16 yr in Bariatrics
20 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery
5 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics
100% Practice is Bariatrics
Min Age of Patient is 18
Max Age of Patient is 65
Adjustable Gastric Band
16 yr in Bariatrics
20 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery
5 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics
100% Practice is Bariatrics
Min Age of Patient is 18
Max Age of Patient is 65
my first impression of dr wood was pure WOW!!
He has an AWSOME bed side mannor and will do all he can to help his patients. He is truly a blessing.
My impression and admeration only grew the more i saw how he enjoyes his job and seeing people break out of the obesity shell.
His office staff has been so helpful and knowledgable.
He is a very kind man that knowes the ins and outs of this procedure. the micro pouch is the best.
The only problem i have is i live in new you so i am unable to see dr wood as often as i would like to see him. its 11 hrs of driving..but he is worth it in every way.
Dr. Wood is one of the nicest people I have ever met since starting the approval process. He is very casual but extremely professional. His nursing staff is just great. Kathy and Tina were instrumental in the education process, and I appreciate their patience.
Dr. Wood's office is very adamant about after care visits, and the importance of following instructions during and after the healing.
The CORI Center office in my town closed shortly after my initial consult with Dr. Wood and amid the confusion, I was not given my prescriptions for liquid painkiller and Lovenox for after my surgery. They say they gave them to me and said I told them I got them filled, but that simply did not happen.
All in all, my experience with CORI has been wonderful.
i met with dr wood knowing he was a pioneer in this field, and that i would get a great result should i choose to go with him as my surdeon.
my first impression of dr wood was"wow, he's pretty down to earth" he did not talk down to me, he was very matter of fact, and didn't sugar coat anything.
his office staff seemed adequately efficient, i spoke mostly to his team leader, Amy, and she was always willing to answer my questions, sometimes over and over,and she never made me feel as if i was keeping her from something. Amy, actually was responsible for me getting this surgery, as there was a pre op skid in the road and Amy lead me down the path to get it corrected. had it not been for her, i would not be here today 100 pounds lighter! but on the down side regarding his office staff....there were a few times i could not get a straight answer to a question i had, and some answers i did get conflicted with other answers i had gotten and no one was able to give me a firm answer on it....i guess, in a nutshell, there was a little misinformation given to me, and while i understand that no one is perfect, i do believe that when a patient asks a question of their surgeon's staff, there should be a concrete answer given, not different versions of the answer.
i cannot say that there is anything i do not like about dr wood, except maybe the long wait times post op, but him as a surgeon, nothing changed, i still feel that he is one of, if not THE, most qualified surgeon doing bariatric surgery.
people considering dr wood as their surgeon should know that he is a master at his art. he has years and years of experience doing bariatrics, and that he is very serious when the time comes to perform the surgery, and that his surgical team is required to put forth 100% regardless, he cares for his patients, and he makes certain we are gonna emerge from this surgery ok after being given 100% of all involved in our surgry.
the only complaint i have is in regards to aftercare. it dosen't seem to me that there is a standard set of what gets done afterword, which i feel is very important. they explain the rules, but dont seem to prioritized on making sure aftercare is done right. In his defence though, i believe that is something that CORI is striving for, and i hope they get there.
he was very cut and dry regarding the risks of the surgery. yes you can die, these are the statistics, these are the complications...and these are the complications that could lead to death after a life of obesity...you weigh them...
On a scale of 1-10 i would rate dr wood a 637,423! period!
i truly believe that surgical competence is the utmost importance in finding a surgeon, bedside manner is a bonus...with dr wood you get both!
Dr. Wood is great, he has an awesome demeanor. He's very reserved and completely professional. I heard from many people that he's very strict on his P.A.'s and R.N.'s in the operating room which is good. He even mentioned this in the consultation. He said he allows music to be played during surgery. However, he does not allow humming or singing, because the everyone's focus should be on the patient not on the music. Made sense to me! He's an excellent Dr. and I would recommend him to anyone. After all the Micropouch is called the Sapala-Wood Micropouch.