Guillermo Alvarez

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 4.98150431566 out of 5 with 1189 ratings

Guillermo Alvarez Bariatric Surgeon MD

Guillermo Alvarez Bariatric Surgeon Picture

18 yr in Bariatrics

18 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

18 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

100% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 11

Max Age of Patient is 75

Brandi Carter Profile Pic
Brandi Carter
Patient Coordinator
Rosie Flores Profile Pic
Rosie Flores
Patient Coordinator
Lourdes Carranza Profile Pic
Lourdes Carranza
Personal Assistant

1189 Reviews for Guillermo Alvarez
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I had a fantastic experience with Dr. Alvarez and his team . The whole process was like a well-oiled machine, but I never felt like just a number or just a surgery there. Dr. Alvarez is a little slick, but his bedside manner is great and he does a fantastic job.

I'm one month out from surgery today, and it's the best thing I've ever done for myself. He and his team have been available for ALL of my post-op questions, sent me really detailed guidelines and lots of encouragement for each phase of the post-op diet, and they've been all-around awesome! I highly recommend Dr. Alvarez and his team.


Dr. Alvarez and his staff are amazing. From the moment we arrived at his clinic to the day we headed back to San Antonio we were treated so well. The hospital is clean, well staffed by great nurses and support personnel. We walked around the area where the clinic is located and felt safe. People are very friendly and helpful. My experience is that not only is Dr. A an excellent surgeon he has the best bedside manners of any doctor I have ever had.. You feel welcomed and at ease with him and his staff. I would highly recommend anyone considering this type of surgery, especially the gastric sleeved to consider Dr. Alvarez, You will not be disappointed. Marty Reitzin


When I decided to go for weight loss surgery, I was a little apprehensive considering I was looking at travelling to Mexico from The Bahamas. However, I must say that I could not have asked for a better experience. Dr. Alvarez and his team are the best!! I traveled by myself to Mexico for the surgery. Dr. Alvarez was kind enough to call my friend back home to inform her that everything went great with the surgery and that I was in recovery.

I felt safe in Mexico and at the hospital. The hospital is 2 minutes away from the Mexican border and very comfortable. I definitely would recommend Dr. Alvarez and his team to everyone!!!


2 previous reviews. « hide

When I decided to go for weight loss surgery, I was a little apprehensive considering I was looking at travelling to Mexico from The Bahamas. However, I must say that I could not have asked for a better experience. Dr. Alvarez and his team are the best!! I traveled by myself to Mexico for the surgery. Dr. Alvarez was kind enough to call my friend back home to inform her that everything went great with the surgery and that I was in recovery.

I felt safe in Mexico and at the hospital. The hospital is 2 minutes away from the Mexican border and very comfortable. I definitely would recommend Dr. Alvarez and his team to everyone!!!


When I decided to go for weight loss surgery, I was a little apprehensive considering I was looking at travelling to Mexico from The Bahamas. However, I must say that I could not have asked for a better experience. Dr. Alvarez and his team are the best!! I traveled by myself to Mexico for the surgery. Dr. Alvarez was kind enough to call my friend back home to inform her that everything went great with the surgery and that I was in recovery.

I felt safe in Mexico and at the hospital. The hospital is 2 minutes away from the Mexican border and very comfortable. I definitely would recommend Dr. Alvarez and his team to everyone!!!


Me experience with Dr. Alvarez was incredible. I call him the miracle surgeon. He and his staff are so caring. I've never had care like that in the U.S. He and the other surgeons checked on me frequently. Dr. A. even came to check on me at 8:00 Sunday night. I was amazed. I wasn't at all afraid of being in Mexico. The whole thing went like clockwork. Thank you, Miracle Surgeon!


Review: VSG surgery by Dr. Guillermo Alvarez

Isn’t it nice to go to the doctor and not be rushed, be treated in a friendly manner like an individual, like you are somebody and not just another appointment to be hurried thru an overloaded schedule? As the daughter of a surgeon, I grew up with that as the norm and never had a thought that it would ever be any other way.

Well, about a year ago I had surgery on a deviated septum and turbinates. The doctor was nice enough in his office, which was directly across from the hospital. But, he NEVER checked in on me in the hospital after doing the surgery. He didn’t even come by to be the one to discharge me! I could only wonder if this was what our medical system has become!

That happened to be on a Friday and the pain meds that were supposed to have been called in to the pharmacy by his office were not waiting there so I needed to speak to the doctor’s office. I called to ask about that and if I could take the pain killers I had at home until the prescription got filled and my husband could stop by a second time after work to pick them up. The receptionist took a message, but no one ever called me back. I got in such trouble with pain that I was literally shaking all over and it was absolutely frightening! Over the weekend I needed to talk to the doctor, too, because I felt like I was having trouble breathing so I called the answering service and left him a message. Again, I never got a return call.

This experience was unbelievable to me. I just couldn’t even imagine such medical treatment! I have had lots of surgeries and have no fear about it. I go into it without doubts because, being from a medical family, the doctors were our family friends and who were mostly on the other end of the line anytime a call came into our home. And, when I had surgery as a child, all the doctors would come in to see me and say hi, so surgeries for me were fun!

Well, several months after that nightmare, a friend urged me to explore information on the web regarding sleeve surgery. She had been investigating the various gastro surgery options for about 11 years and, for the past year, had been jumping through the required hoops to get approved by her insurance company and that approval was imminent. But, she was morbidly obese and I was borderline, so I knew a year of hoop jumping would not get the same results for me.

I may not have been morbidly obese, but I was morbidly unhappy! You see, both of my parents are extremely critical people and have been unrelenting about my weight as long as I can remember. They were so focused on my weight that I thought it was the most important thing about me and it/I was unacceptable. I often felt I didn’t even have the right to exist because of it! Even my results on a Myers/Briggs test are completely different depending on my weight being high or low.

My girlfriend had watched me lose and gain the same 50 to 60 pounds over and over. She really really wanted for the two of us to go thru the sleeve experience together and pressed me to look into this surgery. I Googled it to learn more and watched youTubes… youTubes… and more youTubes! I was now on board but realized I would have to find another way to be able to afford it, so I began to look up surgeons outside of the US where the price would be less.

That was quite an uncomfortable thought for me. This was such a personal decision that I didn’t want to confer with any of my family about it. But, with Dad being a doctor, my brother being a doctor, three of his sons being doctors, my other brother being a Phd, this former singer/dancer/actress did not want to confirm any opinions of my lesser achievements by doing something idiotic or dangerous. Although prices in Mexico were so much less than in America and I was hopeful the surgery was within reach, my priority was not finding the cheapest surgeon possible but the best!

Thankfully, I came across youTube videos of Dr. Guillermo Alvarez—so informative, so without ego, so poised and genteel, so relaxed, so genuine… I even LOVED that his speech pattern was not overly polished and without natural repeats, stammers and pauses. As a director, I ask my actors to put those imperfections into their dialogue so it won’t sound stilted. Also, Dr. Alvarez’s hands caught my attention as being particularly graceful and I LOVED that he actually performed and narrated a sleeve surgery on youTube. This was one of those times when I had no doubt, this doctor, who had patients from all over the world, was someone I felt total confidence in and I was ready!

That confidence not only came from what I saw in Dr. Alvarez. His interface nurse, Susan, who answers all questions and books the surgeries, is nothing less than a GEM! Patient, understanding, thorough, engaged, responsive, fun—there just aren’t superlatives enough and I felt like I had known her my whole life. She was also empathetic as she had had her lap band surgery changed to a sleeve by Dr. Alvarez seven years prior and knew the struggle with weight herself.

I asked Susan if I could have referrals to contact— people who might be willing to talk to me about their experience with this surgery. She quickly sent me about 8 or 10 names. I contacted them and person after person I spoke to from across the country had so much energy and enthusiasm about it they were more than happy to share all they could with me explaining how it had change their lives. Some had had the surgery as much as 6 years prior and some only 2½ months. I asked every one of them if they had any regrets and, to the person, they all said their only regret was that they didn’t have it sooner!

I had total peace about moving forward. I booked my surgery and went to Mexico without my husband. I was fine and didn’t want to interrupt his work schedule or ask him to sit around while I had surgery and was recuperating and didn’t feel I needed the hand holding to be okay. So, it was most helpful to me if my husband would remain at home and look after our four Jack Russells instead of arranging for someone else to take care of them in his absence. Susan had assured me I was going to be so pleased at the care I would receive and would be absolutely fine going thru it alone. That meant I’d be travelling to and from Mexico on my own, even after having had surgery.

And, what a pleasant surgical experience it was. Such personal attention from the doctor, with no delays and waiting, no overly busy hospital staff rushing about unable to get to me when I needed them. Dr. Alvarez said my procedure took him 20 minutes and he called back home to Virginia immediately after he was done to let David know everything went great. Nurses and doctors were in to see me regularly and I was up and walking the hall myself every ½ hour as instructed. All of the meds had been carefully organized for me to take home with me and were clearly explained upon discharge. I felt great and two days after surgery was out shopping at the Walmart and the TJMaxx across the parking lot from the hotel in San Antonio where the good doctor’s patients stay before flying home!

This was not at all how my girlfriend’s surgery had gone in the States two weeks before I went for mine. She was scheduled for surgery at 10:30 in the morning and they didn’t take her until 3:30pm. Her surgery took 2½ hours, she was in lots of pain afterwards and was extremely nauseous. The nurses were offering her gingerale even though it was clearly written on the white board in her room that she could not have any, and they apparently did not know she needed to be up and walking. She was at the hospital for several days and had a rough time of it. She’s feeling a lot better now, though, especially after having lost 90+ pounds in just 6 months and is now looking fantastic! This is, indeed, a life changing procedure and we are both thrilled and thankful to have gone through with it!

It was three years ago when another friend divulged to me she had had this surgery and said, “RUN, DO NOT WALK” to get it done. I dismissed the idea as extreme at the time then proceeded on a several year gaining spree to my highest weight ever with no control in sight! I am now 5½ months out from surgery and have done my best to follow the protocol in order to get the most out of this incredible gift. The advantage I now have is that my consumption is now so limited whereas, before, I was a bottomless pit! And, if I get to protein and produce first, as prescribed, there just is NOT room for anything else.

I am almost 5’ tall, 64 years old and have lost 51 pounds! My goal was 60 pounds, nearly 1/3 of my body weight. But, already I’m back in my size 4 jeans and doing a lot of smiling. I recently told my mother what I had done and she couldn’t stop saying how proud she is of me, which couldn’t help but make me smile, too. But, one of my most smiley moments on this journey was receiving a thank-you note from Dr. Alvarez, one of the 9 best sleeve surgeons in the world, thanking little old me for being his patient. IT JUST DOESN’T GET ANY BETTER THAN THAT!

1 person found this helpful


5 previous reviews. « hide

Review: VSG surgery by Dr. Guillermo Alvarez

Isn’t it nice to go to the doctor and not be rushed, be treated in a friendly manner like an individual, like you are somebody and not just another appointment to be hurried thru an overloaded schedule? As the daughter of a surgeon, I grew up with that as the norm and never had a thought that it would ever be any other way.

Well, about a year ago I had surgery on a deviated septum and turbinates. The doctor was nice enough in his office, which was directly across from the hospital. But, he NEVER checked in on me in the hospital after doing the surgery. He didn’t even come by to be the one to discharge me! I could only wonder if this was what our medical system has become!

That happened to be on a Friday and the pain meds that were supposed to have been called in to the pharmacy by his office were not waiting there so I needed to speak to the doctor’s office. I called to ask about that and if I could take the pain killers I had at home until the prescription got filled and my husband could stop by a second time after work to pick them up. The receptionist took a message, but no one ever called me back. I got in such trouble with pain that I was literally shaking all over and it was absolutely frightening! Over the weekend I needed to talk to the doctor, too, because I felt like I was having trouble breathing so I called the answering service and left him a message. Again, I never got a return call.

This experience was unbelievable to me. I just couldn’t even imagine such medical treatment! I have had lots of surgeries and have no fear about it. I go into it without doubts because, being from a medical family, the doctors were our family friends and who were mostly on the other end of the line anytime a call came into our home. And, when I had surgery as a child, all the doctors would come in to see me and say hi, so surgeries for me were fun!

Well, several months after that nightmare, a friend urged me to explore information on the web regarding sleeve surgery. She had been investigating the various gastro surgery options for about 11 years and, for the past year, had been jumping through the required hoops to get approved by her insurance company and that approval was imminent. But, she was morbidly obese and I was borderline, so I knew a year of hoop jumping would not get the same results for me.

I may not have been morbidly obese, but I was morbidly unhappy! You see, both of my parents are extremely critical people and have been unrelenting about my weight as long as I can remember. They were so focused on my weight that I thought it was the most important thing about me and it/I was unacceptable. I often felt I didn’t even have the right to exist because of it! Even my results on a Myers/Briggs test are completely different depending on my weight being high or low.

My girlfriend had watched me lose and gain the same 50 to 60 pounds over and over. She really really wanted for the two of us to go thru the sleeve experience together and pressed me to look into this surgery. I Googled it to learn more and watched youTubes… youTubes… and more youTubes! I was now on board but realized I would have to find another way to be able to afford it, so I began to look up surgeons outside of the US where the price would be less.

That was quite an uncomfortable thought for me. This was such a personal decision that I didn’t want to confer with any of my family about it. But, with Dad being a doctor, my brother being a doctor, three of his sons being doctors, my other brother being a Phd, this former singer/dancer/actress did not want to confirm any opinions of my lesser achievements by doing something idiotic or dangerous. Although prices in Mexico were so much less than in America and I was hopeful the surgery was within reach, my priority was not finding the cheapest surgeon possible but the best!

Thankfully, I came across youTube videos of Dr. Guillermo Alvarez—so informative, so without ego, so poised and genteel, so relaxed, so genuine… I even LOVED that his speech pattern was not overly polished and without natural repeats, stammers and pauses. As a director, I ask my actors to put those imperfections into their dialogue so it won’t sound stilted. Also, Dr. Alvarez’s hands caught my attention as being particularly graceful and I LOVED that he actually performed and narrated a sleeve surgery on youTube. This was one of those times when I had no doubt, this doctor, who had patients from all over the world, was someone I felt total confidence in and I was ready!

That confidence not only came from what I saw in Dr. Alvarez. His interface nurse, Susan, who answers all questions and books the surgeries, is nothing less than a GEM! Patient, understanding, thorough, engaged, responsive, fun—there just aren’t superlatives enough and I felt like I had known her my whole life. She was also empathetic as she had had her lap band surgery changed to a sleeve by Dr. Alvarez seven years prior and knew the struggle with weight herself.

I asked Susan if I could have referrals to contact— people who might be willing to talk to me about their experience with this surgery. She quickly sent me about 8 or 10 names. I contacted them and person after person I spoke to from across the country had so much energy and enthusiasm about it they were more than happy to share all they could with me explaining how it had change their lives. Some had had the surgery as much as 6 years prior and some only 2½ months. I asked every one of them if they had any regrets and, to the person, they all said their only regret was that they didn’t have it sooner!

I had total peace about moving forward. I booked my surgery and went to Mexico without my husband. I was fine and didn’t want to interrupt his work schedule or ask him to sit around while I had surgery and was recuperating and didn’t feel I needed the hand holding to be okay. So, it was most helpful to me if my husband would remain at home and look after our four Jack Russells instead of arranging for someone else to take care of them in his absence. Susan had assured me I was going to be so pleased at the care I would receive and would be absolutely fine going thru it alone. That meant I’d be travelling to and from Mexico on my own, even after having had surgery.

And, what a pleasant surgical experience it was. Such personal attention from the doctor, with no delays and waiting, no overly busy hospital staff rushing about unable to get to me when I needed them. Dr. Alvarez said my procedure took him 20 minutes and he called back home to Virginia immediately after he was done to let David know everything went great. Nurses and doctors were in to see me regularly and I was up and walking the hall myself every ½ hour as instructed. All of the meds had been carefully organized for me to take home with me and were clearly explained upon discharge. I felt great and two days after surgery was out shopping at the Walmart and the TJMaxx across the parking lot from the hotel in San Antonio where the good doctor’s patients stay before flying home!

This was not at all how my girlfriend’s surgery had gone in the States two weeks before I went for mine. She was scheduled for surgery at 10:30 in the morning and they didn’t take her until 3:30pm. Her surgery took 2½ hours, she was in lots of pain afterwards and was extremely nauseous. The nurses were offering her gingerale even though it was clearly written on the white board in her room that she could not have any, and they apparently did not know she needed to be up and walking. She was at the hospital for several days and had a rough time of it. She’s feeling a lot better now, though, especially after having lost 90+ pounds in just 6 months and is now looking fantastic! This is, indeed, a life changing procedure and we are both thrilled and thankful to have gone through with it!

It was three years ago when another friend divulged to me she had had this surgery and said, “RUN, DO NOT WALK” to get it done. I dismissed the idea as extreme at the time then proceeded on a several year gaining spree to my highest weight ever with no control in sight! I am now 5½ months out from surgery and have done my best to follow the protocol in order to get the most out of this incredible gift. The advantage I now have is that my consumption is now so limited whereas, before, I was a bottomless pit! And, if I get to protein and produce first, as prescribed, there just is NOT room for anything else.

I am almost 5’ tall, 64 years old and have lost 51 pounds! My goal was 60 pounds, nearly 1/3 of my body weight. But, already I’m back in my size 4 jeans and doing a lot of smiling. I recently told my mother what I had done and she couldn’t stop saying how proud she is of me, which couldn’t help but make me smile, too. But, one of my most smiley moments on this journey was receiving a thank-you note from Dr. Alvarez, one of the 9 best sleeve surgeons in the world, thanking little old me for being his patient. IT JUST DOESN’T GET ANY BETTER THAN THAT!

1 person found this helpful


Review: VSG surgery by Dr. Guillermo Alvarez

Isn’t it nice to go to the doctor and not be rushed, be treated in a friendly manner like an individual, like you are somebody and not just another appointment to be hurried thru an overloaded schedule? As the daughter of a surgeon, I grew up with that as the norm and never had a thought that it would ever be any other way.

Well, about a year ago I had surgery on a deviated septum and turbinates. The doctor was nice enough in his office, which was directly across from the hospital. But, he NEVER checked in on me in the hospital after doing the surgery. He didn’t even come by to be the one to discharge me! I could only wonder if this was what our medical system has become!

That happened to be on a Friday and the pain meds that were supposed to have been called in to the pharmacy by his office were not waiting there so I needed to speak to the doctor’s office. I called to ask about that and if I could take the pain killers I had at home until the prescription got filled and my husband could stop by a second time after work to pick them up. The receptionist took a message, but no one ever called me back. I got in such trouble with pain that I was literally shaking all over and it was absolutely frightening! Over the weekend I needed to talk to the doctor, too, because I felt like I was having trouble breathing so I called the answering service and left him a message. Again, I never got a return call.

This experience was unbelievable to me. I just couldn’t even imagine such medical treatment! I have had lots of surgeries and have no fear about it. I go into it without doubts because, being from a medical family, the doctors were our family friends and who were mostly on the other end of the line anytime a call came into our home. And, when I had surgery as a child, all the doctors would come in to see me and say hi, so surgeries for me were fun!

Well, several months after that nightmare, a friend urged me to explore information on the web regarding sleeve surgery. She had been investigating the various gastro surgery options for about 11 years and, for the past year, had been jumping through the required hoops to get approved by her insurance company and that approval was imminent. But, she was morbidly obese and I was borderline, so I knew a year of hoop jumping would not get the same results for me.

I may not have been morbidly obese, but I was morbidly unhappy! You see, both of my parents are extremely critical people and have been unrelenting about my weight as long as I can remember. They were so focused on my weight that I thought it was the most important thing about me and it/I was unacceptable. I often felt I didn’t even have the right to exist because of it! Even my results on a Myers/Briggs test are completely different depending on my weight being high or low.

My girlfriend had watched me lose and gain the same 50 to 60 pounds over and over. She really really wanted for the two of us to go thru the sleeve experience together and pressed me to look into this surgery. I Googled it to learn more and watched youTubes… youTubes… and more youTubes! I was now on board but realized I would have to find another way to be able to afford it, so I began to look up surgeons outside of the US where the price would be less.

That was quite an uncomfortable thought for me. This was such a personal decision that I didn’t want to confer with any of my family about it. But, with Dad being a doctor, my brother being a doctor, three of his sons being doctors, my other brother being a Phd, this former singer/dancer/actress did not want to confirm any opinions of my lesser achievements by doing something idiotic or dangerous. Although prices in Mexico were so much less than in America and I was hopeful the surgery was within reach, my priority was not finding the cheapest surgeon possible but the best!

Thankfully, I came across youTube videos of Dr. Guillermo Alvarez—so informative, so without ego, so poised and genteel, so relaxed, so genuine… I even LOVED that his speech pattern was not overly polished and without natural repeats, stammers and pauses. As a director, I ask my actors to put those imperfections into their dialogue so it won’t sound stilted. Also, Dr. Alvarez’s hands caught my attention as being particularly graceful and I LOVED that he actually performed and narrated a sleeve surgery on youTube. This was one of those times when I had no doubt, this doctor, who had patients from all over the world, was someone I felt total confidence in and I was ready!

That confidence not only came from what I saw in Dr. Alvarez. His interface nurse, Susan, who answers all questions and books the surgeries, is nothing less than a GEM! Patient, understanding, thorough, engaged, responsive, fun—there just aren’t superlatives enough and I felt like I had known her my whole life. She was also empathetic as she had had her lap band surgery changed to a sleeve by Dr. Alvarez seven years prior and knew the struggle with weight herself.

I asked Susan if I could have referrals to contact— people who might be willing to talk to me about their experience with this surgery. She quickly sent me about 8 or 10 names. I contacted them and person after person I spoke to from across the country had so much energy and enthusiasm about it they were more than happy to share all they could with me explaining how it had change their lives. Some had had the surgery as much as 6 years prior and some only 2½ months. I asked every one of them if they had any regrets and, to the person, they all said their only regret was that they didn’t have it sooner!

I had total peace about moving forward. I booked my surgery and went to Mexico without my husband. I was fine and didn’t want to interrupt his work schedule or ask him to sit around while I had surgery and was recuperating and didn’t feel I needed the hand holding to be okay. So, it was most helpful to me if my husband would remain at home and look after our four Jack Russells instead of arranging for someone else to take care of them in his absence. Susan had assured me I was going to be so pleased at the care I would receive and would be absolutely fine going thru it alone. That meant I’d be travelling to and from Mexico on my own, even after having had surgery.

And, what a pleasant surgical experience it was. Such personal attention from the doctor, with no delays and waiting, no overly busy hospital staff rushing about unable to get to me when I needed them. Dr. Alvarez said my procedure took him 20 minutes and he called back home to Virginia immediately after he was done to let David know everything went great. Nurses and doctors were in to see me regularly and I was up and walking the hall myself every ½ hour as instructed. All of the meds had been carefully organized for me to take home with me and were clearly explained upon discharge. I felt great and two days after surgery was out shopping at the Walmart and the TJMaxx across the parking lot from the hotel in San Antonio where the good doctor’s patients stay before flying home!

This was not at all how my girlfriend’s surgery had gone in the States two weeks before I went for mine. She was scheduled for surgery at 10:30 in the morning and they didn’t take her until 3:30pm. Her surgery took 2½ hours, she was in lots of pain afterwards and was extremely nauseous. The nurses were offering her gingerale even though it was clearly written on the white board in her room that she could not have any, and they apparently did not know she needed to be up and walking. She was at the hospital for several days and had a rough time of it. She’s feeling a lot better now, though, especially after having lost 90+ pounds in just 6 months and is now looking fantastic! This is, indeed, a life changing procedure and we are both thrilled and thankful to have gone through with it!

It was three years ago when another friend divulged to me she had had this surgery and said, “RUN, DO NOT WALK” to get it done. I dismissed the idea as extreme at the time then proceeded on a several year gaining spree to my highest weight ever with no control in sight! I am now 5½ months out from surgery and have done my best to follow the protocol in order to get the most out of this incredible gift. The advantage I now have is that my consumption is now so limited whereas, before, I was a bottomless pit! And, if I get to protein and produce first, as prescribed, there just is NOT room for anything else.

I am almost 5’ tall, 64 years old and have lost 51 pounds! My goal was 60 pounds, nearly 1/3 of my body weight. But, already I’m back in my size 4 jeans and doing a lot of smiling. I recently told my mother what I had done and she couldn’t stop saying how proud she is of me, which couldn’t help but make me smile, too. But, one of my most smiley moments on this journey was receiving a thank-you note from Dr. Alvarez, one of the 9 best sleeve surgeons in the world, thanking little old me for being his patient. IT JUST DOESN’T GET ANY BETTER THAN THAT!


Review: VSG surgery by Dr. Guillermo Alvarez

Isn’t it nice to go to the doctor and not be rushed, be treated in a friendly manner like an individual, like you are somebody and not just another appointment to be hurried thru an overloaded schedule? As the daughter of a surgeon, I grew up with that as the norm and never had a thought that it would ever be any other way.

Well, about a year ago I had surgery on a deviated septum and turbinates. The doctor was nice enough in his office, which was directly across from the hospital. But, he NEVER checked in on me in the hospital after doing the surgery. He didn’t even come by to be the one to discharge me! I could only wonder if this was what our medical system has become!

That happened to be on a Friday and the pain meds that were supposed to have been called in to the pharmacy by his office were not waiting there so I needed to speak to the doctor’s office. I called to ask about that and if I could take the pain killers I had at home until the prescription got filled and my husband could stop by a second time after work to pick them up. The receptionist took a message, but no one ever called me back. I got in such trouble with pain that I was literally shaking all over and it was absolutely frightening! Over the weekend I needed to talk to the doctor, too, because I felt like I was having trouble breathing so I called the answering service and left him a message. Again, I never got a return call.

This experience was unbelievable to me. I just couldn’t even imagine such medical treatment! I have had lots of surgeries and have no fear about it. I go into it without doubts because, being from a medical family, the doctors were our family friends and who were mostly on the other end of the line anytime a call came into our home. And, when I had surgery as a child, all the doctors would come in to see me and say hi, so surgeries for me were fun!

Well, several months after that nightmare, a friend urged me to explore information on the web regarding sleeve surgery. She had been investigating the various gastro surgery options for about 11 years and, for the past year, had been jumping through the required hoops to get approved by her insurance company and that approval was imminent. But, she was morbidly obese and I was borderline, so I knew a year of hoop jumping would not get the same results for me.

I may not have been morbidly obese, but I was morbidly unhappy! You see, both of my parents are extremely critical people and have been unrelenting about my weight as long as I can remember. They were so focused on my weight that I thought it was the most important thing about me and it/I was unacceptable. I often felt I didn’t even have the right to exist because of it! Even my results on a Myers/Briggs test are completely different depending on my weight being high or low.

My girlfriend had watched me lose and gain the same 50 to 60 pounds over and over. She really really wanted for the two of us to go thru the sleeve experience together and pressed me to look into this surgery. I Googled it to learn more and watched youTubes… youTubes… and more youTubes! I was now on board but realized I would have to find another way to be able to afford it, so I began to look up surgeons outside of the US where the price would be less.

That was quite an uncomfortable thought for me. This was such a personal decision that I didn’t want to confer with any of my family about it. But, with Dad being a doctor, my brother being a doctor, three of his sons being doctors, my other brother being a Phd, this former singer/dancer/actress did not want to confirm any opinions of my lesser achievements by doing something idiotic or dangerous. Although prices in Mexico were so much less than in America and I was hopeful the surgery was within reach, my priority was not finding the cheapest surgeon possible but the best!

Thankfully, I came across youTube videos of Dr. Guillermo Alvarez—so informative, so without ego, so poised and genteel, so relaxed, so genuine… I even LOVED that his speech pattern was not overly polished and without natural repeats, stammers and pauses. As a director, I ask my actors to put those imperfections into their dialogue so it won’t sound stilted. Also, Dr. Alvarez’s hands caught my attention as being particularly graceful and I LOVED that he actually performed and narrated a sleeve surgery on youTube. This was one of those times when I had no doubt, this doctor, who had patients from all over the world, was someone I felt total confidence in and I was ready!

That confidence not only came from what I saw in Dr. Alvarez. His interface nurse, Susan, who answers all questions and books the surgeries, is nothing less than a GEM! Patient, understanding, thorough, engaged, responsive, fun—there just aren’t superlatives enough and I felt like I had known her my whole life. She was also empathetic as she had had her lap band surgery changed to a sleeve by Dr. Alvarez seven years prior and knew the struggle with weight herself.

I asked Susan if I could have referrals to contact— people who might be willing to talk to me about their experience with this surgery. She quickly sent me about 8 or 10 names. I contacted them and person after person I spoke to from across the country had so much energy and enthusiasm about it they were more than happy to share all they could with me explaining how it had change their lives. Some had had the surgery as much as 6 years prior and some only 2½ months. I asked every one of them if they had any regrets and, to the person, they all said their only regret was that they didn’t have it sooner!

I had total peace about moving forward. I booked my surgery and went to Mexico without my husband. I was fine and didn’t want to interrupt his work schedule or ask him to sit around while I had surgery and was recuperating and didn’t feel I needed the hand holding to be okay. So, it was most helpful to me if my husband would remain at home and look after our four Jack Russells instead of arranging for someone else to take care of them in his absence. Susan had assured me I was going to be so pleased at the care I would receive and would be absolutely fine going thru it alone. That meant I’d be travelling to and from Mexico on my own, even after having had surgery.

And, what a pleasant surgical experience it was. Such personal attention from the doctor, with no delays and waiting, no overly busy hospital staff rushing about unable to get to me when I needed them. Dr. Alvarez said my procedure took him 20 minutes and he called back home to Virginia immediately after he was done to let David know everything went great. Nurses and doctors were in to see me regularly and I was up and walking the hall myself every ½ hour as instructed. All of the meds had been carefully organized for me to take home with me and were clearly explained upon discharge. I felt great and two days after surgery was out shopping at the Walmart and the TJMaxx across the parking lot from the hotel in San Antonio where the good doctor’s patients stay before flying home!

This was not at all how my girlfriend’s surgery had gone in the States two weeks before I went for mine. She was scheduled for surgery at 10:30 in the morning and they didn’t take her until 3:30pm. Her surgery took 2½ hours, she was in lots of pain afterwards and was extremely nauseous. The nurses were offering her gingerale even though it was clearly written on the white board in her room that she could not have any, and they apparently did not know she needed to be up and walking. She was at the hospital for several days and had a rough time of it. She’s feeling a lot better now, though, especially after having lost 90+ pounds in just 6 months and is now looking fantastic! This is, indeed, a life changing procedure and we are both thrilled and thankful to have gone through with it!

It was three years ago when another friend divulged to me she had had this surgery and said, “RUN, DO NOT WALK” to get it done. I dismissed the idea as extreme at the time then proceeded on a several year gaining spree to my highest weight ever with no control in sight! I am now 5½ months out from surgery and have done my best to follow the protocol in order to get the most out of this incredible gift. The advantage I now have is that my consumption is now so limited whereas, before, I was a bottomless pit! And, if I get to protein and produce first, as prescribed, there just is NOT room for anything else.

I am almost 5’ tall, 64 years old and have lost 51 pounds! My goal was 60 pounds, nearly 1/3 of my body weight. But, already I’m back in my size 4 jeans and doing a lot of smiling. I recently told my mother what I had done and she couldn’t stop saying how proud she is of me, which couldn’t help but make me smile, too. But, one of my most smiley moments on this journey was receiving a thank-you note from Dr. Alvarez, one of the 9 best sleeve surgeons in the world, thanking little old me for being his patient. IT JUST DOESN’T GET ANY BETTER THAN THAT!


Review: VSG surgery by Dr. Guillermo Alvarez

Isn’t it nice to go to the doctor and not be rushed, be treated in a friendly manner like an individual, like you are somebody and not just another appointment to be hurried thru an overloaded schedule? As the daughter of a surgeon, I grew up with that as the norm and never had a thought that it would ever be any other way.

Well, about a year ago I had surgery on a deviated septum and turbinates. The doctor was nice enough in his office, which was directly across from the hospital. But, he NEVER checked in on me in the hospital after doing the surgery. He didn’t even come by to be the one to discharge me! I could only wonder if this was what our medical system has become!

That happened to be on a Friday and the pain meds that were supposed to have been called in to the pharmacy by his office were not waiting there so I needed to speak to the doctor’s office. I called to ask about that and if I could take the pain killers I had at home until the prescription got filled and my husband could stop by a second time after work to pick them up. The receptionist took a message, but no one ever called me back. I got in such trouble with pain that I was literally shaking all over and it was absolutely frightening! Over the weekend I needed to talk to the doctor, too, because I felt like I was having trouble breathing so I called the answering service and left him a message. Again, I never got a return call.

This experience was unbelievable to me. I just couldn’t even imagine such medical treatment! I have had lots of surgeries and have no fear about it. I go into it without doubts because, being from a medical family, the doctors were our family friends and who were mostly on the other end of the line anytime a call came into our home. And, when I had surgery as a child, all the doctors would come in to see me and say hi, so surgeries for me were fun!

Well, several months after that nightmare, a friend urged me to explore information on the web regarding sleeve surgery. She had been investigating the various gastro surgery options for about 11 years and, for the past year, had been jumping through the required hoops to get approved by her insurance company and that approval was imminent. But, she was morbidly obese and I was borderline, so I knew a year of hoop jumping would not get the same results for me.

I may not have been morbidly obese, but I was morbidly unhappy! You see, both of my parents are extremely critical people and have been unrelenting about my weight as long as I can remember. They were so focused on my weight that I thought it was the most important thing about me and it/I was unacceptable. I often felt I didn’t even have the right to exist because of it! Even my results on a Myers/Briggs test are completely different depending on my weight being high or low.

My girlfriend had watched me lose and gain the same 50 to 60 pounds over and over. She really really wanted for the two of us to go thru the sleeve experience together and pressed me to look into this surgery. I Googled it to learn more and watched youTubes… youTubes… and more youTubes! I was now on board but realized I would have to find another way to be able to afford it, so I began to look up surgeons outside of the US where the price would be less.

That was quite an uncomfortable thought for me. This was such a personal decision that I didn’t want to confer with any of my family about it. But, with Dad being a doctor, my brother being a doctor, three of his sons being doctors, my other brother being a Phd, this former singer/dancer/actress did not want to confirm any opinions of my lesser achievements by doing something idiotic or dangerous. Although prices in Mexico were so much less than in America and I was hopeful the surgery was within reach, my priority was not finding the cheapest surgeon possible but the best!

Thankfully, I came across youTube videos of Dr. Guillermo Alvarez—so informative, so without ego, so poised and genteel, so relaxed, so genuine… I even LOVED that his speech pattern was not overly polished and without natural repeats, stammers and pauses. As a director, I ask my actors to put those imperfections into their dialogue so it won’t sound stilted. Also, Dr. Alvarez’s hands caught my attention as being particularly graceful and I LOVED that he actually performed and narrated a sleeve surgery on youTube. This was one of those times when I had no doubt, this doctor, who had patients from all over the world, was someone I felt total confidence in and I was ready!

That confidence not only came from what I saw in Dr. Alvarez. His interface nurse, Susan, who answers all questions and books the surgeries, is nothing less than a GEM! Patient, understanding, thorough, engaged, responsive, fun—there just aren’t superlatives enough and I felt like I had known her my whole life. She was also empathetic as she had had her lap band surgery changed to a sleeve by Dr. Alvarez seven years prior and knew the struggle with weight herself.

I asked Susan if I could have referrals to contact— people who might be willing to talk to me about their experience with this surgery. She quickly sent me about 8 or 10 names. I contacted them and person after person I spoke to from across the country had so much energy and enthusiasm about it they were more than happy to share all they could with me explaining how it had change their lives. Some had had the surgery as much as 6 years prior and some only 2½ months. I asked every one of them if they had any regrets and, to the person, they all said their only regret was that they didn’t have it sooner!

I had total peace about moving forward. I booked my surgery and went to Mexico without my husband. I was fine and didn’t want to interrupt his work schedule or ask him to sit around while I had surgery and was recuperating and didn’t feel I needed the hand holding to be okay. So, it was most helpful to me if my husband would remain at home and look after our four Jack Russells instead of arranging for someone else to take care of them in his absence. Susan had assured me I was going to be so pleased at the care I would receive and would be absolutely fine going thru it alone. That meant I’d be travelling to and from Mexico on my own, even after having had surgery.

And, what a pleasant surgical experience it was. Such personal attention from the doctor, with no delays and waiting, no overly busy hospital staff rushing about unable to get to me when I needed them. Dr. Alvarez said my procedure took him 20 minutes and he called back home to Virginia immediately after he was done to let David know everything went great. Nurses and doctors were in to see me regularly and I was up and walking the hall myself every ½ hour as instructed. All of the meds had been carefully organized for me to take home with me and were clearly explained upon discharge. I felt great and two days after surgery was out shopping at the Walmart and the TJMaxx across the parking lot from the hotel in San Antonio where the good doctor’s patients stay before flying home!

This was not at all how my girlfriend’s surgery had gone in the States two weeks before I went for mine. She was scheduled for surgery at 10:30 in the morning and they didn’t take her until 3:30pm. Her surgery took 2½ hours, she was in lots of pain afterwards and was extremely nauseous. The nurses were offering her gingerale even though it was clearly written on the white board in her room that she could not have any, and they apparently did not know she needed to be up and walking. She was at the hospital for several days and had a rough time of it. She’s feeling a lot better now, though, especially after having lost 90+ pounds in just 6 months and is now looking fantastic! This is, indeed, a life changing procedure and we are both thrilled and thankful to have gone through with it!

It was three years ago when another friend divulged to me she had had this surgery and said, “RUN, DO NOT WALK” to get it done. I dismissed the idea as extreme at the time then proceeded on a several year gaining spree to my highest weight ever with no control in sight! I am now 5½ months out from surgery and have done my best to follow the protocol in order to get the most out of this incredible gift. The advantage I now have is that my consumption is now so limited whereas, before, I was a bottomless pit! And, if I get to protein and produce first, as prescribed, there just is NOT room for anything else.

I am almost 5’ tall, 64 years old and have lost 51 pounds! My goal was 60 pounds, nearly 1/3 of my body weight. But, already I’m back in my size 4 jeans and doing a lot of smiling. I recently told my mother what I had done and she couldn’t stop saying how proud she is of me, which couldn’t help but make me smile, too. But, one of my most smiley moments on this journey was receiving a thank-you note from Dr. Alvarez, one of the 9 best sleeve surgeons in the world, thanking little old me for being his patient. IT JUST DOESN’T GET ANY BETTER THAN THAT!


Review: VSG surgery by Dr. Guillermo Alvarez

Isn’t it nice to go to the doctor and not be rushed, be treated in a friendly manner like an individual, like you are somebody and not just another appointment to be hurried thru an overloaded schedule? As the daughter of a surgeon, I grew up with that as the norm and never had a thought that it would ever be any other way.

Well, about a year ago I had surgery on a deviated septum and turbinates. The doctor was nice enough in his office, which was directly across from the hospital. But, he NEVER checked in on me in the hospital after doing the surgery. He didn’t even come by to be the one to discharge me! I could only wonder if this was what our medical system has become!

That happened to be on a Friday and the pain meds that were supposed to have been called in to the pharmacy by his office were not waiting there so I needed to speak to the doctor’s office. I called to ask about that and if I could take the pain killers I had at home until the prescription got filled and my husband could stop by a second time after work to pick them up. The receptionist took a message, but no one ever called me back. I got in such trouble with pain that I was literally shaking all over and it was absolutely frightening! Over the weekend I needed to talk to the doctor, too, because I felt like I was having trouble breathing so I called the answering service and left him a message. Again, I never got a return call.

This experience was unbelievable to me. I just couldn’t even imagine such medical treatment! I have had lots of surgeries and have no fear about it. I go into it without doubts because, being from a medical family, the doctors were our family friends and who were mostly on the other end of the line anytime a call came into our home. And, when I had surgery as a child, all the doctors would come in to see me and say hi, so surgeries for me were fun!

Well, several months after that nightmare, a friend urged me to explore information on the web regarding sleeve surgery. She had been investigating the various gastro surgery options for about 11 years and, for the past year, had been jumping through the required hoops to get approved by her insurance company and that approval was imminent. But, she was morbidly obese and I was borderline, so I knew a year of hoop jumping would not get the same results for me.

I may not have been morbidly obese, but I was morbidly unhappy! You see, both of my parents are extremely critical people and have been unrelenting about my weight as long as I can remember. They were so focused on my weight that I thought it was the most important thing about me and it/I was unacceptable. I often felt I didn’t even have the right to exist because of it! Even my results on a Myers/Briggs test are completely different depending on my weight being high or low.

My girlfriend had watched me lose and gain the same 50 to 60 pounds over and over. She really really wanted for the two of us to go thru the sleeve experience together and pressed me to look into this surgery. I Googled it to learn more and watched youTubes… youTubes… and more youTubes! I was now on board but realized I would have to find another way to be able to afford it, so I began to look up surgeons outside of the US where the price would be less.

That was quite an uncomfortable thought for me. This was such a personal decision that I didn’t want to confer with any of my family about it. But, with Dad being a doctor, my brother being a doctor, three of his sons being doctors, my other brother being a Phd, this former singer/dancer/actress did not want to confirm any opinions of my lesser achievements by doing something idiotic or dangerous. Although prices in Mexico were so much less than in America and I was hopeful the surgery was within reach, my priority was not finding the cheapest surgeon possible but the best!

Thankfully, I came across youTube videos of Dr. Guillermo Alvarez—so informative, so without ego, so poised and genteel, so relaxed, so genuine… I even LOVED that his speech pattern was not overly polished and without natural repeats, stammers and pauses. As a director, I ask my actors to put those imperfections into their dialogue so it won’t sound stilted. Also, Dr. Alvarez’s hands caught my attention as being particularly graceful and I LOVED that he actually performed and narrated a sleeve surgery on youTube. This was one of those times when I had no doubt, this doctor, who had patients from all over the world, was someone I felt total confidence in and I was ready!

That confidence not only came from what I saw in Dr. Alvarez. His interface nurse, Susan, who answers all questions and books the surgeries, is nothing less than a GEM! Patient, understanding, thorough, engaged, responsive, fun—there just aren’t superlatives enough and I felt like I had known her my whole life. She was also empathetic as she had had her lap band surgery changed to a sleeve by Dr. Alvarez seven years prior and knew the struggle with weight herself.

I asked Susan if I could have referrals to contact— people who might be willing to talk to me about their experience with this surgery. She quickly sent me about 8 or 10 names. I contacted them and person after person I spoke to from across the country had so much energy and enthusiasm about it they were more than happy to share all they could with me explaining how it had change their lives. Some had had the surgery as much as 6 years prior and some only 2½ months. I asked every one of them if they had any regrets and, to the person, they all said their only regret was that they didn’t have it sooner!

I had total peace about moving forward. I booked my surgery and went to Mexico without my husband. I was fine and didn’t want to interrupt his work schedule or ask him to sit around while I had surgery and was recuperating and didn’t feel I needed the hand holding to be okay. So, it was most helpful to me if my husband would remain at home and look after our four Jack Russells instead of arranging for someone else to take care of them in his absence. Susan had assured me I was going to be so pleased at the care I would receive and would be absolutely fine going thru it alone. That meant I’d be travelling to and from Mexico on my own, even after having had surgery.

And, what a pleasant surgical experience it was. Such personal attention from the doctor, with no delays and waiting, no overly busy hospital staff rushing about unable to get to me when I needed them. Dr. Alvarez said my procedure took him 20 minutes and he called back home to Virginia immediately after he was done to let David know everything went great. Nurses and doctors were in to see me regularly and I was up and walking the hall myself every ½ hour as instructed. All of the meds had been carefully organized for me to take home with me and were clearly explained upon discharge. I felt great and two days after surgery was out shopping at the Walmart and the TJMaxx across the parking lot from the hotel in San Antonio where the good doctor’s patients stay before flying home!

This was not at all how my girlfriend’s surgery had gone in the States two weeks before I went for mine. She was scheduled for surgery at 10:30 in the morning and they didn’t take her until 3:30pm. Her surgery took 2½ hours, she was in lots of pain afterwards and was extremely nauseous. The nurses were offering her gingerale even though it was clearly written on the white board in her room that she could not have any, and they apparently did not know she needed to be up and walking. She was at the hospital for several days and had a rough time of it. She’s feeling a lot better now, though, especially after having lost 90+ pounds in just 6 months and is now looking fantastic! This is, indeed, a life changing procedure and we are both thrilled and thankful to have gone through with it!

It was three years ago when another friend divulged to me she had had this surgery and said, “RUN, DO NOT WALK” to get it done. I dismissed the idea as extreme at the time then proceeded on a several year gaining spree to my highest weight ever with no control in sight! I am now 5½ months out from surgery and have done my best to follow the protocol in order to get the most out of this incredible gift. The advantage I now have is that my consumption is now so limited whereas, before, I was a bottomless pit! And, if I get to protein and produce first, as prescribed, there just is NOT room for anything else.

I am almost 5’ tall, 64 years old and have lost 51 pounds! My goal was 60 pounds, nearly 1/3 of my body weight. But, already I’m back in my size 4 jeans and doing a lot of smiling. I recently told my mother what I had done and she couldn’t stop saying how proud she is of me, which couldn’t help but make me smile, too. But, one of my most smiley moments on this journey was receiving a thank-you note from Dr. Alvarez, one of the 9 best sleeve surgeons in the world, thanking little old me for being his patient. IT JUST DOESN’T GET ANY BETTER THAN THAT!


Great experience, wouldn't change a thing. Thank you Dr. A!!! <3


I owe my life to Dr. Alvarez. I had a wonderful experience in Mexico and would do it again. I was never once scared or thought i was in any type of danger. his staff was wonderful and was very helpful. Anytime i had a question they had an answer for me. If you are considering Gastric Sleeve i highly recommend Dr. Alvarez and his staff. They will take great care of you.
Thank you again Dr. Alvarez for everything you did for me.
Liz Foshee


I was not fat all my life. When I got married I weighed 150 pounds at 5’ 9” and never gained any weight (except when pregnant) for the next 15 years. And then my 40’s hit and I begin to put on weight until I reached my high weight of 234 pounds. I tried Weight Watchers (multiple times), Jenny Craig (multi times), HCG, Paleo, Atkins and others. They would work as long as I was 100% disciplined, but as soon as I stopped, I’d gain it back and more. My blood pressure was beginning to climb and while I didn’t have any health issues, I knew it was just a matter of time.

In October 2013 I found out my cousin was going to have the Gastric Sleeve weight loss surgery. I had heard of bypass, but never had heard of the sleeve. I immediately got online and began to search to find out what it was and if it could be something for me also. I knew my insurance would not cover the surgery, so I look outside the US for a more affordable option. It was during my search for “Gastric Sleeve” that I saw the ad for Endobariatrics and followed the link to Dr. Alvarez’s website and then his You Tube channel and began to watch lots of videos.

My cousin had his sleeve surgery in November at our local hospital. Final cost: $50,000 (all covered by his insurance). When I asked my cousin how many sleeve surgeries the local doctor had performed, he did not know. To me, that was an important question. I not only wanted affordable, I wanted experienced as well with a great track record for success.
During my research I found out that there were lower cost options than Dr. Alvarez in Mexico. For $4,000 I could go to a strip mall, have the surgery done by a doctor doing 11-13 surgeries that day, and then recuperate in a hotel. While I didn’t want to pay $50,000 neither did I think the Walmart-type solution was best for me. I liked the idea of being in a real hospital with 24 hour nursing care with surgery performed by a doctor whose done over 6,500 of the sleeve surgeries (at that time) but not so many on a daily basis he got tired and worn out. I wanted him experienced, but fresh every day doing the surgery. I wanted him top of his game so I had the greatest chance for a successful outcome with no complications.

The clincher came when I could not find 1 person who had anything negative to say about Dr. Alvarez – and believe me, I called, chatted, and emailed lots and lots of his patients. I was even lucky enough to find a gal in my own home town who had had surgery with Dr. Alvarez and could meet with her personally. Her “before” and “after” pictures were astonishing.
Once I settled on Dr. Alvarez being the right doctor to perform the surgery, I had to decide if I was going to go through with it. Surely I could lick the weight problem by diet and exercise alone. What I haven’t told you is that I had been going to a Crossfit gym for several years and was only getting bigger. If you know anything about Crossfit, you’ll know it is a high intensity, hard core workout. I ate Paleo, participated in Whole 30 challenges but still saw my weight hang on.

I finally made my decision and scheduled the surgery for February 21, 2014. My husband of course knew and my cousin, but still to this day have not told our kids, my mother or any other family member. It’s a personal decision, but so far I’ve chosen to keep it a private thing.
At the last minute, my husband could not get off work so I traveled to Mexico alone and had the surgery by myself. I’m sure some people would have said I was crazy and I’ll admit I was a bit nervous. But the moment I met Dr. Alvarez in person and saw the facility, I knew I was in good hands.

Three days later I was on a plane heading home to start my new life. Surgery was on Friday and I was back to my office job on Tuesday – just 4 days later!

I have had NO complications I often read about on the online boards with people who took the low cost Mexican route or other US hospitals. I didn’t know it at the time, but I’ve found out later that Dr. Alvarez is one of only 11 bariatric surgeons world wide with the Surgeon of Excellence designation. There are surgeons and then there are SURGEONS. Thank goodness I chose the best of the best.

I am down to 190 pounds. At age 61 I am taking it slower. Probably won’t try to hit the 150 pounds mark, but will be very satisfied with the 160’s. It’s fun shopping my own closet to see what smaller things I can fit into next. Goodwill has become my weekly friend.

Susan, Rosey, Jessica, Anali, Dr. Alvarez and his entire surgical team are the best.
Instead of Crossfit these days, I’m kickboxing and loving it. I don’t think I’ll plan any marathons soon, but life is good.


I began my quest for WLS in the states...but after meeting with several surgeons, gaining insurance approval, I still did not feel 100% comfortable with my options. I attended the patient orientations, met with nutritionists and did extensive research. Still I felt a disconnect! Until I stumbled across some patient testimonial videos on YouTube...I became obsessed! I was amazed at the consistent positive responses all about Dr. Alvarez and his sleeve technique. Once I contacted the office I FINALLY felt that connection, level of compassion and professionalism I had longed for. Susan, the coordinator did more for me from a distance then the local medical practices I had consulted with in person.

I completed the paperwork, received my approval for surgery, and had my sleeve on 09/22/14. All prior reviews provide a pretty accurate picture of what to expect - no surprises. Dr. Alvarez is genuine and passionate about what he does. I went VERY informed so I did not have many questions when I arrived but I know if I had he would have made sure my concerns and questions were answered. His two assistants Jessica and Annali are there to assist you with any needs while hospitalized. As a nurse my expectations were high and the care I received was prompt, efficient, and patient centered. When I asked for something I received it...there was NO waiting. You can count on seeing Dr. Alvarez and/or his partners several times a day to assess you.

The day of surgery I was up and walking with very little discomfort several hours after returning to my room. I experienced NO gas pains at all. Day two I felt a bit sore on the left side, like a pulled muscle or strain. I walked the halls throughout the day napping only once.

Discharge was smooth, medications/instructions provided by Jessica. Dr. Alvarez and Dr. Rosales stopped by in the morning to answer any questions and to say goodbye.

I am now 5-days post-op and I have not had one regret yet. It is a huge adjustment and will take effort each and every day. If you would like to chat or ask any direct questions please feel free to message me.

Lose _2_Live :)


I was originally going to get Lap Band surgery until I had several friends suggest that I should get the sleeve. An attorney friend in Austin said several of her co-workers went to Dr. Alvarez. I began researching VSG and various self pay surgeons both in and out of the U.S. I decided on Dr. Alvarez and could not be happier with my decision.

I flew to San Antonio by myself. Rosie picked me up and drove me to Eagle Pass where I stayed in a nice, newly renovated hotel. Rosie was back the next morning to pick me up and we drove across the border. I met with Dr. Alvarez and explained to him that I was here by myself as my husband was with my children. I also told him that I am an only child and my Mother who is 80 was extremely worried about me. Dr. Alvarez volunteered to call my mother after the surgery while I was still in recovery to ease her mind. It meant the world to both of us as he explained to her how the surgery went and that I was doing fine.

The next day, I was feeling good and walked around Piedras Negras with 2 other people that I met at the hospital. We felt totally safe. It is a quaint little border town. No one bothered us and I was able to shop for some souveniers.

If I had it to do over again, I wouldn't change a thing. Dr. Alvarez and his staff took great care of me. The nurses were attententive and I always felt safe while in Mexico. If anyone is having second thoughts about using Dr. Alvarez or going to Mexico, it is safe, it is sanitary, and it is a life changing experience. Dr. Alvarez is the top surgeon in his field. Between myself and my family we have had several surgeons over the years and very few of them can compare to Dr. Alvarez.

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