Journey Bariatric Hair Balance Caps by Bariatric Eating - Vitamin Supplement

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    JOURNEY BARIATRIC HAIR BALANCE CAPS $34.99 While initial post op hair shedding is inevitable, growing it back is up to you. Don’t accept devastating hairloss thinking there is nothing you can do. See fast visible results. Nutrient Boost for Hair, Skin and Nails 120 “I had significant hair loss after my bariatric surgery and it never grew back. After suffering with thin hair for years, I began taking Hair Balance. My hair has grown back and is lovely again. Thank you for this wonderful product.” Polly in Texas “When we first have bariatric surgery the excitement of weight loss turns to horror when our hair starts falling out by the handful! Surgical stress coupled with malnutrition interrupts the hair cycle – the body adjusts by sending essential protein and nutrients elsewhere. While the large initial fall out cannot be prevented, we can influence how fast our hair grows back by having essential nutrients covered. Telling someone to get a short haircut is insulting! I knew there had to be help and we developed this product to help bariatric patients. I know how you feel – I had terrible hair loss for nearly two years! This product is amazing and many are thrilled with the results.” – Susan Maria Leach – Bariatric Formula – Biotin & ‘B’ Super Cocktail – Noticeably increases growth of Hair & Nails – Supports Faster Growth & Reduced Shedding – Contains Zinc for growth, Biotin for strength & shine, & MSM for collagen & keratin – Albion® specialized minerals ensure that they are effectively absorbed by the body Journey Hair Balance contains a proprietary formula of vitamins and botanically derived components that work together to optimize healthy growth. Hair Balance caps combine the power of MSN – a natural ingredient that works to lengthen and increase natural hair growth patterns – with Zinc, Biotin, Pantothenic Acid and Horsetail Silica to provide a potent nutritional boost that supports not only faster growing hair but stronger nails and softer skin. The normal hair cycle produces growth of about six inches a year for two to six years. A healthy hair follicle produces a strong, thick, colored hair. In a normal scalp, about ninety percent of the hairs are in this stage at any given time. After a ninety-day resting cycle, new hair replaces the old ones which have been shed. In those suffering from hair loss, a change in growth phase is thought to occur; as cycles become shorter and resting cycles become more frequent. Eventually almost all of us will experience hair loss in our life time when the balance in growth cycle is interrupted by stress or deficiency. It is thought that extended periods of high stress can cause or contribute to hair loss, as stress may increase a constriction of the blood supply to the scalp. After surgery, some individuals may experience either temporary or long term hair loss. Poor diet and nutrition also contribute to hair loss. These potent supplements are made exclusively with Albion® minerals and have received Albion’s Gold Medallion®, which recognizes products for nutritional excellence. Hair Balance contains elements that work together decrease hair loss and optimize healthy regrowth. To further enhance growth make sure your diet has an abundant source of protein. Directions: As a dietary supplement, adults take 2 capsules, twice daily, preferably with food or as recommended by a health professional.
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