Guillermo Alvarez

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 4.98150431566 out of 5 with 1189 ratings

Guillermo Alvarez Bariatric Surgeon MD

Guillermo Alvarez Bariatric Surgeon Picture

18 yr in Bariatrics

18 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

18 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

100% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 11

Max Age of Patient is 75

Brandi Carter Profile Pic
Brandi Carter
Patient Coordinator
Rosie Flores Profile Pic
Rosie Flores
Patient Coordinator
Lourdes Carranza Profile Pic
Lourdes Carranza
Personal Assistant

1189 Reviews for Guillermo Alvarez
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I cannot say enough great things about Dr. Alvarez and his team!! One cannot go wrong with picking him as your surgeon. Do not even be concerned about going out of the country for your surgery. It was so easy and convenient! He and his staff are 100% fluent in English. They take total care of you and whom ever you bring with you. It's like always having a personal concierge at your disposal.

Dr. Alvarez is very friendly and personable. Easy to talk to about concerns and questions. He and his surgical Associates check in on you several times a day. There is someone available to you 24 hours a day. He does have a structured aftercare diet that must be followed for your own good. He checks in with you at the start of every phase. He and his staff are quick to answer any questions. Aside from his excellent credentials I picked Dr. Alvarez because of his Patient Coordinator, Susan. She got back to me ASAP with any questions or concerns. When I first started out on this journey, I contacted a couple of surgeons. Susan answered my questions the same day. The other Offices I had to contact a couple of times before they finally sent a generic health form. I knew right away I would be treated personally and professionally with Dr. Alvarez.

I rate him a 10 out of 10 and I wish I could see him for any or all surgical/medical needs!


I received Dr. Alvarez's name from my neighbor. I am such a conservative person that the thought of having
surgery in Mexico was so far out of my comfort zone. I started doing my research and found lots of positive
The pre op nurse was very helpful and informative. I decided to take a leap of faith and schedule my procedure. My experience could not have been any better. From the driver, Rosie, to the staff and the accommodations. My neighbor could not have been any more correct when she described it as "a well oiled machine." There was not any question the staff did not have an answer for. Dr Alvarez came by multiple times to check on me. When I asked Dr. Alvarez for anything, he made it happen immediately. Then, his partner would come and follow up in 30 minutes to ensure I had relief from issue. Dr. Alvarez's staff was so professional and very well trained. The format they laid out was exactly what they said. The hospital was so clean. The follow up has been unbelievable. Dr Alvarez has emailed me for each phase change and promptly responded to any question I have had. I could not have asked for a better experience.


I found DR Alvarez thur a co worker who had went to him a year ago, after my insurance denied me for the sleeve i looked for a safe affordable option, so after some very quick emails back and for to Susan Geroge RN, I was set up with in a week for surgery, and any question I asked no matter how personal, it was answered and answered quick, So once in Mexico I git to meet with Dr A, who by the way was way slimmer then his online picture, he was very kind and a very happy man, easy to deal with, nice office, he answered all my last minute questions and off to hospital we went, It was an older hospital but very clean and nice, and Eery one was very nice! Dr A and his assistant DR were so attentive and always kind, The whole procedure was quick and pretty much painless! Surgery was on a Saturday Morning and I flew Home To PA on monday, now a little more then a monthe out I am 19 lbs down from surgery and 25lbs fromm start of liquid diet 10 days befor my surgery! It has been a great journey!


I had my gastric sleeve surgery with Dr. Alvarez about a month ago. It was the best decision I ever made. Before the surgery I use to weigh 270lbs and I'm down to 230lbs in just a month. I've lost 40lbs so far, I have so much energy. I can go out with my 4 year old without being in so much pain in my knees and feet. Dr. Alvarez and his staff are so professional and caring. They care about your every need, I felt safe with all my questions and concerns being answered. The hospital stay was comfortable, you have nurses constantly checking on you throughout your stay. The surgery was pain free. I'm so glad my sister referred me to such a wonderful doctor, I actually felt like I was back home, getting my surgery done in Virginia. Thanks to the best doctor in Mexico.


Dr. Alvarez and the entire Endobariatric staff are second to none! My fiance and i both have had VSG procedure. She had hers done on May 12, 2012 and mine was a year later on April 11, 2013. Like any other patients, we had concerns about traveling to Mexico! We did our homwork, researched it, and talked to several of his patients and could not find one negative comment! Scheduling the sugery was very simple and easy! The care we recieved at the hospital was far better than any i have recived in the states! The best part of this whole experiance his the "service after the sale"! I recieve regular e-mails from Dr. Alvarez checking in on me and encouraging me! I also have e-mailed him on a couple occasions with questions and he has always responded promptly with an answer! Dont think when you leave Mexico you are on your own because you are not! If you are thinking about weight loss surgery i highly recomend Dr. Alverez!!!! He saved my LIFE!!!!


Where to start!!?? I'm heather &I'm 27 yrs old ..starting weight of 347lbs I was diagnosed with pcos at age 16 .... (skipping time)....I'm not gonna go into detail about all of my journeys with weightloss because we all knw it AINT EASY..but what I willl tell you is that lije everyother over weight person I was energy borderline diabetic and just health steadily going down ur asking yourself why do I go to mexico?..why should I choose dr.alvarez? Is the hospital clean?am I going to be safe in mexico? Typicall questions right!!?? I was sleeved by dr. Alvarez on april 22, 2013..and I would do it over again this min..I got all tbe questions of the y go to mexico aren't you scared do you understand what you are doing.?? I got all these questions all the time and I will first hand tell you are going to THE BEST bariatric doctor in the world and he just happens to be in are not going to find the care, cleanliness.sencereist people anywhere else in the states ..the whole staff is just wonderful...they make you feel comfortable and are very nice and I will never be able to put into words how happy I was with my experience with weight at april 2, 2013 was 347 pounds my weigh day of surgery 307pounds today I am one month post op today is may 22, 2013 and I weigh 270 weight loss of 77 lbs I feel great!!! If you would like to personally contactme with any questions my email is don't be scared to contact me...Other than adopting my 2 children dr alvarez is the next best decision I have ever made in my life..and I'm positive you will feel the same once you commit to a healthier lifestyle and allowing dr.alvarez and his staff to be you friends/ doctors/ nurses.


Dr Alvarez and his staff are wonderful. Starting with my first inquiry about VSG surgery, and continuing today, when I am 4-1/2 weeks post-surgery. The compassion that they convey, and the care that they provide made me feel safe, secure and that I had put my future into the hands of experts. I would recommend Dr. Alvarez and his team to anyone who was considering weight loss surgery.


My journey begins with wanting Gastric Sleeve surgery were I didn’t feel like I was just patient XYZ. I did my research and found Dr. Alvarez. I will be honest I was very skeptical because my family/friends/ even my own doctors told me “Oh no don’t go to Mexico, you will not come back with your kidneys.” I even had a provider tell me that if anything went wrong after my surgery that in America that a Surgeon wouldn’t help me with complications. I am here to say this is all ignorance and lies.

My first step was emailing Susan, Dr. Alvarez’s business LVN. She was so wonderful and eased my mind. I told her my concerns and she was never pushy trying to get me to have the surgery. She simply answered my questions. As time went by I was able to afford to pay my surgery in out of pocket. I don’t know anywhere in the US that you can pay out of pocket without a loan against your home.

I then contacted Susan and she got everything under the sun set up for me. This is a serious surgery so with that comes serious paperwork. They want to get you prepared to succeed at your amazing journey.

We then drove to Angel Pass, Tx and had a hotel booked for us. The next morning the driver Rosy picked us up in the Van. She is very nice. We drove across the border and the hospital is literally 2 minutes from the border.

We pulled up to Dr. Alvarez outpatient office that is connected to the hospital. He was kind and smiling and weighed me. He introduced me to a lady named Jessica and said she will be one of your very best friends. She turned out to be just that.. I will explain why later.. We then walked across the way to the hospital.

I want to cover the hospital. Dr. Alvarez rents rooms from an older Catholic hospital while he has state of the art hospital being built for future patients. The rooms had nice couch area and shower if needed.

My surgery was within 1 hour of arriving. The nurses came in gave me something to relax and I was out. When I came out I felt scared and nauseated. This is where Jessica came back into play. She sat there and rubbed my back and told me it’s going to be ok for seemed like forever. Jessica was nice and very kind. Yes nurses came and went but Jessica stayed and cared for me. I have never ever had that kind of care in an American hospital.

Dr. Alvarez only does 2 surgeries a day so he can concentrate on his patients. He was always checking in on me. His Surgeon Assistant Dr. Rosales checks on you a lot too. You pretty much are never really left alone.

I am so thankful for Dr. A, he has changed my life forever. I was one of those people so scared to go to Mexico to have surgery. He has contacted me after my surgery constantly to make sure I am doing ok. They want you to succeed! They email you about the diet you have to do after surgery. I cant stress to you no American Surgeon will do that. I have had several other surgeries and not one doctor from those surgeries called me other than that they wanted $. Do you due diligence and look into Dr.A for Gastric Sleeve. He is very knowledgeable and the best out there.


First off I have to start this review by saying a big thank you to Dr. Alvarez and his whole team! I will forever be grateful.

I had my surgery, exactly 9 months ago on Aug 9th 2012. It was honestly the best decision I have ever made. I have to say I made up my mind pretty quickly about having any sort of WLS. I live in Orange County CA and was originally scheduled to have surgery by my house. But after finding out how expensive it was and not qualifying for a big enough loan to pay for it all. I started looking around. I thought I could do it somewhere outside of the US. Dr. Alvarez’s site was one of the first I found and I always kept reading wonderful stories about him. There was just something about his office that really caught my attention. After the first call and speaking with Susan, I knew I would be going to Piedras Negras to have my surgery. I got really lucky I called in Mid June (my original surgery in the OC was scheduled for 7/9) and got an appointment for 8/9.

I’ve been to Mexico a lot of times to all different places, so I wasn’t too frightened of going. But when we crossed the border I got really nervous, but only because of the surgery. It was actually a pretty scenic drive in, so that helped to calm me down a lot. When we first got to the office, I was pleasantly surprised at how new it was and how clean it was. People usually tend to think of Mexico as a little less than anything we have in the US. But I’m pleased to say it was actually a little nicer than the original location I was going to have the surgery at, in Orange County, CA. Our initial meeting was very informative and I felt completely at ease once Dr. A had explained everything. I asked to go first that morning, and was pleased that I was allowed too. The surgery went really well, although I will admit I slept pretty much the whole first day. I did get up and walk around some in the evening and it wasn’t too bad.

The whole staff was amazing, and everything was facilitated so easily. My mom, luckily, came with me and she loved everyone also. She always tells everyone how handsome the two surgeons were, and I have to agree also. Our accommodations were wonderful. We had our own room with a bathroom, it was great, since it took me a little time to get up and moving. The 24 hour care that came from all the nurses was fantastic. Jessica the primary nurse was amazing and so helpful, anything you needed she would help with. I think my only regret is not having enough strength to do a little sightseeing in Piedras Negras, it looks like a great little town.

I started out at 276 lbs I’m down to 189 lbs today. I’ve lost 86.6 lbs and am only 19lbs from my goal weight! My 32nd birthday is in 2 weeks, and honestly I couldn’t be happier!! It’s amazing how shedding some weight can help you in so many ways. I was always a very confident, outgoing, and happy big girl. Now I’ve got a little extra pep in my step and have definitely become a much more active person!!

Thank you again, Dr. Alvarez and everyone!


I am a 42 year old woman who had diabetes for a while now. I learned about Dr. Alvarez from a friend who had the procedure done. A total of about 5 or 6 Ladies from my little home town has made the journey and had the procedure done. Every one of them is loosing weight and and getting healthier everyday!. I went on YouTube to research Dr. Alvarez and listen to what he had to say. The information was wonderful! I watched videos about the procedure, what to expect when we arrived in Eagle Pass and testimonies of previous patients. I have a sister who had the by-pass and an Aunt who had the lap band so I spoke with them in depth about their experiences and pros and cons of what to expect. After further investigation into what was available and deciding on the procedure that would best fit my needs I decided on the sleeve. I contacted Dr. Alvarez's Office and went to work on getting my Visa in order. I also spoke to my Doctors who have been taking care of me and my diabetes. Everyone was informed and on board. I have never been so excited! When I watched Dr. Alvarez on the Videos he seemed to me to be extreamly knowledgeable about the procedure. He appeared to be very passionate about wanting to help his patients with their weight loss journey. When we got to Eagle Pass it was exactly as it was on the YouTube video. We checked in with no problem. The accommodations were very nice! When we were picked up (just like the video) the driver was so nice. When I met Dr. Alvarez in person he was exactly like his videos. No different the office was just like it was on his videos. The hospital was very clean and all the staff even though they could not speak English and I could not speak Spanish were very nice. You never have to worry about language barriers because of Jessica and Jesus! They are very helpful and nice! Dr. Alvarez and his associate. Were in quite a few times after surgery to check on me and make sure I was being well taken care of and of course they had nothing to worry about! I would say that my entire stay and quality of care was wonderful! The only negative thing I have to say is that I wish I had done it sooner! I am so very tickled to be diabetic free since the surgery and it has been one month since and I have so much more energy and the ability move more freely! I have lost over 50 lbs in since I started the pre-op liquid diet! I would strongly recommend this procedure to anyone interested and motivated to become the healthier you! It is a lifestyle that I will live with for the rest of my life and I want to say it is so worth it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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