Guillermo Alvarez

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 4.98150431566 out of 5 with 1189 ratings

Guillermo Alvarez Bariatric Surgeon MD

Guillermo Alvarez Bariatric Surgeon Picture

18 yr in Bariatrics

18 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

18 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

100% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 11

Max Age of Patient is 75

Brandi Carter Profile Pic
Brandi Carter
Patient Coordinator
Rosie Flores Profile Pic
Rosie Flores
Patient Coordinator
Lourdes Carranza Profile Pic
Lourdes Carranza
Personal Assistant

1189 Reviews for Guillermo Alvarez
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For a Year I watch my friend that had the sleeve surgery with Dr. A. have fantastic results. Not only had she gotten her life back, but her health as well. I studied , became a member of the Endobariatric Group , watch and read countless post of weight loss and surgeries and pictures of results one after another. I decided that I was going to be on that losers bench with all of those great people that took a chance on Dr. Alvarez and his staff in Mexico. My journey was filled with hope and excitement and Not one single moment of fear because through listening to Dr. Alvarez's weekly pod cast on the radio I learned more and became more and more comfortable with knowing that he was the doctor for me and that there was no other Doctor out there that could match Dr. A.'s caring heart for all of his patients. I began my count down and When My day came to have my surgery I could not have asked to be in better hands. The "Dream Team" is just that, a special team of doctors that you could only dream of to be able to give you your life back so you can take control of it! I am here to write this review and to tell anyone that is thinking of having this surgery that Dr. Alvarez Is The Only surgeon I would let operate on me for this. Your in Perfect hands over there. The Staff The nurses, Jessica, All are absolutely incredable and will do anything you need. I would Give Dr A. A 10 Star review if I could!

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I had my Sleeve performed on 3/21/14 and will say with out a doubt, it was a great experience! From the consultation with Susan I knew it would be OK! I'm so sick of people saying "MEXICO, ARE YOU CRAZY?!" People , you wouldn't get the same treatment in the states! We are talking 5 minutes over the boarder. Fly into San Antonio and the Dr Personal Assistant (Rosie) Drives you to Eagle Pass where you stay the night. The next morning Rosie picked my wife and I up to go to the hospital where they did the pre op testing of blood and x-rays and off to Dr Alvarez's office to meet with him. He explained the whole procedure in detail and introduced us to his assistants that would be my wives assistant , to get her and bring her to dinner and shopping. I met his staff of surgeons as well. After recovery I was walking 4 hours later. Dr Alvarez came to check on me several times daily in my stay the last night he came to my room and gave me instructions to take home with me... this was at 9:30 pm...what DR does that ? DR ALVAREZ! I have had no issues since surgery, everyone says you will be sick, vomiting yada yada yada... never once has this happened! I receive follow up emails from DR. A himself letting me know my next step as the weeks go by. If I had questions about my diet Susan and Dr were always a email away, with quick responses! I have lost a total of 62 pounds since the start of my journey and I'm forever grateful to DR.A !! If I had to do it all over again, I would ...but only with Dr. ALVAREZ !

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My name is Tracy, Iam 36 years old. I am a mommy of three adorable kids, wife and a nurse. I would like to share my experience with others out there that may be a little uneased or fear about going to Mexico. First of all, I would like to say I pray about everything I do first. Just a big learning experience. One night I was praying to God to help me with this weight issue I been having since my last two kids were borned. Well, while I was praying God talked to me in my heart and Mexico came into my thoughts. So, I began research. Next, I prayed for a experience Doctor. Guess, who popped up first under the most experience Doctor in Mexico. Dr. Alvarez. I did my research daily. Being in the medical field that's very important to me. The next day I contacted Dr. Alvarez coordinator, which is a nurse also. Very polite and knowledgable of everything! Susan would answer my calls everytime I called. After I research others experience I was very impressed with Dr. Alvarez! Once, I receive clearance from the Doctor thats when my journey began. Susan and I would email each other daily. My date was set up for March 22, 2014. All of the arrangements are made with Susan. My husband was a bit nervous at first. Once he meet Rosie, Dr. Alvarez driver who picks you up from the hotel near the airport. He was fine after that. First impression means alot. She was very friendly and down to earth. Another patient was schedule with me on the same day. So, Rosie pick all of us up the same time. She drove us to the hotel. Everyone was very friendly and knowlegable of Dr. Alvarez. That meant alot to me. The next day Rosie drove us across the border with no problems. The hospital was only 5 mins away from the border. Day of surgery my husband and I meet with Dr. Alvarez. He was warm-hearted and caring with a big smile. I felt very welcome. He discussed the surgery and answer any questions that I might have had. He reviewed health issue (past) and expections of the sleeve. I meet all of his medical team, everyone was very helpful! Dr. Alvarez makes sure you're as comfortable as possible while in the hospital. The hospital was very clean! Fresh scent all the the time! On his team are translator at all time. In case, if some of the nurses didn't speak English. The nurse were awesome! Very friendly, caring and check on me frequently. My surgery went smoothly! I remember waving to my husband. When I woke up I was in my room again! Nurses checks on you around the clock. Dr. Alvarez made rounds everyday I was there. Even on Sunday evening he came to visit with me! My husband and I was treated so awesome we were sad to leave. Upon, discharge everything was set up! I recevied all of my instructions/medications/signed book written by Dr. Alvarez and my backpack. I was all set to go. Awesome!!! Awesome!!! Experience!!! I would and have been referring Dr. Alvarez to friends/co-workers. Best care I ever received!!!!! Dr. Alvarez has change my life in so many ways. I have energy and feels great about my self again! Its a feeling I thought I wouldn't ever receive again. Thank You for all that you do in caring for others and giving us a second chance in life!!!!

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What a wonderful experience this was. Dr. Alvaraz and his staff are wonderful. Im a RN from Montana and was very leary about surgery in Mexico. The fears of safety, infections and complications, language barrier, were huge concerns. All my questions were answered within 12-24 hours by Susan or Dr. Alvaraz himself before I arrived. What a shocker to have a MD accutually communicate with a potential patient!!! From the time I got off the plane in San Antonio until I returned to San Antonio, I felt completely well taken care of and in very safe and compentent hands. All my questions pre-operatively were answered in person by Dr. Alvaraz. I am an Infection Control nurse and of course I had my concerns. What a bunch of wasted energy. The nursing staff were so professional. They wore the white nursing uniform and even their hats. When I got back to work I realized that the US nursing profession could use a wake up call about professional dress. What we wear almost looks trashy. I received visits by Dr. Alvaraz and his assistants, at least twice a day. During my hospital stay we were allowed to walk around the area. Again no fears, felt very safe, and people were very friendy. Since I have been back I have received e-mails from Dr. Alvaraz weekly. He readily answers any questions. My recovery has gone very well and I have found the post-op book authored by Dr. Alvaraz to be very helpful. I have recommened Dr. Alvaraz and the VSG procedure to many of my family and friends. I am so thrilled already with my progress. 30#, 2 dress sizes, and best of all am off of one of my B/P meds already. (1month out) It is an adjustment but soooo worth it. Thank you Dr. Alvaraz and your staff.


This Review is for anyone seeking the VSG(Sleeve procedure) that we(both my fiance and I) had done by Dr. Alvarez in Piedras, Negras, Mexico on 03/15/2014. We are both highly educated Nurses in our field of study-ICU and after Two years of researching we actually decided to go to Mexico because of Two outstanding things that Dr. A does with his patients. #1. He only does the Sleeve and in doing so has perfected his craft very well. He is also the only doctor I found that does a Suture Line Sew Over the top of the Titanium Staples. I had never seen this done before, but by doing so he dropped his possible LEAK Rate down from 4-6%(staples only) to LESS < than 0.32%(staples and Sew over).
#2. The total TRANSPARENCY of his entire program and all the people involved have got to be some of the best people in the world including Susan his Coordinator.
Dr. Alvarez has over 266 YouTube Videos on everything you would ever want to know about the sleeve procedure and there are several testimonials that are on his channel as well.

Our experience was Outstanding and Dr. Alvarez checked on us 3 times a day. Usually you never even see your surgeon after they are done. This was the best choice we have ever made in our lives. Me personally my heaviest weight was 280 on 3/15 the day of surgery. As of 4/15 exactly one month later i am down to 235--WOW 45lbs in the first month. Thanks to Dr. Alvarez for everything he has done with my Fiance and I and we wish him the Best. !!!


I have, absolutely, never met a doctor like Dr. Guillermo Alvarez. I met him on the morning of my gastric sleeve surgery and immediately felt like I had known him forever. He is one of the only doctors I know who I believe, from the bottom of my heart, is 100% interested in helping his patients. He genuinely WANTS me to lose weight and be healthy - of that I am sure. He is extremely thorough with his instructions and leaves no room for error so long as you read his paperwork and watch a few videos on discharge. His follow up is second to none. Since my surgery, he personally emailed me at week 1 to check on me and send a link with a reminder of the next phase of the diet. He sent me a handwritten postcard, and has made available his wonderful nurse, Susan, to answer the DOZENS of questions I have had. In addition, he has invited me to personally ask him any questions. He operates on several social media sites to stay in constant contact with his patients. The hospital was clean and well staffed by competent nurses. The entire process ran smooth. I would, without hesitation, recommend Dr. Alvarez to anyone considering gastric sleeve surgery. In fact, based on my rave reviews, my mom is considering the surgery.


I decided on Dr. Alvarez on reputation and the frequent and prompt responses from both Dr. Alvarez and his staff. You can tell his passion for his work it isn't just about the money is about helping others. At least that's the feeling I got from him everytime we've spoken. He also follows up after your surgery. .. Not something every surgeon outside the US does. My surgery experience was good. I think my only big complaint was the hospital temperature I asked for the air conditioner to be turned on and was refused instead they turned the heat of but I still ended up with a heat rash. The surgery and staff were good otherwise and I have lost 77 lbs in 7.5 weeks now! I'd definitely do it again and highly recommend Dr. Alvarez.


Let me start by saying Dr. Alvarez and his team are amazing! It was just 1 month ago (3-6-14) I had surgery and I have lost 30 lbs and 8 1/2 inches! The care I received was better than what we receive here in the US. When was the last time you were hospitalized and nurses routinely came into check on you without you calling for them? The last time you were hospitalized that a Doctor came in 2-3 times a day to check on you? The last time, if ever, you called/emailed your Doctor and they responded within 1 hour? Most of us can say that this NEVER happens in the United States!
Yes, I was nervous about going to Mexico because of the unknown and all the things you hear, but I AM SURE GLAD I DID! Dr. Alvarez and his team are extremely thorough and it shows they have done this many times because everything was perfect and organized from the pre-paper work, communication, transportation, the anesthesiologist, the surgery, the nurses, pain control and questions about follow up care. Anytime I have a question I just email Susan or Dr. Alvarez and my question is answered very quickly. Never had a problem with communication, cleanliness or safety. My husband came with me and slept on the pull-out. He went out several times a day to get coffee, lunch and dinner and always felt safe in his environment. If you are over weight and have battled for years with yo-yo dieting this is a great option. I tried everything, I am very active, but I never could loose the weight. I might loose 5 lbs. here and there on a diet but then I would gain 10+ when I started eating again. I am VERY satisfied and HAVE NOT had any problems with my surgery, my recovery or my incisions. Everything is healing nicely and I am learning a new way to eat. Currently I walk a mile a day and I look forward to my future and the changes I will go thru!
The cost of the surgery was extremely reasonable and a fraction of what it would have cost here in the US. Also, didn't have to jump through all of the hoops we have to here in the US. It was So simple! Some may ask what about follow up care...I am 1 month out and haven't had any need for follow up care. If I am unsure of something that is going on, I simply send an email and my questions/concerns are addressed or explained as to what is going on internally.
Thank you Dr. Alvarez for the opportunity to be happy with myself, healthy & the ability to control my weight!


Dr. Alvarez and his staff were beyond what I could have imagined! They excelled my expectations in every category: organization, skill, professionalism, and compassion. I know for a fact that his performance surpasses VSG options in the US. My mother had VSG at a Center for Excellence facility in the US, and while satisfactory in results, the attentiveness and support pre- and post-op does not come close. Not to mention, that her surgery left her in such pain and unable to work for about a month whereas my VSG pain lasted about 7-10 days and I was able to go back to work 5 days after surgery. I cannot stop raving about my experience and my progress using his very detailed guide and videos. And, I know that I can still depend on Dr. Alvarez or Susan to answer any questions that I may have in the future.

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Great Experience! I am now almost 3 months post op and my positive opinion about Dr. Alvarez and his team has not diminished. I can ditto the other positive reviews on this website almost verbatim. Dr Alvarez, the other doctors and the staff are top notch and amazingly personable and professional. I traveled to Mexico alone, yet never felt alone. It may sound hokey, but I was made to feel like I was a part of their extended family. Starting with Susan who does your initial intake (and is amazingly available to answer questions) to Rosie who transports you to and from the staging hotel to the Doc himself and his hospital staff. Nothing is left to chance. Most importantly, Dr. Alvarez is the most experienced and best doctor for the sleeve procedure that I could find… anywhere! The aftercare experience was perfect for me, as I do not like a lot of hand holding. I received weekly emails from the Doc detailing what I could expect and should be doing. That was in addition to all of the materials provided when I checked out. Honestly, if I had a question (and I did) it was answered immediately. However, if you are someone who wants or needs one on one follow on appointments with doctors, nutritionists, etc. this may not be the plan for you. It was the perfect program for me!

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