Guillermo Alvarez

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 4.98150431566 out of 5 with 1189 ratings

Guillermo Alvarez Bariatric Surgeon MD

Guillermo Alvarez Bariatric Surgeon Picture

18 yr in Bariatrics

18 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

18 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

100% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 11

Max Age of Patient is 75

Brandi Carter Profile Pic
Brandi Carter
Patient Coordinator
Rosie Flores Profile Pic
Rosie Flores
Patient Coordinator
Lourdes Carranza Profile Pic
Lourdes Carranza
Personal Assistant

1189 Reviews for Guillermo Alvarez
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I have been over weight for 12 years. At age 11 I started to gain weight rapidlly,by 13 I weighed 230lbs! I spent the next years dieting and loosing weight but gainig it back. I had an abnormal appetite for food.It was a cycle of madness and depression!!!last year I was done! fed up of being over weight unhappy and depressed. I can never buy the shoes I want because they hurt from my weight. I can never dress up and feel comfotable in public. I always looked at other women with envy becuase they are able to dress in whatever way they want. I started looking for WLS options and found the sleeve.I also found Dr.Guillermo Alvarez! He had hundreds of reviews, I couldnt find a single bad one lol. He had many videos on youtube of testimonials and the actual surgery, dozens of pics on facebook of before and after surgery, an awesome coordinator Susan that answered every question I needed.vertical sleeve, It was the best thing I have done for my self. I have lost 33 lb in 4 weeks! and am very happy And excited about the months to come. I have great restriction and have had no complications.Im greatfull that I found a renound ,excellent and affordable surgeon like Dr.Alvarez. I can't wait till summer to show off my new body.thanks Dr.A


My first impression of Dr. Alvarez was that he was a very well spoken, intelligent individual and that he was in tune with his patient's needs. Dr. Alvarez has only strengthened my initial impression of him as time has passed. In the US I work as a medical device rep. I sell many of the instruments that are used in the VSG procedure. I have seen several of these surgeries in person, done on other patients. I chose to have my surgery with Dr. Alvarez for two reasons. One, the VSG procedure constitutes well over 90% of his surgeries. He has an excellent track record in over 2700 VSGs. And two, in my experience working with doctors for 12 years, I have a good sense of who cares about the quality of their work and care of their patients. Dr. Alvarez is one of those surgeons. You're not just another patient to him. I cannot stress enough how extremely pleased I am with the quality of surgery I received from Dr. Alvarez and his excellent bedside manner.

Dr. Alvarez's staff is there to help you before, during and after your surgery and they do a really good job. Dr. Alvarez lets you know the most important part of the surgery is post-op. He wants you to leave the stomach as he left it in the O.R. His post-op diet instructions are more conservative than other doctors. I think this is a wonderful thing. I'm 4 weeks post-op right now and have no severe side effects. I experienced a short lived soreness at the 12mm incision site and I had to learn how to not overfill my new stomach. Plus I was a little tired for the first couple of weeks. That's it. I already feel better than I have in years.

If you're worried about going to Dr. Alvarez's facility because it's in Mexico, don't. I felt very safe the whole time. The staff is friendly and helpful and the facilities are as good as what you get in the US.

I know the instructions for this review state that I should include negative comments too. I simply don't have them. My future is as bright as ever and I have Dr. Alvarez to thank!


Hello, my name is James T. from San Francisco and this is my testimonial and review of my experience with Dr. Alvarez from EndoBariatrics in Peidras Negras, Mexico. I had the Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy surgery with Dr. Alvarez on December 18, 2012 in Piedras Negras, Mexico.

Prior to having surgery I searched for a few doctors in my city of San Francisco and found that the cost associated with having the VSG surgery in the states was astronomical in comparison to surgery in Mexico and that is one of the main reasons for my decision to go to Mexico to have the surgery. In my case, cost was a big decision in choosing to go Mexico versus having my surgery in the states. Unfortunately my insurance would not cover bariatric surgery and I was desperate to lose the weight and start 2013 off on a good note. I was quoted approximately $17,000 for the VSG surgery in San Francisco, which was insane to me and was too much money to pay out of pocket. I did my homework and found Dr. Alvarez and Endobariatrics and spoke to Susan the patient coordinator and got great feedback about Dr. A and the surgical procedure. Susan is not only the patient coordinator for Dr. A but she is also a former patient of his and she gave me great feedback from her own personal perspective. Dr. Alvarez offered a package deal which was all inclusive (with the exception of air fare) for $8700. So to me this was a no-brainer (why pay double in the US for exactly the same procedure???) and since Dr. A is recognized as one of the top weight loss surgeons in the world and has such a detailed website that provides so much information I was able to get a feel and comfort level about him. Some people have the misconception that paying less for the VSG surgery in Mexico means that you will get sub-standard healthcare, which is not true in the case of Dr. Alvarez. Healthcare in the US is a joke and really does stink and people who are obese and are desperate for a new life will do what it takes to achieve that goal, but not at the price of going broke or taking out excessive loans. So I can testify that the care you will receive from Dr. Alvarez is first class and if your insurance in the states won’t cover the procedure and you are thinking about paying out of pocket, you should go to Dr. Alvarez without any hesitation.

Another main factor that helped in my decision was Dr. A’s YouTube page which has hundreds of videos of patient testimonials and videos of Dr. A answering questions and explaining different aspects of the VSG surgery. I can truly say that none of the other weight loss doctor’s websites I went to came close to the amount of content that Dr. A’s website had. And for me the patient’s testimonials meant the most because these are people who have been through the process and have spoken nothing but good things about Dr. A and his staff and their experience in Mexico. After I made my decision to go with Dr. Alvarez, I told my family.

My family gave me some grief about my decision to go to Mexico and rightly so because most people don't make the decision to go to Mexico for a major surgery, but I provided them with a ton of information from Dr. A's website, his credentials, his Youtube videos and patient testimonials and that gave them comfort in my decision. I also took my best friend with me which made my family happy because originally I was going to go by myself. Three weeks prior to my surgery date, I was placed on a 3 week liquid diet which was a royal pain in the butt (however, after a few days your body gets used to it and mainly you'll fight the mental urges of eating food, but you just have to be strong). The purpose of the liquid diet is to help shrink your fatty liver and to help you lose some weight prior to surgery. Because I was over 300 lbs I required a 3 week liquid diet, however there are different diets for people that have different weights and body mass index, so not everybody has to do three weeks. Back on October 18, 2012, I went to a weight loss consultation in San Francisco and weighed in at 375 lbs (fully clothed). After my three week liquid diet and when I arrived in Mexico and on the day of surgery (December 18th), I weighed in at 352 lbs (fully clothed). As of today (January 15, 2013) I weigh around 317 lbs. So I'm on track and have enjoyed the initial weight loss and my ultimate goal by the end of 2013 is to be around 215. I am 6’ 4’’ tall and I hope to gain around 20 - 25 lbs of muscle back so that I can top out at 235 - 240 lbs and have a nice, toned physique.

My best friend and myself flew in to San Antonio and stayed overnight and we were met the next Morning in the lobby of the La Quinta Inn by Rosy who is the driver for Dr. A that transports patients from San Antonio to Mexico for the surgery. Rosy is a classy lady and very kind and the ride down to Eagle Pass, TX was very pleasant. We also rode down with another patient who was having surgery the same day as me and her sister who was a former patient of Dr. A. These ladies were very kind and sweet and it was nice to be able to converse with people who were going through similar experiences regarding weight issues as myself. Once we got to Eagle Pass, TX we stayed another night in a hotel and Rosy drove us over the border the next morning. Once we arrived in Piedras Negras, Mexico I noticed that it seemed liked a very quiet and laid back environment. I know most people's first impression of Mexico is probably thoughts of drug cartels and violence, which is true in some parts of the county. But Piedras Negras is nothing like that and I never once felt unsafe during my stay. So if this misconception about all parts of Mexico is in your mind, I can testify that you won’t be ducking and dogging bullets and that you’ll be safe and comfortable.

Once we arrived at the hospital, we met with Dr. Alvarez for the first time. Dr. A's a cool mellow fellow, lol! He made us all feel at ease and ensured us that we were in good hands. His staff was also very kind and attentive to our needs. Once we finished talking to Dr. A and his assistants, we were escorted to our room in the hospital. One of Dr. A's hospital staff members, Jessica, escorted us around the hospital and was truly a sweetheart and made us feel extremely comfortable in the hospital and she was really classy and cool person to have around. The nurses on the hospital staff were also very attentive, so attentive that after surgery and during the night they were pretty much in and out of the room every couple hours or so to administer pain medication and to check on me. Once we got settled into the hospital room, Jessica took me down to get chest x-rays and blood tests and after that I was given a gown and was told to get ready for surgery. The nurses came in around 10 am and it was my turn to go to surgery. They told me that they were going to give me something to relax and that was my last memory until I woke up after surgery in my room.

After surgery was completed and after I woke up from the anesthesia, I was groggy and a bit confused but that's expected from major surgery. In regards to pain, I was never in excruciating pain during my three day stay in the hospital. The pain was more soreness from the five incisions in my abdomen but these incisions were relatively small. The main incision was the one which was slightly larger and this was where the excess stomach was removed. Also remember that the actual stomach pouch which was operated on does not have any nerves so you won’t feel any internal pain from your new stomach. So the pain is probably different for everyone but for me, it was just minor soreness and tenderness. Later that evening, I got up and walked the hallways with my buddy every hour or so since that is what Dr. A recommended. It does help you to start feeling better a lot quicker. The second and third day post op were fine the only experience I had was gas, acid reflux and the hiccups which didn't exactly feel good with the soreness in my stomach but it only lasted for a few hours. But once again overall the pain and initial post-op side effect weren’t anything I, or most other people couldn't handle. During the two day’s post-op Dr. Alavrez and his assistant doctor (forgive me but I forgot the gentlemen’s name) would come by the room and check on us to make sure everything was going well and that we were comfortable.

On the last day in the hospital we woke up early and were given a liquid grape drink for breakfast which was hard to drink since my stomach was swollen and getting liquids down was rough. We were also given ice chips to suck on which were helpful and also help the stomach swelling to go down sooner. When we checked out of the hospital we were given a discharge bag which had all of our medication that Dr. A prescribes, a copy of Dr. A’s weight loss book and documentation (receipts and doctors slips). We met with Dr. A one final time before Rosy drove us back to Mexico and we took pictures and he thanked us/ we thanked him and we were on our way back to San Antonio, TX, where we stayed one more night before heading home.
In three days I’ll be one month post-op and I feel pretty good. This week I’ll be getting back to eating solid foods which will be interesting. I don’t have much of any apatite anymore and when I do eat it is only a small amount of food at a time, which is perfect. I think the most positive aspect of having the VSG surgery and my new start to 2013 is that I actually think more carefully about the types of foods I eat and am consciously making better decisions to ensure that my weight loss is maximized and that I get the most from my VSG procedure. Remember that the VSG procedure is just a part of the process to help you in your new life, but it’s not a complete solution. You have to commit to eating right, drinking enough water and exercising daily to achieve the best results possible.

So to sum it all up, I would give Dr. Alvarez and his staff 10 out of 10 for his professionalism, kindness and attentiveness to his patients and would not think twice about going to him again if I needed to have another weight loss surgery. I would also have no hesitation about recommending Dr. Alvarez to anybody that is considering weight loss surgery in the near future. I must say that Dr. A and his entire staff were 1st class all the way and I have nothing but positive thoughts about my trip and experience to Mexico and the initial post-op results from the surgery.

Good luck to all of you in your weight loss journey and please choose Dr. Alvarez as your surgeon, you won’t regret your decision!!!


First of all, I am about 4 weeks post op and I already lost 37 pounds with VSG surgery. I am so happy that I did this surgery. First when I told my mom that we are going to Mexico for the surgery she thought I was crazy but I did a lot of research and I knew that based on what I read, saw and heard that Dr Alvarez is the best doctor and that I would only want him to perform my surgery. And once we got to Mexico things went exactly as planned. It was amazing far from scary actually it was ideal and even my mom wants to go back to get her vsg surgery done with Dr Alvarez. I had a hilatial hernia and he even fixed that free of charge. Everyone was so friendly and it was not scary at all. You can basically walk over the border from the hospital. We had a great time and regret not staying in Mexico a little longer to travel and sightsee but maybe when my mom gets her surgery done with him. I was super afraid of the anesthesia part of the surgery and it was the easiest part. I actually hugged the anesthieologist right after the surgery. Going to Mexico to be a patient of Dr. Alvarez should not even be a question! It is the answer. The answer to most of your problems. Dr. Alvarez is so nice and patient and good looking! Dr Alvarez and his team are exceptionally amazing and I recommend him as a surgeon with every ounce of my being because he is simply great. He does so many of these surgeries opposed to other people in the states that going to Mexico is really the first class best option for everyone needing this surgery. I lived in Israel and came to Mexico for the surgery because I know that Dr Alvarez is simply the best bariatric surgeon there is.


Hi my name is Nigel. I am from England and have suffered from a weight problem for a number of years since giving up an active sports lifestyle. After many years of diet YoYo-ing in August of 2012 I began to research on-line for options using a weight loss surgery procedure to reduce and control my weight. Each time I searched for a Gastric Sleeve procedure the same name kept coming up again and again, best service, Dr. Alvarez - best treatment, Dr. Alvarez – best results, Dr. Alvarez. So after many weeks of research I made the decision based upon the information available to me online that I would select the Endobariatric clinic in Mexico and make the contact. Within an hour of sending a request for information I received an email response from Susan George. Susan made me feel comfortable every step of the way, she answered my questions honestly and openly and gave me the assurance I needed to move forward. Let’s be honest, it’s a huge decision to make to allow a surgeon who I have never met operate on me. From the very step all of my reservations disappeared and in fact I looked forward to the procedure due on the 30th November 2012. It was easy, the price was fully inclusive of all services, I was met at San Antonio airport and transported very comfortably to the Holiday Inn in Eagle Pass for an overnight stay. The next morning I was collected and taken across the US/Mexican border without issue to Dr. Alvarez’s practice. I felt completely safe the entire time I was in transit and never felt out of place the whole time I was away from home. I received a warm welcome at Dr Alvarez’s office and when I met the man himself he greeted me as a friend. There was a short Q&A session and I was taken to the hospital room which is a joining to the Endobariatric clinic. Jesse, the nurse treated me kindly and stayed with me as my translator whilst my blood was taken and I received a chest x-ray. By 10am I was in having the surgery and by noon I was conscious. The discomfort I felt afterwards was no more than a visit to the dentist and following the instructions to get up and move about I felt better very quickly. I stayed in hospital for 2 days and checked out on the 3rd. I was transported back over the border where the whole process was taken care of by Dr. Alvarez’s team without issue. I was then transported back to San Antonio to take my flight home.
I can honestly say that I have never been treated better and a lot of European medical facilities could learn a great deal from this level of care. Dr. Alvarez has the reputation deserving of the service received, absolutely first class!
It has been 6 weeks since my surgery and I have lost a total of 52lbs that’s 3 ½ stone. Never before have I experienced results like this.
I cannot express enough how easy this whole experience was made by Dr. Alvarez and his team. From the start right up to arriving back home confirmed the reports that I read from others are all true. Trust in Dr. Alvarez and you will see the results for yourself with no regrets.




My experience with Dr. Alvarez and his staff was extremely positive. At first I was originally scheduled with another surgeon, but after reading Dr. A.'s book, I decided to go with him. Susan told me he was booked till two months out, but once I committed, she was able to squeeze me in earlier. That was awesome because it was scheduled one day earlier than I had originally been scheduled with the other surgeon. So the time frame was the same. Susan was very prompt in getting back to me and sending me all the paperwork (via email). There was a lot of information to read, a lot of it was a repeat from what is in his book. I was super excited about the whole process. Even an email from Susan was like getting a present on Christmas. So when the day to leave for Texas finally arrived, I was psyched! When we arrived at the airport, we called the hotel to have the shuttle pick us up. Once at the hotel, we waited for Rosie. I called her to let her know we were there. I went with my cousin. Rosie thanked me for letting her know and came right in. We left the hotel about 20 min. later.

The ride was kinda long. Rosie didn't talk much and the radio didn't work. So it was up to me and my cousin to keep ourselves entertained. Rosie was very nice though, just not talkative. We made one pit stop at a store for a snack. I was on the liquid diet so I got muscle milk and my cousin got some food. There were bees swarming everywhere! They were at every trash can, so I waited in the van. Once we arrived at the hotel in Eagle Pass I was so happy! This was really happening! Rosie checked us in and let us know what time she'd be there in the morning. That night I took a walk to the store and cheated on my liquid diet. Then I came back to the room and cheated some more, but when I told Dr. A. about it, he was totally cool. He said my BMI was low enough that I would be ok. The next morning Rosie came and got us and two other couples.

Crossing the border took merely minutes. The hotel was so close to the border, and the hospital was literally two minutes into Piedras Negras. Once we arrived, we went to go to Dr. Alvarez's office. He came into the waiting room to meet everybody, asked us who wanted to go 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and last. Then he met with each of us individually. I was 2nd and he was so nice. He asked me if I had any questions. My biggest concern was my cheating, which he said was fine. He did warn me however, that once I had the surgery, I HAD to stay on the diet 100% I promised. I would, and then we shook hands. Afterwards they brought me to the hospital which was behind his office. They took my blood and did x-rays. The hospital was old fashioned but very clean. Then they brought me to my room where I was prepped for surgery. They gave me something to relax me, and then next thing i knew, I was awake in my room, having already been out of surgery for hours.

When I woke up my throat was dry and scratchy. No pain though. I was hooked up to IV's and the nurses kept coming in and checking on them and me. The nurses were very nice. They didn't speak much English, but they still got the job done. I remember resting for a while, but I remember that even the night of surgery I got up and started walking the hallways. The second day they took the IV out and started me on ice chips. I walked the hallways a lot that day. My stomach hurt a little bit, so I used my pillow. They give you a bariatric pillow in the shape of a stomach, with a picture of the sleeve on it. So I used that pillow a lot. The next day they gave me juice to sip, and for some reason I was more sore that day. But I was given something for the pain (non narcotic) and felt better. Then it was time to go. They discharged us and Rosie and Jessica helped us with our bags. Oh! Jessica! I forgot to mention Jessica! She was so helpful! She took my cousin out several times to go out and grab some food. She gave her an iPad to use she came and checked on both of us all the time. She was awesome. So Rosie brought us through the border, which took a little longer Cuz their was traffic. But the guys only looked at our passports and let us through. No big deal. Thank God! Looks like all my naysayers worried for nothing! I was tired and a bit nauseous, so I slept most of the ride. Then we made it back to San Antonio. Rosie checked us in and dropped us off. We said goodbye and the hotel shuttle took us to the airport the next day.

Dr. A. Had asked me to email him when I got home. He came in to check on me all the time while I was in the hospital. So did the other surgeon, I forget his name. You could tell that they all really cared though. So each week I would get email from Dr. A. Asking how I was and reminding me about the new phase of the diet. I would recommend Dr. Alvarez and his entire team in a heartbeat. If you are scared of going to Mexico to have surgery? Don't be! Dr. A. Is far more skilled than any U.S. doctor at the sleeve. He wrote a book on it! There is nothing to fear. You are safe at all times, and well cared for. If you want the best quality care, go to Dr. Alvarez. He's more expensive than most doctors in Mexico because he's better. You get what you pay for in this case. Anyways, I'm so glad that I got my sleeve done by him. I know I will have great success!


I would like to say that I would definetly take this journey again with no hesitations at all. Matter of fact I have already reccommended Dr. Alvarez to some of my co-workers as I am totaly satisfied with my surgical experience,I am a OR nurse myself and can tell you that Dr. Alvarez and his staff are the best without a doubt. Dr. Alvarez is a professional who cares about what he does, Jose and Jessica my translators were with me throughout my hospital stay as well as the hospital staff who made sure I was comfortable without even having to ask.. WOW!!! Also Dr. Alvarez's collegues who were available to me as well. I can only say this surgical experience was a great one as operations go. When I was reviewing Dr. Alvarez I never found anything negative about him and now I know why he and his staff really are great!!!


Hello my name is Aleida, I was 22 years old when I got the Sleeve surgery with Dr. Alvarez. My first impression of Dr. Alvarez was that I felt at home, then as we went over my chart he was very understanding, to the point, addressed all of my questions, and kind. His staff is also the BEST!!! They are very professional, attentive, and you feel at home with the care that they provide you with. I have never seen such a kind, respectful, caring team to help you with your needs pre-op and post-op. Dr. Alvarez is the BEST hands down. He is there with you every step of the way and always wants you to feel at home and comfortable. If I had the chance, I would do it all over again. My surgery was December 1, 2012, before surgery I lost 44 lbs, and from surgery to January 2, 2012 I have lost 31 lbs. I have lost a total of 75 lbs. I feel great, there are no words to describe every emotion I feel. My diabetes is gone, I don't have to take my pills anymore. I feel free and I would not have been able to do it without Dr. Alvarez & his staff. May God bless them for all the hard work they have done. It's a decision you will never regret!!!


Dr. Alvarez & his staff go above the call of duty. He & his staff are very personal and caring people. They all have the best bedside manners. Out of having 5 surgeries,this has been by far the best experience. I recommend Dr. Alvarez 100%

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