Guillermo Alvarez

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 4.98150431566 out of 5 with 1189 ratings

Guillermo Alvarez Bariatric Surgeon MD

Guillermo Alvarez Bariatric Surgeon Picture

18 yr in Bariatrics

18 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

18 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

100% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 11

Max Age of Patient is 75

Brandi Carter Profile Pic
Brandi Carter
Patient Coordinator
Rosie Flores Profile Pic
Rosie Flores
Patient Coordinator
Lourdes Carranza Profile Pic
Lourdes Carranza
Personal Assistant

1189 Reviews for Guillermo Alvarez
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I have got to tell you of the wonderful experience I had while under the care of Dr. Alvarez. I spent three years researching b/c I felt that this was my body and I wanted the best. I knew four other women that had the gastric sleeve in my area with Dr. Alvarez and I followed their success. They all have had wonderful results and no complications. As I watched them and researched, I knew this was the choice I should make. My husband was a bit hesitant. Okay, a LOT hesitant. It took him a while to convince him that going to Mexico was safe. He finally agreed with “if it makes you happy, then I will go.” Good enough for me. I asked Susan (Dr. Alvarez’s coordinator) a ton of questions. I purchased the book that Dr. Alvarez wrote and I read it several times. Once I booked my surgery in February, I continued to research and look for everything I could about Mexico. I was all about surgery, but a little scared of going across the border. Susan will tell you everything you need to do. Everything was so laid out. Everything operated like a well-oiled machine. From the time we landed in San Antonio, it was smooth! We made a call for the shuttle to pick us up at the airport. We got to LaQuinta and had a little time to spare, so we went shopping at Walmart. It is in walking distance and they locked our luggage up at the hotel so we could run around. Once we returned around 11, Rosie was there to pick us up. She walked right up to us and introduced herself. We were the only people being picked up-Poor Rosie. We arrived so early, that we were exhausted by the time she got there and I think I napped most of the way to Eagle Pass, Texas. She arranged everything once we got to the Holiday Inn at Eagle Pass and told us to be ready in the morning by 7. She told us there would be another couple coming. I was able to eat that night and had no anxiety about the trip to Mexico at that point. The hotels were both nice and everyone was welcoming. The drive across the border was nothing like I expected. It was actually quite like the US. When we pulled up to the hospital, we went straight into Dr. Alvarez’s office. My husband and I talked to the couple next to us. They were friendly people from Texas. Dr. Alvarez came out and said we could choose who goes first. I asked if I could b/c I was getting nervous. I HATE needles and knew I had to have an IV. The man having surgery agreed and I was off to meet the doctor first. Now, I am a married woman, but if you are a single lady, LOOK OUT! Dr. Alvarez is a nice looking man. He has such a comforting tone, and was very reassuring that this was a good decision for me. (not that I needed reassuring, but he was so kind). After that, Dr. Alvarez let me go off with Anna Lee (I think that was her name-sweetest nurse EVER!). I loved that girl! She took my picture and once the other man that was having surgery took his, we were off to get our blood work and x-ray done. When you get blood work, they only take one vial. The nurse didn’t speak English but Anna Lee was with me and talked to me the whole time. The nurses at the hospital are wonderful and they don’t need English to communicate. I had the best care EVER! I have had two c-sections and this was nothing! When you get a chest x-ray, you have to take off your shirt and bra and put this gown on. You stand and hold your breath and then get dressed. Just a little tip-TAKE OUT YOUR RUBBER BAND if you have your hair up! I had mine braided and the rubber band had a little metal on one side so I had to redo the x-ray. When they told me I was freaking out like something was wrong and Anna Lee told me it was just my hairband. AHHH! I was almost ready for surgery now. We got to go to our room and Anna Lee told me to change into my gown. You go Commando! I had no problem since I was first and I knew this was my path to a change in my life. I am typically very embarrassed and modest, but nobody saw anything when I was conscious and thank goodness I will never know what they saw while out! Haha. I am sure they have seen it all though and they are very professional! A few minutes after I was changed into the gown, the nurses(about 3) came in for my iv. This is the part I worried about, but all I can say is WOW. I didn’t feel pain and they were so gentle. I was all smiles! The anesthesiologist came in and felt my neck before they got ready to roll me back. They asked my hubby to step out while they transferred me in the small bed to go to surgery and they put something in my IV. I don’t remember a thing after that until I woke up in my room later on. My surgery took a little longer than expected b/c I had a large hiatal hernia that had to be repaired. Dr. Alvarez took care of it and still did my surgery-at NO extra charge! I didn’t even know I had one but did feel bad for about a year and guess that may have been why. He explained everything to my husband when they brought me back and even gave me a tummy pillow. (Tip-hold on to that pillow. It was the best thing!) I was groggy but was able to get up and down to go to the bathroom several times that day and night. Since I was so sleepy I didn’t get up and walk around for a few hours. The Doctor and his team came in several times for the two days I was there. They were all wonderful!! I was in a little pain in my shoulder area and they said it could be from the Hernia repair. It was not unbearable but just bothered me. I did get up and walk that night and all the next day when I wasn’t sleeping. I was a napping fool in their comfy bed. My husband didn’t like sleeping on the couch, but he was a trooper. I appreciated him going. When it was time to release, they let me know about everything I would receive for after care. I was given some pretty strong pain pills, but never had to take any of them. I was able to walk around pretty good when I was released. I was a bit poofy though from all the fluids that you get while you are in, but nothing that would stop me from having the surgery.(I lost that water weight quick)
Rosie drove us back to San Antonio where we stayed the night at La Quinta before flying out of San Antonio the next day. Rosie is an awesome driver. The weather was HORRIBLE and she kept the van on the road perfect. The night at the hotel, Susan called to check on me. If that isn’t a personal touch, I just don’t know what is! I loved that! I will never be able to thank Dr. Alvarez in a way that would give him the gratification that I feel today from him saving my life, but I do hope that you will consider him as your surgeon. I was going to keep this a secret from others b/c I was ashamed that I needed to do this to live a better quality life. I have rethought my decision b/c I feel I owe it to Dr. Alvarez to spread the word. I have shared with others and they are excited for me. As I lose more and people ask, I won’t hesitate to tell them where I went b/c I highly recommend the care I got! I have never had such an amazing and heartfelt team of doctors, nurses, and staff.


We'll I must say Dr. Alvarez made this process of the gastric sleeve feel like a walk in the park. Out of all he research I've done before going on this adventure , I found that out everyone I researched Dr. Alvarez was a wealth of knowledge. With his videos that he has posted on his YouTube Channel to his published book , every question I could this of was answered making my decision easy. His staff were very knowledgeable and supportive ,I must the say hospitals, doctors, nurses up here in alberta could take a few lessons from Dr. Alvarez and his team. My only regret is that I wish I wasn't so stubborn in the past years and done this procedure years ago , once again my hat goes off to Dr. Alvarez and his team for making this an adventure of a life time and a new beginning and once again a big THANK YOU.


I had my surgery with Dr. Alvarez on 4/24/14. From the time I found Endobariatric and contacted his office the entire process was so well organized. Susan his coordinator was always there to walk me through the process and now post op I send her questions which she always promptly responds to. Like most people in the US I was at first hesitant to think about surgery in Mexico. However after working with Susan and reading many on line reviews I felt willing to take the leap. As I said the process was so easy. I flew alone out to San Antonio and was picked up by Rosy and driven to the hotel in Eagles Pass for the night.The next morning we drove across the border to the hospital just a few minutes away. This was exactly as the You Tube video describes it. At Dr. Alvarez's office he came out and greeted me warmly with a big hug and smile.There was another lady having surgery the same day who was there with her daughter. Dr. Alvarez came out and told us he was taking me for surgery first because I was alone and she had company to wait with. I was so surprised by such kindness something that never would have been a consideration in the US. I was taken into his office where he reviewed my records and I was able to ask any questions. Then it was off to my room and on to blood work. Soon after that my surgery. I woke up back in my room with Dr. Alvarez standing at my bedside smiling again and telling me that everything went perfectly . Which it did! He even cut down adhesions in my abdomen from a previous Gall Bladder surgery which had trapped part of my large intestine. First time in years I don't get spasms everytime I bend. Thanks Dr. A! The care by the nurses couldn't have been better. Dr. Alvarez has 2 english speaking nurses that were there during the day. The other nurses at the hospital were also very attentive. They checked on and provided all the IV meds needed to keep me totally pain and nausea free. The only discomfort I felt was from the larger incision on the left which is where the stomach is removed. It was sore but nothing bad at all. I was on my feet the next day walking up and down the halls. Dr. Alvarez checked on me
twice the day of surgery and twice the next day.This is absolutely more care than I have received in a US hospital and I have had two previous surgeries. The morning I left Dr. Alvarez's other surgeon came to check on me and answer any last minute questions. As we were leaving to go back across the border Dr. A. came out to wish us good luck ...yes with smiles and hugs. This is not the end of the story he asked me to text him when I got home the next day which I did. He routinely sends
texts to check on me and update the new phases for reintroducing food. I really feel like I made the best decision for my health a safe, successful procedure as a permanent tool in my weight loss journey and an excellent ,caring surgeon.


I can not say enough great things about Dr. Guillermo Alvarez and his staff in Mexico. I can honestly say that the care that his team gave me is better than any care that I have ever received in the United States. I had my Gastric Sleeve done on April 22, 2014 (1 month post-op today and I'm down 38 lbs!) and I couldn't have picked a better doctor. My sister also went to Dr. Alvarez and has had complete success. We were both very well taken care of from the moment we arrived at the airport in San Antonio. Our transportation was furnished and hotel stays before and after surgery. Dr. Alvarez emails me at least once a week to check on me and I can call or email him at any time if needed. Going to Mexico, to Dr. Alvarez was very safe. I was nervous before I left home (N.C) but as soon as I met his driver Rosey, who was waiting for me at the hotel, I knew everything was going to be fine. I walked miles around where the hospital is located, ALONE, and was totally fine. I never felt threatened. If you are looking for a safe, friendly, professional, and caring place and doctor to have your surgery, please check out Dr. Alvarez.


I researched my decision to have weight loss surgery, the gastric sleeve surgery in particular. I found that my BMI was too low to qualify for insurance coverage, so I began to search for self-pay options. Although I did see less expensive options available in other parts of Mexico, I found absolutely no negative comments about Dr. Alvarez on the internet on several sites. Not a single one. This, plus the proximity to my location (I live close to the border) were the first selling points.
I watched several you tube videos of Dr. Alvarez and became further convinced that he was the best choice.
Upon meeting Dr. Alvarez my confidence in the choice was confirmed. He is extremely professional yet able to convey warmth and compassion. His staff is equally professional, yet friendly. I had no feeling of somehow being part of an assembly line. The surgery went well and I was checked on multiple times by both staff and Dr. Alvarez personally. After discharge, I have 24 hour access for questions as well as periodical emails checking on my progress as well as clarifying what to expect at each stage.
I would not hesitate to recommend Dr. Alvarez. As for concerns about surgery in Mexico, I can also lay those to rest. There were no problems, the facilities were both modern and clean. I would also like to add that many doctors in the States dismiss you from the hospital as soon as possible. Doctor Alvarez and his staff keep you two nights, enough time to make sure you are really ready to go home.


I honestly can't say enough good about Dr. Alvarez!! I had a lapband put on in Mexico in 2007 and had a great experience there as well, however, that surgeon had passed away. In 2013 I was having a lots of discomfort and issues with the band so I had it removed by a Dr. in my hometown. I knew I would gain weight back if I didn't get the sleeve but the Dr. here in the States would not give me the sleeve unless I gained back 50+ lbs!!! Of course I was NOT okay with that so that is what lead me to start looking at surgeons in Mexico again. I did my research and Dr. Alvarez was hands down the best choice in my eyes. The system they have going is great! Everyone is extremely helpful and caring. Dr. Alvarez was amazing!!! He answered all questions and his aftercare was fantastic. I had my surgery on April 14th and I am down 27 lbs...couldn't be happier about the whole experience. I have emailed Dr. Alvarez a few times with questions and he is always quick to respond!! Dr. Alvarez and his team will take fantastic care of you!!!


My daughter and I traveled from North Texas to Mexico to have Gastric Sleeve surgery approximately one year ago. It was a little scary making the decision to have the surgery done in Mexico. I researched on the internet and watched many videos of gastric sleeve patients and kept hearing great things about Dr. Alverez and his team. They were extremely professional and we had a very positive experience. From the beginning to the end, they were attentive and cared about doing an excellent job of taking care of us. They quickly answered our emails and every detail of the trip was planned and executed excellently. Dr. Alverez is very nice and personable and we felt safe with his team and in the hospital in Piedras Negras, Mexico.

My daughter has lost 50 pounds and I have lost 55 pounds with little effort on our part. It is not easy, because there is an adjustment to the way we can eat now and after care is important, but the weight just fell off during the first 6 months and has been easy to keep off for 6 more months. We are now wearing size 6 and are in a normal weight range for our height. We would both like to lose a little more weight to be at our goal, and it will take more effort than the first 50 pounds, but we are thrilled that we have this tool to help our weight loss goals be attainable. Thank you Dr. Alverez and your amazing team!


Dr Alvarez and his staff were great, very professional. I picked the right place to have my surgery. The staff has been there to answer all questions I had. I would recommend all to dr Alvarez.


I contacted Dr. Alvarez's office about 9 months ago. My friend has the gastric sleeve but I was nervous about having it done. When I found out the price Dr. Alvarez charged for the surgery, I wanted to jump at having the procedure done. But, I was very nervous about the idea of going to Mexico.

My husband and I attended a "reunion" meeting in Memphis. This is where Dr. Alvarez meets with those interested in the surgical procedure as well as meeting those that have had the surgery by Dr. Alvarez.

Everyone we met was wonderful and Dr. Alvarez, well, he was GREAT!! Wonderful man that really cares about the patients and wanting his patients to be healthy.

In April this year, (a month ago) I had the surgery done! It is 4 months out and I have not had the first pain or any discomfort at all. It was amazing. No soreness or stiffness! The diet stages were great. I couldn't believe I didn't even get hungry to want things.

Dr. Alvarez came to check on us twice a day and he had someone assigned to us that spoke good English and they were amazing!!! They took great care of me and my husband.

The facility was great and I enjoyed ALL the nurses and hospital personnel. They were so friendly and thoughtful!!

I tell folks that I have had the surgery, when they ask where, I just smile and say Dr. Alvarez in Mexico. They look at me and say wow.

I inform them that I met other surgeons that were in the states that wanted 3 times what Dr. Alvarez charged and they didn't even worry about getting to know you like he does.

I consider Dr. Alvarez a great doctor/surgeon. I am honored to recommend Dr. Alvarez as a great surgeon to perform the gastric sleeve.

Thank you Dr. Alvarez for being there for me. I have now been without diabetes medication for 4 weeks. I wish I would have done the surgery sooner!!!


I was VERY skeptical on having this procedure (VSG). I saw a friend of mine that had the procedure 6 months prior and visited with her for a couple of days asking questions and doing some serious thinking. Once I decided to go thru with the procedure I found Dr. Alvarez online and his assistant was so very nice and helpful and answered ALL my questions. My FIRST concern was the procedure itself-- how invasive? scarring? basically-- how does this work? The YouTube videos online will answer all your questions. Dr. Alvarez is VERY thorough before, during, and especially AFTER!! Working in the medical field myself, I have NEVER come in contact with such a compassionate and caring physician. He always took time to answer questions and just talk to me and my family. The staff Dr. Alvarez has employed are so very nice, polite, sweet, caring, understanding, and friendly. For the price Dr. Alvarez charges for the procedure it is amazing the results that you will receive. Cheaper than in the USA and on top of that -- He Cares for his patients.
As for going to "Mexico" I thought I should be weary of the surroundings, but that is FAR from the stigma that has been attached to Mexico. We walked around the hospital and the people were soooo friendly and nice and helpful. Would help if we spoke Spanish of course, but it is amazing how people can communicate when they need to.
We actually want to go back to sightsee when we have time.
As for the surgery itself, FOLLOW Dr. Alvarez's instructions on eating--what to eat and not eat. It is VERY important to follow the diet as instructed. I actually read my friend's copy of Dr. Alvarez's book and started the pre-op diet and lost 25 lbs before the procedure. Since the surgery, 7 wks now I have lost a total of 50lbs. It has made such a huge difference mentally and physically. I WANT to get up now and do things with my family and just feel better. I no longer "feel bad" everyday.
To brag on Dr. Alvarez, I have had a couple of surgeries in my lifetime; hernia, etc. and had to work at reducing the scars left from those surgeries. Dr. Alvarez incisions and stitching was so insignificant, in a couple more weeks no one will ever know (see) that I even had surgery. With his professional job of stitching and lots of coconut lotion/creams they are barely visible.
If you are considering a weight loss surgery I HIGHLY recommend Dr. Alvarez and do NOT hesitate because of his location! The area, the nurses, the staff are ALL SO VERY FRIENDLY!! I had a wonderful experience and is on the top of my list for exciting times in my life. Dr. Alvarez is a true professional and has literally changed my life for the better!

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