Guillermo Alvarez

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 4.98150431566 out of 5 with 1189 ratings

Guillermo Alvarez Bariatric Surgeon MD

Guillermo Alvarez Bariatric Surgeon Picture

18 yr in Bariatrics

18 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

18 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

100% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 11

Max Age of Patient is 75

Brandi Carter Profile Pic
Brandi Carter
Patient Coordinator
Rosie Flores Profile Pic
Rosie Flores
Patient Coordinator
Lourdes Carranza Profile Pic
Lourdes Carranza
Personal Assistant

1189 Reviews for Guillermo Alvarez
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Although my BMI was marginal for bariatric surgery, I had pre-existing conditions which convinced me I would benefit from the procedure and have a better quality of life without the excess weight.

Dr. Alvarez and his staff were exceptionally responsive to my requests for information and his book answered most of my questions.

The surgery was seamless. From the time I arrived in San Antonio, an English speaking staff member was either with me or available until I flew out. My single occupancy room was equipped with all the amenities including TV ; internet and a phone to call home when I wanted to advise family about my progress.

Dr. Guillermo or his associate met with me before surgery and before discharge to answer all questions and made themselves available by email when I returned home. I absolutely believe I received better medical care and individual attention than I would have received in a U.S. medical facility and at a lower cost.

I am eight weeks post surgery and have lost 38 pounds without exercise or special diet. As a 64 year old lawyer, I do not expect to change my lifestyle or become an athlete; but do expect to contimue losing until I have lost 70-80% of my excess weight.

I can unqualifiedly recommend Dr. Alvarez for the VGS procedure. While he is a consummate professional, he is also genuinely concerned with the well being of his patients and the success of their surgery.

Robert Beauvais
Lincoln, NM

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I like so many otheres on this blog have had issues with my weight since I was a child. I have researched for a long time to find a solution that was right for me. When I found Dr. Alvarez and his sight I was so intriqued by all of his experience. No matter where else I researched I was always drawn back to Dr. Alvarez.
Sooo.... With all of this being said, I was probably the biggest pain in the butt for Susan (Dr. Alvarez's scheduler), as I had so many questions and reservations just because of the media and what you here. Susan was very patient and answered all of my quesions in a timely manner. All of her support made my decision easier, as I was very cautious and did not make a quick decision. When I finally made up my mind I gave Susan a couple of dates that would work for me and she was able to get me in on those times. All went very smoothly with scheduling.
I flew from South Dakota to San Antonio, Texas where I spent the first night in a very nice hotel that Dr Alvarez uses close to the airport. Rosie, Dr. Alvarez's driver picked us up the next morning. Rosie is such a wonderful person who answers all of your questions as she was driving us to Eagle Pass. She will put all of your fears at ease and is such a caring person. Again we spent the night in a hotel in Eagle Pass and Rosie came the next morning at 7am to pick up myself and 2 other patients and our families to take us over the boarder to Mexico. All of my family and friends had reservations about me going to Mexico, but it is very simple and you will have nothing to worry about if you choose Dr. Alverez. Going over the boarder is very easy and you will have nothing to fear. You are delivered directly to the hospital where you are met by the Doctors and Jessica who is Dr. Alvarezs liaison between the patients and the the other staff at the Hospital. The hospital is very clean and the staff is all very caring with nice accomidations for you and your family.
Now on to Dr. Alvarez. I would highly, highly recommend Dr. A. and his team. When I arrived at his office he takes each patient one by one into his office to answer any and all questions you or your family member may have before sugery. He speaks english as well as I do and is so open and caring about you as a person. He and his partner have great bedide manners and are very caring and come to see you at least 6 times a day while you are in their care. That is something you will never see in the USA. Dr. Alvarez has always been a phone call away even after I came home. I have e-mailed him a few times and he answers very quickly and is always concerned with your progress. I am thankful for the new lease on life that he has given me even if I am early out from my surgery. 3/3/12. Dr. Alvarez did a wonderful job and did his part now it is my turn to do my part.
If I had to do it agian I would definitely choose Dr. Alvarez and his team. :)

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I had researched the various forms of bariatric surgery for over 2 years before deciding this was the right step for me. I could control every other aspect of my life besides my weight, and that always made me feel like a failure. I kept returning to Dr. Alvarez's website, and the Endobariatric facebook page. Reading the testimonials on Facebook, the message boards, and the YouTube videos really sealed the deal for me. The help-line on the website also answered the many questions I had. They were not pushy - just supportive and let me know that it had to be the right decision for me.

Going to Mexico was not a scary ordeal at all. It is less than a mile over the border, and someone from Dr. Alvarez's staff (usually Rosie) is with you at all times. I chose to go alone, although I had multiple offers from family and friends to go with me. I wanted to be able to rest and heal after the surgery without feeling like I had to keep someone company. The procedure is laparoscopic, so it is a much quicker recovery time.

Everything is explained in detail, and the entire trip was flawless. Dr. Alvarez has nurses on his staff that are at the hospital with you that speak English. I am a registered nurse, and while the hospital is small, it is very clean, and the staff very professional. No scrubs for the nursing staff - they wear the white uniforms, and they look sharp! Everyone is kind and helpful. Dr. Alvarez is also very personable and you will feel very comfortable asking any questions that you may have.

My recovery has been on track. You have to do your part in this - it is not a cure all. I was on a liquid diet for a week prior, and 3 weeks after. You just have to keep your eye on the goal. I had surgery on a Saturday, and returned to work on Wednesday without any problems. I exercise at least 90 minutes a day. I feel wonderful. I have a ways to go yet, but my only regret is that I didn't have this done sooner instead of waiting until I am 45! It has helped with the confidence to work at getting the weight off, and keeping it off.

I highly recommend Dr. Alvarez and his team.

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i have been overweight most of my life. REcently i had reached my peak of 60 lbs of overweight which made me feel very unconfortable and unhealthy. A friend told me about her experience on having a Bariatric Surgery and how it has changed her life. She reccomended her DR. in Monterrey, which is closer to my hometown , however as I called to his office, and spoke with the people there, I didnt feel confident enough and the post surgery drainage was something I didnt have time to deal with. I kept on researching for the best doctor available, and someone who could offer me a different procedure, due to the small time available. Finally,all my research took me to Dr.Guillermo Alvarez, which through his website,his staff, and all the tools he offered, made me feel comfortable enough to choose him as my surgeon. I had to travel to Piedras Negras, which despite being in Mexico, it was an unknown site to me. Since meeting Dr. Alvarez, everything was much better than expected. He went beyond my expectations in explaining to detail all my concerns, and the tecnique to avoid a drainage for a week, as other doctors had suggested. The surgery went well, the medical and support staff are very well prepared, and the pain was minimal after surgery. 2 days in the hospital mainly, to be observed and recovery.Then, my flight home.
So far, I am 1 month after my surgery, and I feel healthy. I am a working mother and sometimes, i do feel my energy levels going down. I am having my vitamins, and proteins, however, every adjustment takes time.
Among all, I am feeling healthier, and with much more to look forward to.

Tampico, Mexico.

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I had the gastric sleeve with Dr.Alvarez January 26,2012. My entire experience has been like a dream. I was a little nervous about going to Mexico and having surgery there but all my fears were put aside when I arrived and saw Dr.Alvarez. The second I
saw Dr.Alvarez I knew I was in good hands and didnt have to think twice about having surgery. The reason I chose Dr.Alvarez were all the good reviews I have heard about him, the youtube videos, and I have followed him on twitter and facebook months before surgery. I just felt comfortable with him and loved his personality. He's a very friendly doctor and is fluent in English. Dr. Alvarez has also done 3000+ sleeves compared to the doctors I have seen in the U.S. which is somewhere between 0-200 sleeves. I have a friend that is going in April of this year and my sister is going the end of this year. I email Dr.Alvarez and Susan the coordinator til today about any questions I have. I have lost 35 pounds in just a little over a month and couldn't have done it without Dr.Alvarez and his team!!! If anyone has any questions about Dr.Alvarez feel free to send me a personal message. : )


After researching the sleeve and seeing all of the youtube videos of Dr. Alvarez, including the video of an actual sleeve surgery, I was very impressed. I had already been seeing a local surgeon who was head of bariatrics at our major hospital. I called to find out how many sleeves he'd performed and his nurse said 100. One hundred? THAT'S IT? Dr. Alvarez has done thousands! I don't care if my surgeon was a US Dr, I wanted someone with the most experience doing my surgery! It's only through experience that the art of surgery is perfected and I wasn't going to take chances on an inexperienced sleeve surgeon.

I found the online chat through the endobariatrics website and whomever I was chatting with put me in touch with Susan and we started emailing the following day. I found out all the details (like they do ALL the driving and all we had to do was fly to San Antonio and they handle the rest!) and started asking my questions. I quickly felt confident that I wanted Dr Alvarez to be my surgeon so we got our passports expedited and booked our flights. That was the most work I had to do because the rest just flowed like clockwork. The shuttle from the airport to the hotel was perfect and Rosy was waiting for us at the hotel when we got there. The drive down was uneventful and the border crossing the following morning was no big deal at all. A couple minutes after crossing the border we were at the hospital and meeting Dr A and his staff. He is kind, attentive, and answered any questions my husband or myself had.

We were given a nice room and Jessica (she's a sweetheart!) took me to get labs and xray done and after meeting with the anesthesiologist, it was off to surgery. I didn't really even have any fear because I'd done my homework on Dr A and felt so confident that all would be fine and it was.

I woke up from surgery and felt nauseated and threw up a few times. I was given medication and felt better. I never had another complication (not that nausea is a complication but I'm sure you know what I mean). Jessica took care of making sure my husband had meals and was doing well. She checked on me often and took care of anything we needed. The non-English speaking nurses were also sweet but we didn't really deal with them much because Dr. A has his own staff.

I must admit that before making my decision of using Dr A I was concerned about having surgery across the border. Once I learned all of his qualifications and read prior reviews about him I really didn't worry about it any more. He has so many good reviews that I was worried he was too good to be true but he really is just that good and here I am adding to those five star reviews!

My PCP does all my aftercare labs and follow ups so I don't have any trouble with that. I do miss the fact that I can't go to a local surgeons aftercare support group but the OH site can be used for support in place of that. And an aftercare support group isn't worth the $9,000 MORE I would have paid to use my local surgeon.

I would definitely recommend Dr. Alvarez for your sleeve surgery and I may even be going back with other family members in the near future. The hospital was clean and safe, his staff is kind and caring, and Dr A was wonderful! It was SO EASY to set up and plan my surgery with Susan and I don't regret a second of it! I'm only a month out and I've lost 25 lbs and two clothing sizes. I feel happy and content with the smaller portions of food because I'm not hungry and I get full on small amounts. I don't feel deprived at all!

On a sidenote, my incisions are amazing! I have seen some that are big, ugly and look like they'll be eyesores for a long time but mine are the tiniest little slits that healed so beautifully that one of them isn't even noticeable and I'm not even finished healing! Bonus!

Seriously, look up all his videos, watch the surgical procedure. You'll be confident and not worry about leaks when you see how he over~sews the staple line (this was very important to me). Go with Dr. A and don't look back!


I would and have recommend Dr. Alvarez to many people and I am happy I went to Mexico for my surgery. People need to get past the mind set of going to surgery abroad. Its not always about what the hospital looks like but the care of the surgeons and staff in it that matters.
His nurse Jessica was a gem. She felt more like a close family member looking after me than a nurse.
One thing they need is a few new beds I felt as if I was sitting in a hole and at times it was uncomfortable. But the bottom line cost and the care made it the last of my worries.

With the lack of experience by my local physicians and a price tag of $34,000 this made going to have it done by a surgeon who can almost do them in his sleep a no-brainer.


My Surgery in Mexico with Dr. Alvarez and his Crew!
As promised, I am writing about my experience for others who are waiting their turn to be sleeved with Dr. Alvarez or are considering all options still. I expect that when you are done reading this, you will feel very good about your decision. Feel free to also share this with your family members who are concerned for you as well.
Leading up to the day of surgery, I did my research. I had originally decided to go with a doctor in Utah. However, being a cash pay patient I began to research other options. I paid $8750 for my surgery here in Piedros Negras, Mexico. In addition, I purchased plane tickets for my husband and I along with our expedited passports. Dr. Alvarez was definitely cheaper than having surgery in the US. However, if I was just looking for cheap I would have gone somewhere else. Ever since meeting with the people here, I knew that for me this was the best decision.
Susan, who actually resides in CA was my first contact regarding my surgery, and she is the person who immediately answered my emails when I had questions. Sometimes even 4 to 5 emails a day. She answered all of them, and she always answered my questions thoroughly. I was not getting that type of response with the secretaries involved in my other choice in surgeons closer to home.
I continued my research. Dr. Guillermo Alvarez has written a book specifically about the Gastric Sleeve called Successful Weight Loss with the Gastric Sleeve which can now also be purchased for the nook, kindle or iPad. After reading his book I felt even more knowledgeable about the surgery itself and impressed with his expectations for his patients even during the preop stage. My other doctor only felt it necessary to do a 1 week preop liquid diet. I had a BMI of 51 and weighed 291 pounds. Because of my high BMI and weighing nearly 300 pounds, I was expected to do a full 3 week liquid diet. Because of when I chose to have my surgery, it meant giving up all of those great holiday foods, and we traveled for over a week of our Christmas vacation. I never swayed from the liquid diet. I learned a lot about myself during that time. I make all the decisions for how my family eats because I do all of the purchasing of the food and also the cooking. I have cut out all of the unnecessary foods because I can no longer eat them, and my family seems to be just fine with the new ways to prepare food. I figured they would since they’ve always just eaten what I bought-healthy or unhealthy. Our girls are very young so I expect that we will be able to teach them about healthy eating habits. I know for a fact my husband will lose weight (although he’s certainly not obese), but he will no longer be tempted by my bad shopping choices.
Another reason I choose Dr. Alvarez is because of his continued research in the field both in Mexico and the US. He’s won many awards for his work, and he seriously loves what he does. He stated when we met with him on Friday prior to surgery, and he was sharing his options for upcoming professional development opportunities in both Florida and Utah. I admire a professional who continually is learning more in his field and expanding his knowledge about the topic. Being an educator myself, this was very important to know about my chosen doctor. I am also pleased that he uses both Facebook and Twitter to keep people not in his field current with the weight loss surgery, procedures, and other research articles related to obesity.
My husband and I flew into San Antonio Wednesday night, and we took the shuttle to the Laquinta Inn and Suites. We found my husband some food near the hotel. After, we came back and I bought a cup of noodles at the front desk (which I used for the chicken broth). I also used the coffee maker to heat up hot water for sugar free apple cider and sugar free hot cocoa. We had a great night’s sleep there, and Rosy, our driver was ready downstairs to pick us up at 11:30 at the hotel. We were her only customers that day. Susan called to be sure we’d made contact and away we went to Piedras Negras. Again, we got my husband a late lunch at the Chop Chop restaurant right down the street. While there I had the broth from egg drop soup. Then, we spent five hours (thanks to the casino shuttle) at the Indian Casino in Eagle Pass. We came back to our hotel with nearly $50 more than we started which is always good for anyone who gambles. Thanks to the hot water machine at the casino, I enjoyed many hot apple ciders while my husband enjoyed fajita nachos. We also enjoyed the company of the locals who helped us play bingo? electronically.
The next morning Rosy was there at 7:30 to pick us up. We had agreed to 8:15 so she even allowed my husband time to eat the buffet at the hotel. She said she always leaves early as she never knows how the traffic will be at the border. Today was a good day she said. Rosy answered our questions on the road and pointed out some of the places while we were traveling that may be of some interest to us on our 2 hour drive. We arrived at Dr. Alvarez’s office 15 minutes later with no problem crossing the border.
At that time, we were introduced to Dr. Alvarez. He sat us down to review my medical history and to also answer any final questions that my husband and I had. I was weighed one final time, and had my profile pictures done for Dr. Alvarez’s records. I was then introduced to Jessica who was my daytime nurse who speaks fluent English. She took us upstairs, showed us our room, and then I was brought back downstairs for my chest xray. Once I was back in the room, I was asked to put my gown on and climb onto the bed. It was just a bit longer before they drew blood to get my lab results, and then they also put in my IV. Shortly after, the anesthesiologist said he was giving me my “tequila shot” before surgery. I remember asking how long it would take to take effect, and that was all I can remember until surgery was over, and I was back in the room.
I did feel nauseous right away. I was given meds for that and left to sleep off and on for awhile. As soon as I felt up to it (about 3 hours after surgery), I began making my rounds walking. I walked 3 laps every hour all evening. I had no pain at all and had no problems getting out of bed. I was dizzy once in awhile, and I had dry mouth. For that, I was able to swish water around and spit it back out which helped. Jessica was very helpful as always checking in and making sure all of our needs were met. She walked with me up and down the halls. She even took my husband out for lunch while I rested. She couldn’t have been any nicer to either of us.
That night my husband and I sat in the family lounge on a comfy leather couch (we were the only other people around that night) and watched tv on their new flat screen. Dr. Alvarez came in the lounge, noticed we were quite comfortable, talked for a bit, and then let us be. Our night nurse, Christy who also speaks fluent English came in at 9:00, introduced herself and made sure our needs were met. Throughout the night, the nurses were in and out checking on how I was feeling, and continually pumping me with the needed meds.
About 8:15 this morning I got ice chips to suck on and swallow. It was wonderful. The nurse also took out my IV pumps but left the line in just in case it was needed later. I began walking 5 laps every 30 minutes starting at 6:00 this morning and felt great all day. Dr. Alvarez and Dr. Gabe, his assistant, were in this morning checking on my stitches once the gauze was removed and said all five incisions were healing properly. I even got to shower and get dressed this morning which had me feeling really good. This afternoon Jessica got us a taxi and took us out shopping. We got souvenirs for the kids and a little memory for us too. On our way back to the hospital, we stopped at a Mexican restaurant where my husband enjoyed a margarita along with chips and salsa. I was just so thankful to have been walking outside enjoying the beautiful weather.
This evening has involved more walking. We had a nice chat with Dr. Alvarez this evening, and Jessica came in to say one final good-bye and sign my pillow? I will have one final pain killer this evening before bed (under my tongue) and then a sleeping pill at 9:00.
I get my first juice at 7:00 tomorrow morning , and we have to be showered up before Dr. Alvarez arrives back here for my check out instructions at 8:00. From there, Rosie will drive us back to San Antonio where we will stay one more night before flying back home early the next morning.
What an amazing experience this has been from beginning until now. We’ve had the most amazing care, support, and attention. I would recommend Dr. Alvarez and his staff to anyone considering the sleeve. I guarantee you that you will be well taken care of before, during, and after surgery. I know I made the right choice.

The above was written about my experience while I was still in the hospital recovering from surgery. I am now 8 weeks out, and I am down 44 pounds. I couldn't be happier with myself and my experience with Dr. A before surgery, after surgery, and since I've been back home. Even now, when I have questions he is quick to respond. I'm so impressed and have NO reservation whatsoever about recommending him to family, friends, or even strangers. He's my angel.

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It will be one month out for me tomorrow 3/6/12 that I had the sleeve done. I am down 25 lbs since surgery, 50 from the start of my liquid diet. ABSOLUTELY NO REGRETS for me. I was very nervous about it being in Mexico but really shouldn't have been. The hospital was safe and clean, the nurse "Jessica" so super sweet, Rosie our driver was very friendly, Susan is so great about answering e-mails very quickly and Dr. A was great!! They are all a amazing team. I've had no problems at all and have already recommended Dr. A to several friends.

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Surgery date 01-16-2012
Starting weight 244.0
weight as of 3-4-2012 206.4
05/02/2012 current weight loss 59.6lbs

Dr. A has forever changed my life as well as my family's. I had PCOS which prevented me from losing weight no matter what I did. This led me to seeking out surgery options as per my OBGYN's advice. Long story short, I was the 18th person from our little town of 25,000 people to have the gastric sleeve done by Dr. A. There have since been 3 others from my town to have the same surgery with Dr. A.

I have to admit I was a little worried about traveling to another country to have surgery. So was my husband. After arriving and meeting Dr. A for the first time, I KNEW I had made the RIGHT decision! Dr. A answered every question and was more open and honest than any doctor in the States. Dr. A and his whole staff was nothing but wonderful!! His bedside manor was second to none.

I've had NO issues with post surgery and my scars are healing very well. I still have to watch the amount that I eat, but that will be a forever thing.

If you are considering ANY type of weight loss surgery, PLEASE check out Dr. Alvarez!! You CAN NOT go wrong!!

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