Guillermo Alvarez

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 4.98150431566 out of 5 with 1189 ratings

Guillermo Alvarez Bariatric Surgeon MD

Guillermo Alvarez Bariatric Surgeon Picture

18 yr in Bariatrics

18 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

18 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

100% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 11

Max Age of Patient is 75

Brandi Carter Profile Pic
Brandi Carter
Patient Coordinator
Rosie Flores Profile Pic
Rosie Flores
Patient Coordinator
Lourdes Carranza Profile Pic
Lourdes Carranza
Personal Assistant

1189 Reviews for Guillermo Alvarez
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I’m from Niagara Ontario, Canada and had my VSG done on July 15th, 2013 and have now lost 42 lbs. (Just over 5 weeks ago). I am a single mom and knew that I couldn’t let myself get any larger than I already was. Like many of you, I researched online and came across Dr. Alvarez who had rave reviews. A few others had good reviews also, but I found that when I called or inquired by email to the others, they kept hounding me with text messages and emails. What is so pleasant about Dr. Alvarez’s team is that they allow you to inquire and do not pester or hound you, allowing you to make the decision fully on your own. Once my mind was made up, and I knew that this is what I wanted to do and needed to do, there was no question in my mind about choosing Dr.Alvarez to be my surgeon. Was I scared? Yes. I flew down to San Antonio alone but once there and after meeting two other wonderful ladies that were having the same surgery on the same day all was fine. Our concerns and thoughts were all the same. Excited and scared at the same time, not knowing what to expect. Rosie, picked us up in San Antonio and took us on a two hour drive down to Eagle Pass, Texas where we spent a night in a nice, relaxing hotel. Early the next morning we were picked up again by Rosie and driven to Piedras Negras, Mexico, (about a 10 min drive) and were taken to the hospital for surgery. When we arrived, we were pleasantly greeted by a very handsome Dr. Alvarez (I apologize for ranting and raving in advance about how hot the Mexican doctors were... gimme a break, I’m a single mom on her way to getting her skinny on!) and were taken into his office individually and he answered any questions or concerns we may have had. We were also introduced to some translators that had taken us around to our rooms and downstairs for blood work and x- rays. When we were taken to our private rooms, the first thing, and the only thing, that I noticed was a the most comfortable looking white, down filled, duvet on the bed. That just said, “Home,” to me. I’ve been in hospitals here in Canada and know how cold it can feel in a bed alone and when you ask for more blankets the Ontario hospitals give you one thin heated sheet! But this duvet spoke volumes to me. It made a statement saying that Dr. Alvarez and his team really cares. At that moment, I knew all would be well. So I sent a quick video message to my son back at home in Canada who was staying at his papa’s house and had my surgery. The procedure itself is shorter that I thought it would be. (Something like 30 mins...that’s how skilled this Dr. really is.) When I woke from surgery, I spoke with my Dad back home via video messaging and he told me that Dr. Alvarez had called him when the surgery was finished to let him know that all went well and that I was recovering. (So nice.) I had a bit a of trouble swallowing the ice chips that we were allowed to have after surgery and vomited a couple of times but was told that this sometimes happens and it was completely fine. That kind of scared me a bit but at that point I remembered what I told myself before the surgery, “No matter what, no regrets!” You have to be 100% sure that this is something that you want to do cuz you can’t get your stomach back! Lol. The ever so sexy Dr. Gabriel came to check on me several times. All was fine. From the nurses, to the translators, to the hospital staff, Susan the amazing corresponder, and of course to the very hot sexy Mexican doctors, lol, everyone made our stay very pleasant, welcoming and overall, an excellent experience. After two nights in hospital, Rosie drove us back to San Antonio where we were to spend a night. ( I booked an extra night on my own and stayed two nights instead of one and was glad I did, considering I was traveling alone with heavy luggage and had some extra time to go do some shopping in San Antonio. On our 2 hour drive back to the hotel, we stopped at a rest stop half way through and I bought a popsicle. That went down so easily. Was I ever happy! So we bought a box of popsicles and kept them behind the front desk at the hotel in San Antonio. An awesome way to get in some liquid at first. Trying to get enough liquids down in a day to prevent dehydration was a bit of a challenge but I kept at it and was able to manage just fine. Protein Whey bullets mixed with gatorade tasted decent also. When I arrived home, safe and sound, I realized I was more afraid of going alone and dying on a plane in a lightning storm than I was of the surgery itself and I must say it was the best decision I have ever made in my life and wish I had known about Dr. Alvarez about 7 years ago! (After giving birth to my son...that’s when I gained most of my excess weight). While in San Antonio, I found a sign in a store called Cavernders and wished I had bought it. It read, “Courage is being afraid for your life, and saddling up anyway!” That pretty much sums up the journey to surgery but it leaves out the part of surviving just fine and being extremely happy with my progress so far. Down 42 lbs. already! I’m fitting into clothes 4 sizes smaller and guys are hitting on me! So much fun! I’m not hungry any more and I am eating less than my 7 year old! It is just amazing. Even if I had to wait the 2-3 years in Canada to have the surgery done here, I would have gone to Dr. Alvarez anyway! That’s how happy I was and am. Best of luck to all who are concerned about this procedure. There are no worries to be had if you choose Dr. Alvarez as your surgeon. The man genuinely cares about his patients and wants them to live healthier lives. He is also your friend who will continue to respond to your emails or tweets personally. You can’t get that from Dr.’s here in Canada. All the best.

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I can only describe Dr. Alvarez as authentically professional! There's no other way to relay what I mean than to share my experience.

Okay, so here are the statistics:

My Highest Weight: 244+
Pre-Op Weight: 222.7
Day of Surgery: 215.2
Today (3 months post op): 186.5 lbs

I did keep what I thought to be immaculate notes while at the hospital, but upon my return I see that I must have been on a lot of drugs, lol. So, here is the breakdown of what I can decipher.

Monday, May the 20th at 6:00am, Rosy picks me and my boyfriend up from Hotel in Eagle Pass, Texas. We make the 2+ hour drive over the border and into Piedras Negras. I'm really glad that Rosy is driving, because going through the border checkpoints are confusing!

We stop at a little gas station/market where I get the obligatory powerade and chicken broth. My boyfriend on the other hand is able to order some delicious smelling Mexican food. It seriously smelled like Heaven. I LOVE Mexican food, so this was absolute torture for me.

At around 8:15ish, we arrive at the doctors office. Rosy takes us in and we meet Dr. Alvarez and Jessica. They are both absolutely wonderful and all of my fears all but vanish! Jessica takes me around the hospital and helps me to do my pre-surgery tests: chest x-ray, labs, etc. We then take before pictures and then head up to my room.

We are in my room for about an hour before the doctor comes in. In that time, they have me hooked up to an IV and are getting me hydrated. I spend the next hour or so praying. After the anesthesiologist comes in, they have me transfer over to a gurney. I remember the nurse telling me "You're gonna start to feel dizzy or drunk, let me know when that happens". I also remember thinking "Oh crap, I don't feel dizzy or--- oh there it is!" and I let the nurse know. I don't even remember being wheeled out of the room. It happened that quick.

The next thing I know, I'm opening my eyes and trying to sit up. My boyfriend is adamant that I can't do that yet, and that I need to rest. Apparently I fall back asleep. When I wake up again, the wonderful doctor is in the room and is checking in on me.

Throughout the day, nurses come in intermittently to give me the "good stuff", i.e. pain meds, and I just doze in and out all day. When I do wake up, I am literally full of energy. I don't have any pain, and I'm not feeling nauseous. All I want to do is walk, because I was told that's what I should do. So, I walk. Still no pain. Still no nausea. Even the doctors are surprised with my recovery. I tell them that it doesn't even feel like I've had surgery.

That rest of the day is spent walking, sleeping, or rinsing my mouth out. I am not allowed to swallow water yet, and my mouth is a little dry (not as bad as I was anticipating though), so I sip and spit.

The next day I am allowed to eat ice chips. That actually causes a little pain. I end up getting the hiccups really bad for most of the day. The doctor tells me that is normal because my stomach is swollen. On a scale of 1-10, my pain is consistently about a 2 or possibly a 3. Yes, I know. I am seriously blessed. I have only two or three episodes of nausea, and they were over before it started, really. I didn't even dry heave. By that evening I am allowed to start sipping water.

At this point, I feel like I should give a huge shout out to my doctor, Dr. Alvarez, and his office. His staff/nurses were there for not only me, but my boyfriend the whole time. They went out of their way to make sure that he was comfortable and fed as well. They helped him to navigate the banks, ATM's, transferring dollars to peso's, ordering food, anything he needed. They were FABULOUS and professional the whole time. I seriously had the best team!

Wednesday I am released from the hospital. The doctor comes in and gives me the final check and clears me. We go over any last minute questions and/or comments, and I'm free to go. Rosy takes us back to San Antonio and we get settled comfortably in our hotel. I'm sipping water throughout the day, taking my medicine as prescribed, and honestly feeling great.

The plane ride home was uncomfortable, but I was able to sleep, so it wasn't that bad. At the airport, I made sure to purchase some apple juice and water. I was/am actually a little concerned with my blood sugar dropping too low, so I make sure to keep some juice near me. Prior to surgery I was diabetic. My numbers were consistently in the 200's and 300's. I was taking 500mg of Metformin, 5mg of Glyburide, and injecting myself with 50units of 70/30 insulin twice a day. Since I started my preop diet, I haven't had a single dose of diabetes medicine. NOT A SINGLE DOSE! And my numbers have been between 90 and 135. Consistently. Even with Juice and other sugar (as recommended per my doctor for this first week). I think it's safe to say that when I go see my primary care physician in two weeks, I'm going to be off all my medicine. I'm hoping she'll tell me that surgery has enabled me to reverse my diabetes!

I wouldn't hesitate to recommend Dr. Alvarez to ANYBODY considering this surgery. Him and his team are the best of the best and took wonderful care of not only me (his patient), but my loved ones who were there with me. THANK YOU, Dr. A! You saved my life!

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I had researched WLS for a few years however determined to give it ago with the typical diet, but falling short one last time. Getting back into research I began to see the positive benefits of the VSG versus a bypass with other users testimonials and youtube videos. I began to see many positive reviews for Dr. Alvarez and after about several more weeks I knew he was the surgeon for me.

His coordinator, Susan, was very helpful and kept me informed every step of the way. My surgery was scheduled for July 18, 2013. During the trip, we met up with another VSG buddy and then Rosie was close behind picking us up and driving us to Eagle Pass for the night.

The next morning Rosie picked us up right on time and we traveled to Peidras Negras. Before I knew it we were pulling into the clinic parking lot. We were pleasantly greet by one of Dr. Alvarez's assistants, I believe her name was Andrea. Moments later Dr. A greeted us and he took each of us for a medical history review and discussion. I know I was nervous about surgery, but Dr. A and his whole staff made us at ease.

Next we were shown our rooms and then proceeded to xrays and blood work tests, and IV. More on the rooms later. During this time I also was greeting by Dr. Rosales and his anesthetist. After returning to the room I had about 90 mins to relax before it was my turn for surgery. During the entire admission process someone was with you from Dr. A's office explaining everything in English. I should add the hospital staff was just as attentive. Some spoke a little English some none at all, but it never was an issue they knew the job they had to do and they were gentle going about it.

Now it was my turn and the surgical staff arrive to take me for my VSG. Before leaving the my room I was out and back in my room recovering.

It was a breeze. That afternoon and the next day hospital staff, Dr A, Dr. Rosales, and his staff checked in with my progress constantly. I never spent the night in a hospital until this surgery and this being the first, I couldn't have asked for a better experience.

I'm 4 weeks post op and I'm feeling great. I'm following the post op program which was explained and Dr. A sends out follow up emails checking on your progress. I'm down 35 lbs total since starting my pre-op liquid diet and post op program. I feel great, my deep hunger is not there anymore and I've already had to buy some new clothes.

My experience with Dr. Alvarez and Endobariatric is top notch. So well in fact my older sister is scheduled with Dr. Alvarez in October and my mother is looking at doing it first of the year.

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Over the course of 3 years, I am the 4th member in my family to be sleeved by Dr. Alvarez, but the first teenager. I am 17 years old and had already become very familiar with the journey Dr. Alvarez and his team prepares for you from the second you decide to be sleeved to the moment you return home from surgery. Despite the 3-year spread between each of my family members' procedure, his care for you is a very well-oiled machine where each member on his team carefully ensures your welfare and recovery. This surgery was with my father - together we were to be sleeved! Upon arrival, his driver Rosy takes you through the wonderful pecan and mesquite farms of Texas until you arrive at Eagle Pass, just a mile or so from the Mexican Border. Resting in Eagle Pass for the evening was very nice as I was able to eat my last guilty pleasure and rest for surgery the next morning.

Rosy transported us to Dr. Alvarez's office at 7:30 am where he evaluates, once again, your paperwork, physical weight and vitals, and answers any questions. The hospital had been newly remodeled since a few years back, particularly with linens, new tiles, and upgraded hospital rooms. I was overcome by how attentive the nurses in Mexico were - I don't know if I was surprised that they cared too much, or that our hospitals in the U.S. rarely do! Each nurse played a specific role in making sure my IV, pulse, medication, possible side effects, and even water were checked often.

The procedure for each of us took less than an hour. We recovered in two separate side-by-side rooms and had a tremendous team of nurses around the clock. My father's recovery was a bit more sensitive as he had a hernia which Dr. Alvarez repaired, but showed no signs of pain or discomfort. We walked the hallways to release gas trapped in our shoulders and looked forward to checking out so that we could drink again after two days of IVs.

As a teenager, this was the best decision for me. In less than 5 weeks, I've lost over 30 lbs! Originally 185lbs at a height of 5'3" - and a D-cup, I don't think I could have lost the weight without the Vertical Sleeve. The hospital in Piedras Negras is literally a stone's throw from Eagle Pass - with less than 2 minute drive. The town is friendly (we bought a hand-made leather belt!), the people are so nice and take tremendous pride in their culture, and the hospital is truly becoming a "hot spot" of very talented surgeons who are able to provide affordable procedures to many people.

I am sad that I didn't have the opportunity to say goodbye to the many nurses who cared for me. Having never had surgery before, one nurse watched my body as the IV dripped anti-nausea medication. Turns out I was allergic and my skin was a bit red. She quickly stopped it, gave me cortizone and never stopped caring for me until I checked out. While the team understands basic expressions, there is always an English-speaking nurse available. The sincerity and loyalty to me, as a patient and a teenager, was felt every minute of my stay, especially with Dr. Alvarez and his team.

Along with my father, I have now entered the 5th week, marking the official journey eating basic solid foods for the first time. Never could I have imagined my body, health and welfare in a place without constant struggles and lack of confidence. As I prepare for college, I am in a better place. Thank you Dr. Alvarez for this gift - I am happy I did not wait my entire life for this, like most do.

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This midwest girl who has been struggling with a weight problem for the past 18 years, took a chance on leaving the country for a life altering surgery. Would I do it again? You betcha, but only if Dr. Alvarez and his team were by my side.

It didnt take me long to decide on my surgeon after reading reviews on Dr. Alvarez. He is everything you read and more. I felt completely at ease every step of the way. Traveling to Mexico was even easier then anticipated.

He is one of the most caring doctors I have ever met. He is there to answer any of your questions, and he makes you feel that you are his top priority. That care also continues after your surgery, and through the weeks when your starting your journey.

I traveled alone to Mexico, and not once did I ever feel insecure or scared. Dr. Alvarez, and his staff are top notch!!

Best decision I have ever made as for as weight loss goes. I had a picture perfect surgery and even flew home one day early because I was feeling so good.

Thank you Dr. Alvarez! I can't wait to post my pictures on my surgiversary date.

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Prior to my vertical sleeve gastrecomy, I was able to attend a free seminar in Houston, Texas given by Dr. Alvarez. He was very personable, answered all of my questions, and helped alleviate all of my concerns. Many of his former patients also attended the seminar, so I was able to network with many of them and ask more speficic patient questions. Susan is the surgery coordinator whom I had spoken to and emailed several times during my decision phase and I was able to meet her as well. She is a wealth of knowledge and compassion as well as a former sleeve patient herself. Prior to surgery, patients sign a post operative diet compliance aggreement which helps the patient to know that they are accountable for a successful post op course. 4 educational videos by Dr. Alavarez are also provided prior to surgery which consist of explaining paperwork, discharge medications, wound care and exercise, and diet phases. These are extrememly helpful and can be easily accessed. Ongoing education is very important to Dr.Alvarez. He has multiple educational videos on You Tube that address patient questions and he does a live weekly radio chat that does the same. The day prior to surgery, I flew into San Antonio by myself and I was picked up by the shuttle driver Rosy who was fabulous. The following morning, I was picked up by Rosy and driven across the border into Mexico without any problems. I never felt unsafe and the hospital was about two miles from the border check point. I met Dr. Alvarez in his office for the weigh in, pre-op photo and final questions. Dr. Alvarez also addressed the risks of the surgery. His office staff helped gather all of the necessary consents and paperwork and they were all bilingual which was very comforting. My surgery was completed without any complications and I woke up without any pain, nausea or bloating which was unbelievable and wonderful. Dr. Alvarez and his staff rounded multiple times a day to make sure that my post-operative course remained uneventful. Dr. Alvarez provides specific/detailed discharge and follow up instructions and is always available through phone, email, Facebook and Twitter. He is truly passionate about weight loss surgery as a tool to help patients on their journey to a healthier life. I am 4 1/2 weeks out of surgery and have not had one regret. I would do it again and I have told my story endlessly. I would recommend Dr. Alvarez to anyone who wants an experienced and compassionate surgeon with a desire to save lives one sleeve at a time. His staff, surgical competence and bedside manner are all impeccable. Thank you Dr. Alvarez and staff. I am sure I will be taking several more trips down South with family and friends who are interested in changing their lives forever, one pound at a time.


After several years searching on how or when I was going to take care of my weight problem.I talked to my son Omar about what we were going to do about it since he had the same problem.I remember telling him it was time to make a serious decision and to check around for the best doctor in town that would do the gastric sleeve at whatever the cost. He search everywhere till one day he called me up and said : Dad I found a very well known doctor in Mexico, Dr Alvarez he has done more sleeve surgeries than any doctor around here. First thing that came to my mine….. Mexico!!!! But I say go for it and get the information. He contacted Susan the coordinator in charge and she sends us all the information that we needed she was very helpful and we started to look at the videos and reading everything about the surgery. At that time Susan told us that Dr. Alvarez was going to be in Houston to have a presentation about the gastric sleeve procedure. We finally met Dr. Alvarez and from that day we decided that he was going to be the one. We got home and could not stop thinking about it. The following day we got with Susan and set up a surgery day and all the preparation for it. She sent the package via e-mail with all the information very well prepared and easy to follow.
The big day arrived we drove to San Antonio , Tx were Rossi would pick us up and take us to Eagle Pass, Tx. were we spent the night at the hotel the day before surgery. The next morning Rossi picked us up and went over the border to Piedras Negras, Mexico directly to the hospital where Dr. Alvarez and staff were waiting for us to do the necessary tests prior the surgery. Everyone was very friendly and helpful we felt at home. Everything went well Dr. Alvarez and his team were constantly checking on us and making sure all our needs were met. The nursing staffs were there around the clock taking care of us.
I can only say if I had to do it again I would not hesitate to do it; everything went by the book no issues no complaints we were treated like family, we keep in touch with Dr. Alvarez on a weekly basis he always follows up making sure everything is going well responding to our E-mails and any questions that we have. I thank the Lord for allowing us to find the best team around and having Dr. Alvarez to make a change in our life and hopping for a bright future full of blessings.
I would highly recommend Dr. Alvarez and his team to my family and friends.
Anselmo Ruiz
Katy, Texas


I work in healthcare, investigating patient safety and patient satisfaction issues. Dr. Alvarez ensured that i had all the necessary information prior to my surgery, during my hospital stay and post surgery. The youtube videos, the facebook page and his webpage ensured that my questions were answered, my family was reassured and i could connect with other patients to ask questions. I felt very well prepared for surgery and for diet and followup post surgery. The hospital experience was amazing for me and my companion. The nursing staff was very attentive, the post surgical physician care was frequent - it was difficult to have questions. The answers were given before i could get the questions asked. Dr. Alvarez and his team were models for providing great patient care, both technically and personally. I was so reassured about his very specific instructions for post surgical diet (and the reminder emails about changes in diet phases). It was so great to actually be able to watch a video of the surgical procedure. Dr. Alvarez was very sincere and helpful. I have had a few other surgical experiences and the experience with Dr. Alvarez and his team was top notch.


I recently came from the United States to undergo a VSG with Dr. Guillermo Alvarez and I highly endorse his skills and his hospital. I received superior care at a fraction of the cost. Why should anyone jump through insurance hoops for a year, and pay triple for inferior care just because you mistakenly feel that care is better in a neighboring town? This hospital was very clean, the nurses were compassionate, and I felt complete trust in my surgeon.


It truly is impossible to think of anything "less than awesome" to say about Dr. Alvarez, his staff, or the surgery experience with him. From the moment you reach out for more information, you will connect with his warm and compassionate staff. There's no pressure to make a decision (I didn't have the surgery until 18 months after my first contact with them). The fee is so reasonable compared to all the others--especially if you read the reviews and ratings of the clinics and hospitals all the other doctors are associated with--be smart about the facility providing your surgery, not just the doctor!

Dr. Alvarez offers an incredible library of information via his book, YouTube videos, and his website, to support your research and decision-making. He genuinely approaches all of that from a teaching perspective, not a sales perspective.

Truthfully, the hardest part is that he's in Mexico if you're in the States. It's hard, not because you need to see him--I healed quickly and easily--it's hard because you WANT to see him (and his staff). You quickly become attached to all of them and wish it was easier to keep in touch.

For those of you on, you know that making connections and building a support network is a powerful tool. Dr. Alvarez and his coordinator, Susan, pair you with a buddy--someone having surgery on the same day as you. Not once will you ever feel alone in the process.

If you start to wonder because you can't find a negative review (it's too good to be true, right?)--don't worry. You can trust what you read here.

Weight loss surgery isn't easy; it's definitely not "the easy way out" or a quick fix. There will be work to do; you'll have to deal with your relationship to food, you'll have to follow his guidelines to heal well and feel good, and you'll have to honor that surgery is just the first step in your journey.

But having the surgery with Dr. Alvarez will be one of the best decisions, and greatest blessings, of your life.

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