Guillermo Alvarez

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 4.98150431566 out of 5 with 1189 ratings

Guillermo Alvarez Bariatric Surgeon MD

Guillermo Alvarez Bariatric Surgeon Picture

18 yr in Bariatrics

18 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

18 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

100% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 11

Max Age of Patient is 75

Brandi Carter Profile Pic
Brandi Carter
Patient Coordinator
Rosie Flores Profile Pic
Rosie Flores
Patient Coordinator
Lourdes Carranza Profile Pic
Lourdes Carranza
Personal Assistant

1189 Reviews for Guillermo Alvarez
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I heard about Dr. Alvarez from my mother, who had the vertical sleeve gastrectomy surgery with him August 2012. I've been overweight most of my life, and seeing her success with her new tool was inspiring! She raved about Dr. Alvarez nonstop. I didn't completely believe her until I scheduled surgery with him and met him myself. Dr. Alvarez is not only a gifted, talented surgeon, he is also one of the kindest doctors I've ever met. He genuinely cares about each and every patient and wants them to succeed. When I arrived to the hospital, he took me in his office and discussed the surgery. He told me exactly what the surgery entails and answered any questions I had which totally put me at ease. His office staff was so helpful, too! I loved Andrea (morning nurse) and Jessica (afternoon/evening nurse) - not only did they assist me with anything I needed (ice chips, water, and even help to the bathroom!), they motivated me to get moving after surgery to help reduce further pain. Susan is wonderful, as well! She helped book my surgery and answered so many of my pre-op questions. I still email her if I have questions - she's quick to reply and so helpful! Another great member of his staff is Rosie - she drives you back and forth from San Antonio to Piedras Negras and is always great to talk to. The hospital itself is very clean and well-staffed, I had no complaints! Upon leaving the hospital, Dr. Alvarez gifts you a pillow (helped me sleep the first two weeks - alleviates pressure in all the right spots!) and his book "Successful Weight Loss with the Gastric Sleeve" which answered many of my questions. I know any time I have a question, it will be quickly answered by Dr. A. I had such a wonderful experience, I will be telling everyone about it. Words cannot express how happy I am with this new tool, my sleeve, thanks to Dr. Alvarez!

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Although I was hesitant at first to work with a doctor outside the US, Dr. Alvarez and his staff answered all of my concerns with patience and professionalism. The whole experience was positive from the time they picked me up at the hotel in San Antonio to the time they brought me back. The surgery went smoothly, the hospital staff were attentive, and Dr. Alvarez's staff did all they could to ensure both my husband (who stayed in the room with me) and I were well taken care of. The only reason I didn't give Dr. Alvarez a 5 star rating is because it's only been three weeks and I can't yet comment on the longer term after care.

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My husband unexpectedly died of a heart attack this year. It was so unexpected because we had no idea anything was wrong with his heart. I was considered morbidly obese and three months after my husband passed away, I scheduled surgery. I didn't have insurance that would cover a procedure like this and have a friend that had surgery with Dr. Alvarez three years ago; I went off of his experience and my internet research and decided to go to Mexico for the procedure with Dr. Alvarez. I have to admit, I was so scared. I have children and didn't want something to happen and them be left without a parent at all. I continued to research up until the day I left home to fly out for surgery.

From the moment I arrived in Texas, Dr. Alvarez's staff put my mind at ease. They were organized, kind, helpful. Any questions I had were answered promptly. His staff all spoke very fluent English. When I met Dr. Alvarez, you could tell he had done this a million times. He knows what he is doing. The entire process runs like a "well oiled machine". It honestly is like an assembly line.. everyone knows their job and they do it so often that they do it very well.

I am officially two months out and down 50lbs. I look better, but more importantly, I feel better.


Dr. Alvarez was amazing! Everything went as smoothly as his assistant had told me. The facility was great, and the staff was super friendly. I was a little nervous at first, but Dr. Alvarez put me at ease right away. Best decision I've made. The entire experience was amazing, he is the best doctor ever.


I had been considering wieght loss surgery for 5 years and I finally made the decision to go through with it on this July. I've lost 50+ pds. and still going. It was the best thing I have ever done for myself. I would recommend the Gastric Sleeve to anyone. Dr. Guillermo Alvarez was amazing and his staff is awesome. They make you feel so comfortable and you know your in the best hands. The hospital was clean and nice. My daughter walked in and said the hospital room and restroom looked like a hotel room. I couldn't have asked for a better doctor or a better experience! Loving Life!!


I did months of research looking for the right surgeon when I came across Dr. Alvarez. Once I found him, I did even more research and only found good reviews and comments. I was a little nervous, as was my husband, about traveling to Mexico for surgery, but could not find anything negative about Dr. Alvarez. Every single patient had great things to say about their experience.
I decided that I too would have my surgery performed by Dr. Alvarez and have no regrets. The entire experience was exactly what I expected. Everything I read or saw on the Internet along with the information provided by Dr. Alvarez and his staff was exact. There were no surprises. I had my surgery Aug 3rd 2013, 4 weeks ago. Dr. Alvarez has three private rooms at the hospital for his patients. The hospital itself is a little old, but everything is neat and the nurses are all very nice and professional. Dr Alvarez and the other doctors, look in only you several times a day after the surgery and there is also one of three assistants available at all times. They even escorted my husband around town when I rested so that he could eat a proper meal and see the town.
The surgery itself was quick and before I knew it, I was in my room. There was some discomfort and a little pain if I moved the wrong way but nothing major, walking really helped.

If you are looking for a surgeon, I would highly recommend Dr. Alvarez.


I would recommend Dr. Alavarez to anyone who is thinking about weight loss surgery. My experience with him has been outstanding. From start to finish, everything was seamless! Dr. A has thought of everything. Going to Mexico was a bit of a concern for me at first, but after reading and watching all the testimonials on his website, and those on youtube, my mind was put to ease. And from my experience I have to tell you, I got better care from Dr. Alvarez and his staff than I have in the USA. My recovery has gone very well, and any questions I have are in the written information I have, or Susan or Dr. Alvarez are there to answer them. My surgery date was August 1, 2013. I am 4 weeks post-op and I have lost 34 lbs. since the beginning of my pre-op liquid diet, and 21 lbs. since surgery. Most of all I am active again!! The main reason I had surgery was because I couldn't go for walks anymore because of back pain. I am now walking and going to aqua class and loving it! Dr. Alvarez changed my life, and I will always be eternally grateful!!


I guess the best way to sum up a review of Dr. Alvarez and the treatment I received in Piedras Negras, Mexico is to say that I would go again in a instant to escort someone down there. By the time I left Mexico, Dr. Alvarez and his team felt like family. I felt cared for in a way that you don't get cared for by a US hospital and staff.

I, like everyone, was nervous about going to Mexico, it seemed extreme. But, I did my research and picked Dr. Alvarez. Everywhere I checked on the internet I couldn't find anything negative. And you know, if problems were out there they'd find their way to the internet.

It's been 1 month since my surgery and I've lost 25 pounds. I just started eating solid food again. For me the only negative aspect about the whole experience has been the adjustment you have to make in your life to eating less. Eating has been such a large part of my life for so long that to have it taken away is bittersweet, I guess. My brother had the same surgery 6 months ago and tells me I will adjust to my new life in time.

I feel great, I look great, and I definitely recommend Dr. Alvarez!

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I began my weight loss journey like most of us do by a huge scare from my family physician about the direction my life was headed if I didn't get my weight under control. I have struggled all my life with my weight and have been on just about every diet with the same yo-yo results! I knew I needed help and couldn't do it alone, So with a lot of encouragement and support of my family I decided to pursue surgical options. I started here locally in the states and was not happy at all. They continually pushed me into directions I was not comfortable with, I had issues with medical insurance, test after pointless test, just everything had gone wrong. It seemed like they were addressing everything but the obesity I was suffering from. I wasn't ready to throw in the towel, so I started researching doctors in Mexico. Coming across Dr. Alvarez's website and watching tons of videos of NOTHING but POSITIVE reviews and praises; I knew I found my surgeon. There is just something about Dr. Alvarez and his staff that gives you a feeling everything is going to be ok. From the first initial email you send to Susan for info, to the round trip rides with Rosie, the informative, caring and compassionate consultation and surgery with Dr. Alvarez and his surgical team, to the absolutely magnificent care I received from all the lab, medical and nursing staff, I never once felt uncomfortable about my decision. I have a 14 year old son who has Cerebral Palsy and has been in and out of hospitals all of his life and I have never had the phenomenal kind of medical care and attention from ANY medical facility here in the states given to him, me or any member of my family like what was given to me. They truly go above and beyond expectations! Thank you! For those who are scared because this is Mexico and you have heard to many things about it, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't believe everything you hear. My husband had to stay at home to care for our 2 boys and because of how comfortable, safe and secure Dr. Alvarez and his staff made me feel, I never hesitated or felt scared or unsure about going alone. I knew I had made all the right choices to begin my new life. For the first time in a long time Dr. Alvarez and his entire team have given me something to smile about and a future to look forward too. I am 4 months post op and I am down 38 lbs. I now feel the healthiest I have in years and don't dull the emotions of hard times with food. I have learned what I can and can not eat and don't miss many things. I love waking up in the mornings and seeing what each day holds for me and my family! Thank you Dr. Alvarez for believing in me, for always answering the silliest of questions, for you and your staff being everything I needed to begin my new life! Lots of Love! ~ Terresa


Dr Alvarez, Dr. Rosales, and Dr. Garza along with their entire staff were wonderful!!! I had done my homework and knew exactly what to expect - and my sister had surgery from Dr. Alvarez four years ago with great results too. My first contact was with Susan George via the email and she was very helpful. I filled out a health questionnaire and was approved for surgery. All my questions were answered within a day - usually within a few hours. I couldn't believe how quick and helpful Susan was. She emailed me lots of reading material and the liquid diet I needed to follow for two weeks prior to surgery. Their package deal includes one night in Eagle Pass, two nights in the hospital, and one night in San Antonio. (They will also pick you up in SA if you fly in.) My husband and I were picked up at the hotel at 7 am, and driven across the border to meet with Dr. A. After going over my medical records and getting a picture taken, I was taken to the hospital (next door) for blood work and a chest xray. After passing all those tests, it was off to surgery. I woke up several hours later feeling fine. I was drowsy but was surprised at how well I felt. I had a little soreness in one incision but that was about it. The next morning I had to start walking up and down the hall to get everything moving again and was checked by all three doctors twice a day! The next morning we were taken back across the border in their van and my journey has begun!!! The staff in Piedras Negras were so helpful and accommodating. They helped my husband find places to eat and offered several times to go places with him. They had someone on duty at all times that spoke English so I never had to worry that I would not be understood. The hospital is clean and was not very busy while I was there. I understand it is a private hospital. It was nice but not overly modern compared to hospitals in my area of Texas. I left the hospital with a clear understanding of the process for my stomach to heal (one week of clear liquids, two weeks of cloudy and one week of soft foods). Dr. Alvarez has contacted me via email with reminders of the stages each time one changed. I have done great since getting home. I just need to remember to eat slowly and take small bites. When I forget, I have discomfort - but clearly know why! I couldn't be more happy with my experience with Dr. Alvarez and his team. I have recommended him to at least four people who are seriously considering weight loss surgery. I know when you hear I went to "Mexico" for surgery - you have questions. Well I saved four thousand dollars and had great care! Check them out.

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