Guillermo Alvarez

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 4.98150431566 out of 5 with 1189 ratings

Guillermo Alvarez Bariatric Surgeon MD

Guillermo Alvarez Bariatric Surgeon Picture

18 yr in Bariatrics

18 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

18 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

100% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 11

Max Age of Patient is 75

Brandi Carter Profile Pic
Brandi Carter
Patient Coordinator
Rosie Flores Profile Pic
Rosie Flores
Patient Coordinator
Lourdes Carranza Profile Pic
Lourdes Carranza
Personal Assistant

1189 Reviews for Guillermo Alvarez
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I am writing this because it is so rare to see someone like me post a review and I thought it may help someone who may be searching like I was.
I am a 59 year old female who had a low bmi of 30.4. I have a history of breast cancer with mets, pre-hypertensive and osteoporosis. I wanted this surgery as a tool to help me to take off the weight and MAINTAIN it... After many years of dieting, I found, yes I could take the weight off (although I was unable to reach my doctors recommended goal of 135lbs ever!) I was never able to maintain the weight loss. This was mostly due to I NEVER had a full feeling. My maintaining any sense of weight loss was with MUCH restriction accompanied with mental and physical anguish. My daughter had the sleeve procedure done earlier this year (also in Mexico, different physician) and has had much success, convinced me that, No I was not to old and although I had a low bmi, I was still considered obese. She also explained the she now knows when to stop eating as her sleeve lets her know, in no uncertain terms, she is done.
I had my surgery on Sept 6, 2012, my daughter came with me, with Dr Alvarez. I choose Dr. Alvarez because he has done older individuals and he believes better to not wait until you are "morbidly obsese" if possible. We entered Mexico after staying in Eagle Pass. After researching, we felt very comfortable going. This area is considered very safe. The hospital is clean and much like any other you would go to in the states on a smaller scale. They have all the latest is equipment, including CT scans and cardiac equipment if needed. Meeting Dr. Alvarez and his staff was my profound pleasure as he explains everything, is patient with repeating information if needed, given you the time you need to be comfortable with the answers. Surgery went better than expected. I was walking within hours after surgery. The other gals that were there, were also up and about. Dr. Alvarez and his staff of professionals have obviously taken time to "tweek" the after care regarding pain control. For me, I had NO pain related to the incisions. My difficulties were with the gas related to the laproscopic procedure. Now keep in mind, I am a surgical RN. And although I have taken care of hundreds of patients that have had laproscopic procedures, I personally had never had one. The gas moving through the the back, across the shoulders and into the chest area was very uncomfortable. Walking (a lot) was not helping. I very foolishly, actually didn't recognize it as "pain" as much as tightening, discomfort. When the team saw how exhusted I was trying to combat this issue, they immediately ordered Toradol (a non-narcotic).. and guess what... Ahhhhh relief!! So my advice is... It is pain, take the medication. I am currently down 20 pounds and am "shocked" at how tiny the punch sites are... but, it is not the weight loss as much as the excitement I feel knowing I will get that "full feeling", feeling like "ok, I'm full". Now don't think that was all there was to it.... I followed Dr. Alvarez's program as written and continue to do so, which includes his outline for excersize. You do have to put some effort into it for maximum results.
The only part that I think could use a little discussion would be the ride to and from the hospital. I was under the impression she would stop about half way for drinks etc. However, we found we needed to ask her (there were five of us in the van, two had already and either a sleeve or gastric bypass), otherwise we all believed she would have driven the three hour ride straight through. On the way back this is really hard on the new sleevers. You will be on clear liquids and believe me, you need to be "sipping" pretty regularly. Anyway we asked her to stop and the comment was "Oh its only 20 min more" Well 20min turned into like 45min and we were all the way back to San Antonio! Again, I am not sure it was her intent to stop at all if we had not asked. My advice would be.... Bring a drink in the van and ask to stop earlier than you may need to.
I do hope this has been helpful for someone. Just know, I have never regretted this choice. For me it was the best option and more than that, I have never regretted having this surgeon and his team perform my sleeve. I know some surgeons are a little cheaper and even offer "deals". Well I don't know about you, but for me my life has no dollar value on it. I am convinced I choose wisely. My best to you and your success should you choose to continue on this adventure.


I am so happy with my decision to have bariatric surgery. Of course it was easier to decide because my sister had met Dr. Alvarez and was very happy that all of our questions and concers were answered. Dr. Alvarez and his staff are exceptional and even though we hear so much bad stuff in the media regarding border towns I had a nice and safe trip. I don't regret anything other than not having my procedure done sooner. If you are having doubts if to go to Mexico for your surgery....DON'T! It will cost you alot less, it's as effective as having it done in the US, and I totally trust Dr. A and staff with my well being.


My wife had the sleeve surgery in July of this year. I would like to give my take on this experience from a spouse's standpoint. When my wife first discussed having this surgery out of the country, in Mexico, to be honest, I thought she had lost her mind and told her so. Not only was I concerned about us leaving the US and the care one associates with medical treatments here, I was obviously worried about the violence you always hear about in Mexico. However, once I started reading reviews about Dr. A, his staff, and the personal experiences from the tons of people who have went to him, I convinced myself to keep an open mind about what she wanted to do. I was also very impressed with Dr. A's credentials. We had continual correspondence with the folks in Mexico, and frankly, we got to the point that we ran out of questions to ask them. They answered every question/concern that we had. I was, however, still reluctant because of the violence. Rosie, one of Dr. A's staff finally convinced us the trip, both to Mexico and back from to the US was completely safe.
Rosie met us in San Antonio and it could not have been any better. I compared meeting her to any other first impression you would have in any new encounter and Rosie could not have been any nicer. She immediately made us feel not only welcome, but completely at ease about what we were about to do. I told Dr. A, later, that is so important because of the anxiety you have about leaving the country. The drive to Eagle Pass is a bit long, but Rosie talked with us all the way there.
Once we crossed the border, which literally took about fifteen minutes, and arrived at the facility I became a little concerned because it looked different than a US hospital. My concerns were quickly eliminated because of the very professional and courteous manner in the way we were treated from the start.
We met Dr. A and he was awesome to talk to. It reminded me of talking to your next door neighbor. Absolutely answered every question we had and talked to us from a layman standpoint.
From the time my wife was taken to her room, we were treated the same way. We had me a girl named Jessica who was just a joy. She took care of me from taking me to get coffee in the mornings to showing me part of the city and going with me to eat three times. Both of us loved her to death. She ended up referring to us as her new American parents. We were delighted to hear that and thanked her so much for everything she did.
The surgery was a complete success with only some minor pain according to my wife. To date she has lost 35 lbs and looks fabulous. Just this last weekend I told her she has a new "glow" about her. I wasn't just saying that to stay out of trouble, haha!!
All I can honestly say, is if you are considering a trip to Dr. A's place, please take my word and don't hesitate, you will not regret it. I assure you it will be a safe and a wonderful experience.


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Dr. Alvarez and his staff are truly amazing. You could not ask for any better people than Dr. A, Dr. Gabe (Dr. A's assistant), Susan, Rosie, and Jessica. My husband and I were a little concerned about crossing the border but who wouldn't be. We called and checked before we made our trip to make sure no problems were going on and there wasn't. We flew down to San Antonio on Friday, stayed all night and then Rosie picked us up Saturday morning to go across the border. We met with Dr. A and he answered all our questions on our level. He never once talked above our heads on the medical terminology. He always asked if I had any questions or concerns before and after the surgery. Dr. A's bedside manners were wonderful. He checked on you all the time. I know nothing can be perfect but our trip and Dr. A and his staff were very close to it. I have never had the care before like I had at this facility and that includes how they took care of my husband too. I was a little nervous when we drove up because it is not a fancy hospital like I am sure you would be use to in the states but it was clean and the staff made you feel at home. Jessica took my husband to eat 3 times and took him to see some of the sites. Jessica told us we were her new American parents. All I can say is if you are looking for a bariatric surgeon, look no further because I would 100% recommend Dr. Alvarez. As of today, it has been 3 months since my surgery and I am 35 pounds down. I feel great and like that the weight loss is slow.


I know the idea of having surgery in Mexico seems scary to most. However, my medical treatment with Dr. Alavrez was bars above any care I ever received in the states. His assistant surgeon, Dr. Gabe was just as impressive. My care was done with technology equal to that of the States, the experience to perform and the ability to explain the procedure to me was exceptional. Prior to surgery he went over the surgery in detail, probing me for any questions or concerns. The bedside manners of every one of the medical personnel I came in contact with was something I wish came common place in the states. They made sure my friend who traveled with me had something to eat, offering to take her out each night for dinner. The hospital was more reflective of a rural or county hospital but it was clean and the staff was very attentive. The night nurses could not speak much English but Dr. A. provides a staff member around the clock to help with translation. I also downloaded a translation app on my phone and just showed them my phone and that worked well for me too. My room itself was really modern with a nice big, tiled shower, hardwood floors, computer with wi-fi and sleeping accomondations for my friend. There was a phone to use free of charge to call back to the states as much as we wanted. And after being released from the hospital, I received a call from the medical coordinator, checking on me to see how I was doing. She said she would be routinely checking on me the first few months out to see how I was coming along and she did not lie. Both Dr. A and the Susan, the coordinator, has emailed me to follow-up with my recovery, nutrition intake and my overall success...Very impressive...Even the driver, Rosie who picks you up from the hospital was super nice and accomodating stopping at the store to make sure we had things for the hotel. I cannot say enough good things about experience. And post surgery my incisions healed well. I had a hiatal hernia (that I was unaware of) that he removed while during the VSG. Pretty sure a surgeon in the U.S. would have build me more money for that. I had absolutely no complications and very little pain from the surgery. In fact, I believe my surgery was the textbook example. I could go on and on. But I will end just by saying everything from the coordination of the surgery, the surgery itself and the follow-up after surgery has been wonderful. And an added benefit. I had surgery on 08/17/12 and have lost 31 pounds...21 inches and 4 pants size...but am again finding my confidence and a spark for life...


Dr. Alvarez and his team were every bit as good as the reviews, posts, and youtube videos I had studied prior to scheduling my surgery. He and his staff were very professional, informative, and showed a genuine concern for everyone they cared for. I am very pleased with the entire process and my results to this point so far. We have already given his information to friends who are interested in weight loss surgery and would highly recommend Dr. Alvarez to anyone interested in surgery via gastric sleeve. Can't wait to reach my goal weight, 27 lbs. down in since my surgery in mid-August 2012.


Yes, I'm one of those. Poor and without insurance but who wants to find a permanent solution to my weight problem. Did I even think about going south of the border- NO! Until I started doing some hard core research and found two doctors I really were interested in. My parents thought I was crazy at first but then agreed to pay to have me go down to visit the surgeon of my choice which was Dr. Guillermo Alvarez. I flew from Denver to San Antonio and then rented a car, drove two hours south to Eagle Pass and then got a cab to go basically two blocks over the border to meet with the Dr..Never once did I feel unsafe. And meeting the doctor confirmed I made the right decision. He was soooo down to earth and showed me the hospital and the rooms he has for just his patients. I felt really good about everything and scheduled my surgery the next month. Everything went smoothly and effortlessly. I can say that because I have had two previous obdominal surgeries and this was just as easy. My recovery has had minor difficulties and I am down 20 pounds the first month. Oh, another thing I was particulary impressed by- you know when you are in the hospital in the states you hardly ever get to see your doctor to come see how you are doing? WELL- I had Dr. Alvarez and assisting surgeon Dr. Rosales check on me twice a day. And it doesn't stop there. I get regular emails from the doctor and coordinator, Susan, and guess what- they respond! Okay, you might be saying this all sounds too good to be true but it wasn't like it was a breeze. The day after surgery I was like, "What the hell did I do to myself?" And being on only liquids for what seemed like a lifetime sucked too but you know what- I wasn't expecting this to be without sacrifice. Everything was worth it. And I really encourage anyone skeptical about going to Mexico- get over it. I would do it again and would refer my doctor to friends and family.


My journey to have Dr. Alveraz perform weight loss surgery started very unexpectedly on Super Bowl Sunday of 2012. A friend of mine always has a NFL Super Bowl get together and this year was no different. Jeff had recently had wls and I knew he was doing great. He had dropped close to 200lbs. He looked fantastic. I started asking questions about his journey and he was so helpful and positive with lots of great info. He brought his scales out and everyone was checking their weight. I assumed I was around 340-350lbs. It had been a long time since I was on a scale and I was shocked when a looked down and saw 415lbs.
Wow, how could I have let my weight get so out of control.
Thank god for Jeff. He laughed it off with me and said, "Buddy we're gonna fix it".

Jeff had had his surgery in a Canadian hospital. He knew the surgeon personally and would put in a good word for me. Unfortunately, this type of operation currently has a ten year waiting list and there are no favours given. Ten years?! There must be another way. I spent countless hours on the internet, first looking at US hospitals. No luck. To expensive. I can't remember how I came across Dr. Alvarz. Maybe it was luck, or just good fortune. Every search I made about this doctor kept inching me closer to the Mexican border. All was positive. I went with my gut feeling and asked if they would send me some information. Best decision I have ever made.

Within a day they responded to my inquiry. Helpful, friendly and genuine. Now came the tough part. Convincing my wife that going to Mexico to have a large portion of my stomach removed was the right step for me to take. Before I could even finish telling her about it, the answer was NO! Too dangerous, you don't even know this doctor. But,I was not willing to let it go. We had an appointment to see my family doctor the next day. I brought up the topic with our doctor and to my surprize she was all for it. My wife was shocked. The doctor rationalized it this way. " You have no idea what it is like to be heavy, to battle everyday of your life trying to lose weight". At home we discussed the pros and cons for about a week. Finally, we agreed it was for the best. I sent in my request to begin the journey toward surgery.
I was very excited and within a week I had the day of my operation booked. Friday, Aug.3 2012.

Every letter you read about Dr. Alvarez is true. He is a remarkable man. The staff in his office are top notch. The hospital stay was fantastic. Every single person you encounter, that are part of his team, are genuinely concerned about helping you beat your weightloss demons. I was so excited to get started I began my four week fast two weeks early. It was hard at first but what kept me focused for the six weeks prior was the surgery itself. I just knew this was going to change my life for ever.

I was so excited I started the liquid diet phase in mid June. I lost 40 lbs before the surgery and currently weigh 298 lbs down 117 lbs. I am 6ft 4in, so I hope to reach my goal of 235 lbs in approx. 6-7 months. Unfortunately my dear friend Jeff was killed in a car accident recently. I would not be here writing to you if it were not for him. I know I will reach my goal and I know he is with me every step of the way.

If you are thinking about weight loss surgery DO IT. Call Dr. Alvarez now. It will chance your life for ever.



If you have ANY reservations about making this trip to Mexico....put your mind at ease. He and his staff make the entire process unimaginably easy and smooth. I would recommend Dr Alvarez to anyone and everyone. I have had no issues with any part of the surgery. My incisions healed nicely and I seem to be healthier than ever. Make the right decision and book your VSG with Dr Alvarez


I could not be more happy with my experience with Dr. Alvarez and his staff in Piedras Negras. The thought of going to Mexico never crossed my mind until I was told my insurance company would not pay for the surgery. I realized that if I really wanted to help myself, I needed to go wherever I needed to to get healthy. I researched online and asked a lot of questions. I could not find one bad comment about Dr. Alvarez, and after being there, I know why. From the time you get to San Antonio, till the time you return there, you are taken care of. I felt very safe the whole time, and I had a LOT of reservations about leaving the country. The day of the surgery you sleep a lot, but I never felt pain. Everything there runs very systematically, which shows you that they know what they are doing. I left there feeling so grateful that I had found him. I am one month post op now, and I am down about 30 pounds. I finally feel like I have control of my life and my weight, and that feeling is worth every dime I paid. If you are on the fence about Dr. Alvarez and Mexico, please find one of his patients and ask questions! We all love to spread the word about him!


Five years out and the weight is STILL off! Vertical sleeves are the best. Why would ANYONE want to do a gastric bypass (and gain the weight back anyway) or a band (erosion and a full time job filling and un-filling-who has time for all of that?) Thank you again for giving me my life back Dr. Alvarez.

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