Guillermo Alvarez

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 4.98150431566 out of 5 with 1189 ratings

Guillermo Alvarez Bariatric Surgeon MD

Guillermo Alvarez Bariatric Surgeon Picture

18 yr in Bariatrics

18 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

18 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

100% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 11

Max Age of Patient is 75

Brandi Carter Profile Pic
Brandi Carter
Patient Coordinator
Rosie Flores Profile Pic
Rosie Flores
Patient Coordinator
Lourdes Carranza Profile Pic
Lourdes Carranza
Personal Assistant

1189 Reviews for Guillermo Alvarez
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I am sure that everyone who is thinking of having surgery in Mexico thinks the same thing, is this safe? I know I was. After reading some of the reviews on this site, I decided that Dr Alvarez would not only take great care of me, but that he would also be better than most surgeons in the US. I have been a nurse for 5 years in critical care environments, and the doctors for those patients only round once per day if the patients are lucky. Dr Alvarez and his staff round multiple times per day, and make sure that everything is going well. In my opinion, the true way to tell if your laparoscopic surgeon is good or not is the amount of pain after surgery. Let me tell you, I had very little pain after surgery. I would recommend this surgeon to anyone, even if they had insurance that would cover the surgery in the US. By far one of the best hospital experiences I have ever had.

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I can't say enough about Dr. Alvarez and my experience in Piedras Negras (I was sleeved Dec. 10, 2013). The entire trip from start to finish was better than I even hoped for, and that's saying a lot since I did a ton of research and felt very confident in my choice.

My sister had WLS a year and a half before I did. She chose a low-cost option in Tijuana, and while she hasn't had any complications (unlike several women who had the surgery when she did), she had a very different experience than mine. I think it sums it up to say that I chose to go somewhere else, and our experiences are like night and day. Think of a Yugo vs. a Cadillac.

I think a lot of reviews focus only on the surgeon or surgery, so let me take a few moments to speak to other elements that to me were very important as well. Dr. Alvarez' coordinator, Susan, was very helpful as I made my decision, and once I had made my decision, she made the "pre-op" process (everything from completing paperwork to payment to pre-op diet instructions etc.) smooth and worry-free. It said a lot to me that she is a former patient of Dr. Alvarez as well. Another important distinction from many people I know who were sleeved elsewhere is the fact that I received a comprehensive set of documents informing me of critical aspects of the process -- everything from very specific instructions for the pre-op diet to information on wound care and post-op diet phases. I felt I was well informed regarding what to expect not only for surgery and during my stay at the hospital, but once I returned home as well. There was no concern about having surgery in Mexico and feeling "alone" when I returned. I have heard feedback from many people who were sleeved elsewhere in Mexico -- and even in the United States -- who were left confused and with dozens of questions about what to do once the actual surgery was complete. If you haven't already, take a look at Endobariatric's YouTube Channel. To date there are 260+ videos, including dozens of Dr. Alvarez explaining various aspects of the surgery, diet, followup, aftercare, etc. and testimonials from previous patients (including me!).

So, onto Dr. Alvarez and the surgical experience. Dr. Alvarez is not only knowledgeable and obviously a skilled surgeon, but his bedside manner is caring and genuine. He took the time to answer all of my questions before surgery, visited several times after surgery during my hospital stay, and has followed up proactively and responded to my inquiries since I've been home. His team is amazing as well; Anna and Jessica will take wonderful care of you, and the nurses in the hospital were top notch -- better than care I've received in U.S. hospitals. I never had to push the call button; the nursing staff was on time with every medication delivery, etc.

The hospital was very clean and I enjoyed the "vintage" feel. There's nothing vintage about the medical care or equipment - it was all top-notch and I have no reservations recommending Dr. Alvarez as a "can't-go-wrong" choice for your gastric sleeve surgery. As always, however, YOU must feel comfortable with your choice, so do your own research. However, I won't be surprised when you come to the same conclusion as I did. :) Congratulations on taking a step toward your new obesity-free life!


Just like a great deal of people, I was a little nervous about the trip to Mexico for surgery, especially being an RN and knowing how important it is to make the right choice. Prior to the day of my surgery I had not ever even been to Mexico so the entire process was a leap of faith. I based my decision on all the reviews that I have read online.....I have read hundreds if not thousands of posts and articles about Dr. Alvarez, in addition to hundreds of posts about other physicians as well. I realize that there are other doctors who are qualified, other facilities that are adequate, but the ONLY doctor that I found 100% positive feedback on was Dr. A. That was the first step in my decision.... The next was the great answers and line of communication I established with Susan, his coordinator who is also a nurse and she has also had the VGS several years ago so she knows firsthand what you are going through. She made it all very clear to me, answered all my questions and still answers my questions even 2 months post-op. In addition to these things, I also was quite impressed with all of the time he spends providing education and information online both through his websites and on youtube. I mean, videos show it all! Not to mention the fact that he has done this procedure on his niece and his mother!! ( not his mother-in-law, HIS MOTHER! Lol ) That within itself was very compelling in my opinion. After I decided to move forward I scheduled my date and as time was dragging by I decided I was ready to go sooner and contacted Susan and she was able to reschedule me a week earlier! The entire process from start to finish went perfectly -- and I made the trip by myself so it was very important to me that everything flow without any problems or concerns.
Meeting Dr Alvarez was very much like I had anticipated since I had watched him on so many youtube videos so I felt like I already knew him. I have worked with and been around many doctors throughout the years and rarely do you meet someone who genuinely takes the time and effort to make sure all of your questions are answered, that you feel 100% comfortable and just is overall sincere. Not to mention that he follows up after the surgery to check in and see how you are doing. HE WILL CHECK ON YOU, NOT HIS NURSE!! Susan is wonderful and always there for any questions you may have, but I rarely know of doctors who take the time personally to check in with patients to see how they are doing. Dr. Alvarez continues a family legacy as his dad is a gastroenterologist and his grandfather was a doctor as well -- The hospital facilities are nice and clean and they have a nurse there specifically for you that speaks english so there are not ever any language barriers. I did not ever feel uncomfortable at all and I believe with a doubt that I received better medical care and attention there than I would have ever received in the states. The surgery itself went without any problems ( he also had to do a hernia repair once he got in there and as a result my heartburn that I have suffered with for years has almost disappeared!!! ) I have had no problems at all with my sleeve, I have followed my dietary guidelines and progressed as instructed and at this point I am getting most if not all of my protein from my dietary intake with very few protein shakes! Very happy with my choice and now at 8 weeks out I have lost about 35 pounds since my surgery day weight. If anyone has any questions, feel free to email me. I know before I went I wanted to talk to as many people as possible!

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My experience with Dr. Alvarez was very informative and pleasant. My procedure details and trip details were printed out very clearly. If I didn't understand something fully, they were an email away and my questions or concerns were always addressed within a days time. The trip to Mexico was also very pleasant.(even the bumpy ride) The staff was willing to answer questions and assist with anything you needed for your guest as well as yourself.The concern level was as if I was family, and not just another person. I was very impressed at how well everything followed the chain of events that was explained to me about my procedure. Following the pre-operative and post-operative instructions was a huge contributor to my success in my opinion. This was a personal choice for me, and my only regret was not doing it sooner! Thanks to Dr. Alvarez, and his team for helping me change my life!


I had my VSG surgery with Dr. A on October 29, 2013. I have absolutely nothing negative to say about my experience with him and his staff. From the minute we arrived at the hospital to the time we left, I felt like I was among friends who really cared about myself and my well being. His nurses Jessica and Analis were amazing and so caring. I'm a nurse myself so what attracted me to Dr. A was his experience and openness in regards to his practice. He himself answered any emails pre-op or now post-op that I have had and gets back to me in less than 24 hrs, usually within the hour :) I know a lot of places pull people in by the look of their facility and surrounding area. For me, I was looking for a five star surgeon, not a five star facility with all the bells and whistles of a vacation, as I was NOT on vacation, I was there for one purpose and that was my surgery. I wanted top notch care and expertise and that is what I got. The hospital is older, but it is clean, and that is all that matters. People need to research their surgeon a lot more than researching the bells and whistles of a facility. I felt much more confident going into a hospital that was well equipped to handle any situation over going into a surgical center that would have to transfer me elsewhere if other issues were to arise. I look forward to the next year and plan on attending Dr. A's patient reunion in San Antonio in the fall of 2014. Dr. A doesn't disappoint, he is very friendly and you can talk to him just like an old friend or family member. I would highly recommend him to anyone :) I also wanted to mention the "going to Mexico" for surgery issue. I live in Canada, and I had never been to Texas or Mexico. Texas was great, very friendly people. Mexico was the same, no issues crossing the border going into or coming out of Piedras Negras. I've also had zero complications post-op, and have absolutely not regrets in regard to my surgery or going with Dr. A as my surgeon!

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I had surgery March 4 2013, I've lost 120 pounds 9 months past my surgery. I haven't had any problems post surgery. I had Diabetes a1c 6.9, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and now I don't take any medication for any of these and there all gone. Dr Alvarez and his staff where great. I had almost no pain after surgery and I was back to work in 2 weeks.


Great Doc. Exceptional support and follow up. His staff - kind, caring people. No worries about border crossing issues - all was fine. So much follow up by Dr. R and Dr. A - both came to visit a couple times each day while I was there. Dr. A is very personable while also professional. He really loves the science of what he does and is particularly devoted to the care of his patients. I watched all of his videos on youtube and listen to his internet radio show on Monday evenings. You'll be hard pressed to find another doctor with his level of personal interaction with patients while having such a vast knowledge of VSG.


I had the vertical sleeve gastrectomy on December 14, 2013. I traveled from West Virginia to San Antonio, Texas where Dr. Alvarez's driver, Rosie, picked me and a friend up for our trip to Mexico. I cannot tell you how easy everything was....from the easy pick up, to the registration at the hospital, to having the surgery, to the recovery. Dr. Alvarez put me at ease immediately and I had absolutely no complications. A matter of fact the day after surgery I was able to leave the hospital and visit the town of Piedras Negras and do some shopping and sight see. Dr. Alvarez provides a dedicated staff person/nurse to see to all our needs - she arranged meals for my friend and was there at all times just outside our room. I had a few qualms about having surgery in Mexico, but I have to tell you that I was never seen to so well in the US. The doctors (3 of them) visited at least twice a day to check on my progress. We felt totally safe and I believe that my recovery was a lot better than it would have been in the States which I attribute to the skill of the surgeons. Even after we left Mexico, I was able to visit San Antonio's River Walk and walk and shop for a few hours with no trouble whatsoever. As I've been home for about one month, correspondence with the Doctor and his patient coordinator, Susan, is very easy. Emails are answered quickly and I'm given explicit directions on the next stages. Overall, I would recommend Dr. Alvarez 110%. As a matter of fact, I will be looking for a surgeon in Mexico to do any plastic surgery that I will need after my weight comes off....Dr. Alvarez has promised to provide recommendations. All I can say is thanks to Google and YouTube for providing me with the information to contact Dr. Alvarez and Susan. You won't regret it if you choose to contact their practice. Good Luck!


I highly recommend Dr. Guillermo Alvarez for weight loss surgery. Dr. Alvarez performed my VSG surgery in early December 2013 at his Piedras Negras Mexico hospital. The staff, the facility, their care and the personal attention was fantastic and as good as any USA facility that I have experienced. There were no security concerns at all while traveling or staying in this Mexican border town and the hospital and staff were top quality and highly professional. They provided excellent personalized care, great value, exceeded my expectation and met all my objectives. If anyone is considering bariatric surgery, I strongly recommend that you choose Dr. Alvarez and his team.


11/30/2013 Was the the first day of change for me. I was very skeptical about bariatric surgery, even though I know I want and needed it. A friend of mine had the surgery approximately a year ago in Mexico. My first thought was MEXICO, really???? So she invited me to a seminar in Memphis where I met the most wonderful surgeon. He was raising awareness, I quess you would say, to a procedure called a vertical sleeve gastrectomy (VSG). I knew people that had the other options of gastric bypass (something about rearranging my guts didn't appeal and the side effects were aweful) and then there was the lap band (erosion was also not an option) and then there is VSG which had no side effects like the other two. I listened to Dr. Alvarez, everything he said made such good sense. I thought about it and research even more and finally made the best decision of my life. I talked to a woman named Susan George that makes all the arrangement and is a fabulous life-line during the whole adventure. Adventure, yes...I met some of the most wonderful, professional, and gracious people along the way. There is Rosie that takes care of you by transported you to all the appropriate places and at the appropriate times. She takes you to the clinic where the surgery is done, you have a visit with Dr. Alvarez ( I can't say enough good things about him), a nurse meets you with a smile and professionalism, her name was Anali. Anali and Jessica served as registered nurses and translators for the patient/nurse communication. Each of the nurse were precious, they dress in white head to toe with navy sweater and a nursing cap, yes a nursing cap.. The hospital was spotless and each of us had a private room. The anesthetist visits.consults prior to surgery and comes with the nurses to carry you to OR. I have to really brag on them because it is the first time in my life (58 yrs) and multiple surgeries, that have not had any vomiting. It was like I took a nap and woke up with a slightly sore stomach. Dr. Alvarez and his associates that did the surgery, never failed to check on me every day that I was there. They were ALWAYS ready to listen, help when needed, and ALWAYS had a smile. I can not think of one thing that I was not told about before I had the procedure. The best part is you are not forgotten as soon as the procedure is over. Dr. Alvarez is only an email or phone call away and ALWAYS replies in appropriate amount of time as well as Susan who is a fabulous resource person. Like I said I can't enough or brag enough about this well greased wheel. Anali and Jessica were also very helpful with my son, who accompanied me. They made sure he was comfortable, knew where he could get something to eat, and even went to get him something to eat. Friends forever. Now I proceed with my journey knowing there is ALWAYS support. So far I have a very unremarkable journey, oh except I am 31# small.....Hallelujah!!!!! Oh excuse me I couldn't help myself. Keep the faith these are amazing people and would love to help anyone follow there dream of weight loss! I thank God everyday for them coming into my life!! The other thing is if you have been turned down before, give them a try, They were a blessing to me.

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