Antonio the transport to the facility was very pleasant (Thank you Rosie). We arrived at the hospital and Dr. Alvarez was the first to greet us. We met the whole surgical team and I had no concerns about proceeding. Dr. Alvarez' assistant was always very attentive of his patients (Thank you Jessica) and after the surgery she was a wonderful walking buddy. I had no discomfort or pain after the surgery. I felt completely normal. Many people are fearful of going to Mexico from what is published on the news all the time. Piedras Negras is a very pleasant town. No one should fear coming to Piedras Negras. I 100% enjoyed my trip! It was surgery and vacation in one.

Dr. Alvarez holds a yearly patient reunion in the states to keep up with everyone and their progress. I have yet come across another surgeon who does this. I am a month out from surgery and have lost 26 pounds.

The surgery has changed my life and the way I look at food. The anxiety I felt about eating is not there anymore. I enjoy my meals, but the small portions I eat are more than enough to satisfy. Thank you Dr. Alvarez!! Thank you for helping so many individuals reach healthy weight goals for healthy living.


When I was looking into having a weight loss surgery it took me a long time after so many failed diets till I started reading about the sleeve. I started googling and Dr. Alvarez name came up on obesity help, when I was a member since 2006 I was planing to get the bypass surgery. I was denied by my insurance after 6 long months. I was devastated it was a waste of time going to seminars, appointments, and psychiatrist too. When I decided to contact endobariactric they responded ASAP! I was nervous Susan the coordinator was so sweet and answered all my questions (this was in march) I started watching all of the YouTube videos and I saw Melissa Lawson.... She motivated me more to do it i contacted her through Facebook I was in shock she called me back the same day like in mid April she told me everything and how it really was plus her mom was scheduled to have the surgery too end of April. Her mom had the surgery I said I'm doing it so I scheduled for may 12, 2012 a Saturday. Everyday Susan emailed me to make sure everything was ok paper work and flight and how I was going to get to the hotel.. She was very detailed any question was always answered. I was nervous going to Mexico but its 5 min from eagle pass, Texas. I speak fluent Spanish/English you get the same treatment the nurses specially are so sweet and carring, someone always checks on you, gives you the medication. Dr Alvarez and Dr Gabe and his assistant take turns to see how you are. The hospital was nice and the rooms were better then the rooms in Washington DC,plus if you have someone to go with you they have a bed the rooms are big. I went by myself plus i was the first to have the surgery, but other patients had a spouse to support them. The hotel where we stayed in eagle pass, texas is really nice, and the one in San Antonio Texas too stores are close by the shuttle takes you to where you want to go and they pick you up. Over all im not a risk taker, but from the feed back i have gotten and my experience i highly recommend Dr. Alvarez from the minute i met him i liked him alot plus he is good looking. He was so carring and good spirited always. I don't have any bad... I'm sorry!! Lol . When I got home and if I had any questions I would email Susan she replied on foods I had to eat and here I am it's been a month I used to weigh 255 and now 225. Thanks to Dr Alvarez who made this possible in Piedras Negras, Mexico if you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me Paula @2swyte4u twitter

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When I first decided to have the surgery I was hesitant. After talking and meeting Dr. Alvarez I knew I was making the right decision. Going to Mexico was an awesome expierence I honestly felt like I was in a resort not a Hospital. I had so many nurses taking care of me it was unreal. Dr. Alvarez also has a team of doctors that came to see me atleast four time a day.

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