Guillermo Alvarez

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 4.98150431566 out of 5 with 1189 ratings

Guillermo Alvarez Bariatric Surgeon MD

Guillermo Alvarez Bariatric Surgeon Picture

18 yr in Bariatrics

18 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

18 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

100% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 11

Max Age of Patient is 75

Brandi Carter Profile Pic
Brandi Carter
Patient Coordinator
Rosie Flores Profile Pic
Rosie Flores
Patient Coordinator
Lourdes Carranza Profile Pic
Lourdes Carranza
Personal Assistant

1189 Reviews for Guillermo Alvarez
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I'm 4 weeks out from my VSG by Dr. Alvarez and couldn't be more pleased. The entire experience was just as promised.rnrnAs a physician myself, I'm very picky about who I let care for me. I thoroughly researched all my options before choosing my physician. Dr. Alvarez immediately inspired my confidence. He speaks english with almost no accent, and took his time to answer my and my wife's questions.rnrnThe facility is extremely clean, and the service was excellent. My hospital room even had a computer, and a phone outside to make free calls to the US. The nurses were all very nice and checked on me frequently.rnrnSurgery went off as planned, and the discomfort after surgery was promptly relieved with pain meds. The next day, I was already walking around the hospital and the minimal discomfort I experienced was relieved without even using narcotics.rnrnDr. Alvarez checked on me quite frequently, and took his time to make sure I was comfortable and all questions answered. I had very clear instructions on aftercare, including wound care, diet, meds etc.rnrnI spent 2 nights in the hospital after surgery, one night in a hotel, and was on my way back home. The hardest part was the first week. Clear liquids only is difficult. I got very tired of gatorade! I never thought chicken/beef broth could taste so good.rnrnSince then I've lost 22lbs. The weird thing is food that I used to love (pizza, burgers) don't appeal at all now. Dr. Alvarez says it is because my ghrelin levels have gone down. I am so glad I don't have to fight those irresistible urges anymore.rnrnIf you are considering VSG, I don't think you could do better than Dr. Alvarez and his team.


Dr. Alvarez is the BEST doctor I have ever had! I had the sleeve done 3 days ago in Mexico. I feel FANTASTIC!! Dr. Alvarez and his team were so knowledgeable and caring. First of all, Rosy took care of all of the transportation and hotel accommodations - coordinated by Susan. Once we arrived in Mexico, we met Christina (private nurse), Dr. Alvarez, and Dr. Rosales. Dr. Alvarez discussed risks with surgery, but I felt confident in him and his team. A few tests were done at the hospital and the anesthesiologist came in. He was GREAT! I had very little nausea after the procedure. My husband and I stayed 2 days in a suite at the hospital - very comfortable. There was constant care for my needs. I like that Dr. Alvarez conducts 3 leak tests - only 1 when I was awake. Then, before being discharged, Dr. Rosales explained the aftercare in great detail; the program is extremely structured. Before leaving, Dr. Alvarez came by with Christina to say goodbye and Rosy took us back to SanAntonio. Both his bedside manner and surgical skills are top notch. Susan even called us at the hotel to make sure all was well. I've emailed Dr. Alvarez and he responded within minutes. If you choose to have a sleeve, I would definitely recommend Dr. Alvarez to you.


Dr. Alvarez is an amazing surgeon and I would recommend him to anyone! He and his staff are the best. I was a little worried about getting the surgery done (especially so far away from home). I have had several previous abdominal surgeries with the last one being a piece of mesh covering my abdomen from hip bone to hip bone and then from pelvis to right above my belly button. Dr. Alvarez used a technique he learned in France where he did the surgery without having to disturb any of the mesh! I think that is amazing. It has been two months since the surgery and I have lost 39 pounds. I have not had one problem and have felt great. You will not be disappointed if you go with Dr. A.


I am a physician from the East coast and had weight loss surgery performed by Dr. Alvarez. Weight loss surgery is performed by multiple surgeons in the city in which I work. I chose to have Dr. Alvarez perform my surgery because he specializes in only two procedures, the vertical sleeve gastrectomy and the Lap Band. The number of procedures he done and the low complication rate is extremely impressive. As a physician, this was extrememly important to me. You want your surgeons to be experts, not in-training. Drs. Alvarez and Rosales are definitely leading the field in the areas of VSG and Lap Banding.rnrnYour journey to Mexico, the surgery, and the return home are effortless...they have this down to a science. From your pickup at the hotel in San Antonio, transport to Mexico, preop evaluation, surgery, recovery, education from the surgeons, and return to the airport...the process is extremely waiting and no frustrations, unlike the process in American hospitals.rnrnDrs. Alvarez and Rosales are extremely professional and friendly. Any hesitations or concerns you have will be resolved within the first few minutes you meet them. They thoroughly explain what the process involves and go over any concerns you have. They do not rush you and do not make you feel like a number or a paycheck...they truely want to help you.rnrnSurgery will be over before you know it and without any actual memory of it or anxiety...thanks to the anesthesiologist's antianxiety drugs...literally, after you shake his hand you won't remember anything until you are waking up back in your room.rnrnAs you most probably have read in numerous other testimonials about Dr. Alvarez and Dr. Rosales, simply said...these guys are great! Other than being great surgeons, they become your friends. I can reccommend these surgeons without reserve to perform your weight loss surgery and to give you another chance at a healthy life...take it!rnrnJStern


First let me qualify myself as a reviewer.As a general rule,I do not like Drs and I ESPECIALLY DON'T LIKE HOSPITALS. Most Docsrntreat you like a dummy & if you dare ask a question,it's like you have questioned God Almighty.I spent 5 days in hospital last yearrnwith an infection in my leg.They tried to kill me one way or another every day I was there.rnrnHaving said all that, Dr A is not only a gifted surgeon but a warm, interested human being. Always willing to answer questions, pre and post op.Post op, checks up on yournalmost hourly and again,always willing to listen and answer questions.This attitude carries over to the whole staff,DR Gabriel,rnthe ever cheerful Christina and the lovely Rosy(the driver).Even the nurses who were notrnbilingual were cheerful and helpful.rnrnI would not hesitate to recommend DR A and the hospital to anyone,rnAnd as an added benefit for you ladies,he's as handsome as a movie star


I had my surgery on August 23, 2008. I have lost 106 lbs. I was so very impressed with Dr. A and his staff. I had done extensive research and tried to get my insurance to pay. There was no way. THe cheapest I found in the US was 12000 for the sleeve. I contacted them and they were not real warm and fuzzy. SO I contacted Dr. A. Susan contacted me with in 24 hours and with in 3 days my surgery was scheduled. I had to wait for an check to come in from my fathers IRA and I recieved it a week before my surgery. Tey were very patient in waiting for me. Rosy the driver was an excellant tour guide and got to love her coach bag :) Dr. A and Dr. Gabe were absolutely adorable (my mother kept flirting with the very happily married Dr. A) He was completely fluent in english as was his nurse Christina. THe hospital was clean and the staff there was very nice. There was a language barrier but even through that you could feel that they cared and were glad to see you. My family and I were treated like royalty and there was nothing we requested that we did not get. We were able to stay in touch with our family in the states. I must say everyone thought I was crazy to go to Mexico for surgery, and the price was what lead me there, but I will do it again, again and again. After all there is no surgeon in the US that would carry the luggage to the room seriously. Also I worked in the operating room for years and the room there (that I remember) was super clean and modern. In mexico things are simple bleach and alcohol. No special kimberly clark or baxter products to increase the cost of your stay. I love the fact that I can just call or email a question and within moments I have a response. The team is wonderful, I have never been treated so well and supported so much by perfact strangers. I would never reccomend another surgeon to do this procedure DR A knows his stuff and is excellant. After care support is outstanding as well. FAB experience. My mother is thinking of doing it as well. WOO HOO I took my mom and she had hers done on Juen 4, 2009 wow what a Great experience


I had my surgery on June 4, 2009. I first met Dr. A and his staff when I went with my daughter last August. I was a RN in post operative care and ICU for 42 years and I was amazed at the cleanliness of the hospital (cleaner that any hospital I have worked in the US). The nurses were so kind eventhough there was a language barrier there was a full time bilingual nurse to interprete. Also I noticed since my daughter had her surgery to now some of the nurses that were the same were learning a few words of English and that was very much appreciated. You just want to talk to them and tell them how sweet they are. The pre op prep was very thorough as I am a bit older, so I was not pressured to schedule surgery until all the helth checks were complete. I was completely aware of all the risk and educated on after care. Dr. A and his staff were excellant and I would recommend ANYONE to go to them and make the change FOREVER. I feel like Dr. A and his staff are family and I say that with the most sincereity and love I have for my own family. Susan is amazing, Rosie is the best ever, and Dr. A and Dr. R Dr. S were all soooooooo caring and kind (not at all like US Dr.s that are entitled). It was the best experience of my life. Thanks so much Dr. A and staff you all are so gifted and blessed.


Honestly, I didn't know where to begin when beginning to research doctors to do the VSG procedure for my husband and me. We knew were we were going to be self-pay -so we went to and started research. By happy accident, we found Dr. Alvarez! One thing that I immediately noticed was how many positive reviews he has had, and how many procedures he's done! I'll be honest; I thought this was too good to be true! I started searching for any complications or anything wrong- NOTHING! The next day, I called Susan (his patient coordinator). She was AWESOME! She walked me through the entire process- very easy! Once approved (less than 24 hours after starting the process), we scheduled a surgery date that was convenient for my husband and I. In the meantime, anytime we had any questions- we could either call or email and get an immediate response. She sent us very detailed instructions for pre-op and post-op as well as forms and information about the procedure. She followed up with a phone call to ensure that we understood everything. She totally put our minds at ease!! rnrnWe arrived in San Antonio the day before surgery and met Rosie. She drove us from San Antonio to the Holiday Inn Express in Eagle Pass. She checked us into our very nice hotel room, and then told us she would see us the next day to go to Piedras Negras. The next morning, Rosie was there exactly when she said she would be. She drove us across the border to Piedras Negras. While we were driving, she showed us some interesting sights along the way. Again, she was very very friendly and very professional. The drive from the hotel in Eagles Pass to the hospital was only about 5-10 minutes! We got to the hospital and finally got to meet Dr. Alvarez. I was TOTALLY impressed and put at ease the minute I met him. He radiated confidence!! Dr. Rosales came in a while later- again- wow. From that minute on- I had no worries or fears- I just knew everything was going to be okay!! The hospital room was very nice. We had ‘the suite’ as both of us were having surgery together. The hospital staff was very nice as well. Anytime we needed anything, they were there. I couldn’t believe how many times we saw the doctors! In fact, I lost count of how many times either Dr. Alvarez or Dr. Rosales checked on us!! It was over 10 times per day!! I hate to say this because I work in the medical field, but at US hospitals, we are lucky to get checked on once or twice a day!! It has now been a month (to the day) since the surgery, and neither of us have had any complications. We had very minimal bruising around the incision sites, and absolutely no gas pains. We have absolutely no regrets about our decision to have this surgery with Dr. Alvarez. rnrnLong story short- from beginning to end- everyone (Susan, Rosie, Dr. Alvarez, Dr. Rosales, Christina, all the nurses at the hospital, etc) was very professional and very friendly. Dr. Alvarez truly is a life-saver!!rn


I was extremely impressed with Dr. Alvarez and his staff. Their concern and compassion was immeasurable. I know there are a lot of folks out there concerned about even going across the border to Mexico much less have surgery there. You understand from the onset that your health and safety are first and foremost with all of Dr. Alvarez's staff. The hospital staff was outstanding. If you do not speak spanish, as I do not, there was no problem. It's surgery your gonna sleep. I'm sure the staff checked on me more often, but the only time I knew they were was when it was time for meds. I was also very pleased with Dr. Alvarez Patient Liason, Susan, I had emails from her before I even got home checking on me to see how I was doing. Her concern for me both before and after was something I never experienced with surgery before. I appreciateed so much. I will definately be going back for my fills. I don't want to entrust my after care to anyone else but Dr. Alvarez. I suggest if anyone has reservations about going to \"Mexico\" for surgery. Go take a look, check it out. You will be pleasantly surprised. I am so looking forward with my continued relationship with Dr. Alvarez and all his staff.


My first impression of Dr. Alvarez was that he was very warm and reassuring, along with being a professional. Over time this impression was strengthened by the way I was treated along with how my husband was treated. His office staff was kind and polite. I think that future patients should know that he is more than willing to listen to your questions and concerns. Do NOT hesitate to ask him anything. Aftercare is very important to him. Before you leave he will take the opportunity to go over the aftercare with you and emphasize the important points. He did address the risks of surgery before I even went in for the surgery. I would rate him as a wonderful surgeon. I believe that surgical competence and bedside manner are very important and Dr. Alvarez has both of these in abundance. The hospital staff was wonderful and considerate. The hospital itself was older but very clean. Also, my husband was present and was able to walk around the area, go out for supper etc. and had no difficulty with the community. The people are very nice and he enjoyed the walk.rnAs for anything negative, I did expect the hospital to be newer. This however, did not affect my opinion of the care I received. Also, I found it difficult to travel afterwards. Granted, I had a 2 hour drive and 9 hours on a plane only 3 days after surgery. I would not recommend this to anyone.

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