Guillermo Alvarez

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 4.98150431566 out of 5 with 1189 ratings

Guillermo Alvarez Bariatric Surgeon MD

Guillermo Alvarez Bariatric Surgeon Picture

18 yr in Bariatrics

18 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

18 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

100% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 11

Max Age of Patient is 75

Brandi Carter Profile Pic
Brandi Carter
Patient Coordinator
Rosie Flores Profile Pic
Rosie Flores
Patient Coordinator
Lourdes Carranza Profile Pic
Lourdes Carranza
Personal Assistant

1189 Reviews for Guillermo Alvarez
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very simple..... there is no doctor better! Great experience and great staff!!!!


HW 218
SW 214
CW 136
Date of Surgery: 2-5-16

I battled my weight my entire life from early childhood until 36 years old. It was always a struggle and became even worse when I developed Hypothyroidism in my early 30's. I tried every diet plan, exercise plan, medication, and gimmick in the book. Nothing ever worked! Thank goodness all that changed when I found Dr. Alvarez!

I researched gastric surgery for probably 5-7 years before I actually did it. I always became exhausted and gave up when I would research having it in the states. The out of pocket cost was one deterrent, but more so, all of the pre-op requirements like psychiatric evaluation, nutrition counseling, exercise counseling, etc. I knew I wasn't crazy, I already exercised, and I knew the scientific way to lose weight. My body just didn't cooperate with what was supposed to work!

I guess I "googled" weight loss surgery one too many times b/c finally Endobariatric starting popping up as a suggested ad on my Facebook page. Naturally, I clicked on it b/c I was open to anything that would save me from the weight battle. I was shocked and to surprised to learn how many people I knew that Dr. Alvarez had already performed surgery on. I ended reading pages and pages of reviews about him, watching dozens and dozens of his YouTube videos and finally became convinced this was my ticket to success.

I found his website and emailed his patient coordinator late on a Friday night. I was agonizing about having to wait all weekend to receive a response, thinking I would get a normal business hour reply on Monday. I was pleasantly surprised when I got a reply on Saturday morning not even 12 hours later. A few emails back and forth and a few weeks later, I was securing a date and sending in my deposit. I was still thinking this is too good to be true!

They made the whole process easy and coordinated trip seamlessly. My husband and I flew to San Antonio where the Endo van picked us up. We rode south 2 hours to Eagle Pass and stayed the night. Another patient that rode with me brought along her sister in law who had surgery with Dr. Alvarez two years prior. The whole trip down the sister in law was telling us how much our lives were about to change and what a blessing her surgery had been. I am so thankful she was there b/c she validated my decision over and over. She also helped keep my nerves at ease b/c everything she said was super positive.

The Endo van took us to the hospital the next morning for surgery. We met the super personable, caring, professional, and not to mention handsome, Dr. Alvarez. He consulted with each of us individually then we had a few X-rays and some blood work before they started prepping us for surgery. Next thing I know, I'm waking up asking my husband if I'd already had my procedure. He said I asked him that like 20 times. LOL I think it's b/c in the back of my mind I was scared to death something would make the surgery fall through for me. I had very little pain and I was so thankful!

A few days later I was on my way back home and the real journey began. The first few weeks of the liquid diet really got to me. The "mental" hunger was quite a battle at first, but I soon learned to re-direct myself. Once solid food came back into my life, my spirits lifted tremendously. And, getting on the scale wasn't a chore for the first time in my life! I dropped 16 pounds my first month, 8 the second month, 10 the third month, and then it slowed to around 5 pounds per month. Trust me, though, I was thrilled with any number I saw after a lifetime of only seeing increasing numbers!

Dr. Alvarez and his staff emailed to check on me a few times and have always been accessible when I needed them. I have had questions from time to time and they always promptly respond, even the doctor himself. I love how Dr. A interacts with all his patients on social media. You don't see that anywhere else! He genuinely cares and is proud of the progress his sees from his patients. I never felt degraded for being overweight like some other doctors have made me feel before. I got so tired of getting that "put the fork down" look when I tried to discuss my weight with other doctors. I also never felt like just another chart or number with Dr. Alvarez. It was just a very personal experience like no other medical journey I've ever had before.

My overall experience was super positive, my results have been nothing short of amazing and I my only regret is not having surgery 10 years earlier! Hats off to Dr. Alvarez and Endobariatric. They are a first class facility!


"Dr. A" as those of us in his "post-op family" call him, has given me a new life. At 45yrs old I am presumably 1/2 way through my life. I wanted to the second half to be healthier and happier.

As a business person, my appearance and vitality are as important as ever. A jock in HS, my weight had gone from 200 to 240- to 260, 280, and eventually 300lbs. If you're reading this, your know how the story goes. Most would probably guess I was 30lbs overweight pre-op, but I really knew I that I was 100 lbs overweight.

I am 35 days post op today and I have lost more than 35lbs. I have ordered new jeans and just purchased a size smaller winter coat. I look and feel great, but most importantly I am no longer a slave to my stomach. I no longer have headaches associated with dieting. I don't have to sneak in a pre-meal before dinner so I don't embarrass myself at how much I eat.

One key thing you find out with Dr. A is that almost all of staff has been with him for many years. Rosy, the driver, has been with him for 15years. She is his first cousin and an absolute pro at getting you across the border and back. It took less than 5 minutes both directions. Getting to and from Mexico was as simple as it gets. On my particular trip, I traveled with two other patients and each had one friend with them.

While staying at the hotel, it appeared to me that business people from the US frequent the area. During my stay we were accompanied at all times by a member of Dr. A's staff, and there was a member of his medical staff in the lobby of the hotel 24/7. Dr. A takes complete ownership of your time with him and the smallest details before-during-after are not overlooked. I would have traveled almost anywhere to have Dr. A do my procedure, let alone mile or two into Mexico. I experienced very little pain and took in some spa time the day after surgery.

As you can tell by my story, I was treated like a VIP. It creates real questions for myself regarding our medical care back home. I continually ask myself why healthcare isn't more patient centered? What if providers had to all rely strictly on their performance and personality? Many could learn from Dr. A. I read a lot of these posts pre-op. At the time I discounted them as being an advertisement or biased of the doctor. However, NOW I KNOW what everyone is talking about. I hope by writing this review others will want to get better. I want to thank Dr. A for making my life better.. so much better! Thank you Dr. A!!!


My name is Karina and I am from New York City . I went on September 20th, 2016 and had the Gastric Sleeve done with Dr. Guillermo Alvarez. I am doing very well, I'm about 5 weeks Post Op . A couple hours after surgery I was up and walking around and only had very little pain. The cut that caused the most pain was the one that they took the stomach out of. It did hurt a little bit for a couple weeks after the surgery. But that is all to be expected and everyone heals and tolerates pain differently. I never once threw up after my surgery.

I had such a wonderful experience Dr. Alvarez and his team of doctors and staff were excellent. I was nervous about coming to Mexico by myself but I knew I had chosen a fantastic doctor. The entire Endobariatric team has been extremely helpful, patient and knowledgeable about the process. I recieved superb care while in the hospital and had minimal discomfort... I even went for a massage and a facial at Endo Spa 24 hours after surgery. Dr. Alvarez and the rest of the team were available during the entire process for concerns and questions, and still are once you are home. I had been debating for about 2 years if I wanted to be sleeved. After my experience I wonder why I waited so long, ZERO regrets! A big thanks to the entire Endobariatric team for giving me my new healthier life!! I would highly recommend the surgery and YES, Mexico was safe!!

God Bless You!!!!

Muchas Gracias Dr. Guillermo Alvarez

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I had such a wonderful experience. Dr. Alvarez and his team of doctors and staff were excellent. I was nervous about coming to Mexico by myself but I knew I had chosen a fantastic doctor. I am 9 weeks out post surgery and have lost 24 pounds. I look and feel so much better. I would highly recommend this surgery for weight loss. I am now getting use to my sleeve and what I can eat. I would do it again in a heart beat. Dr. Alvarez is my hero. The whole group was awesome!!!!!!! Thank you! Thank you!

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Words cannot express the sincerest thanks to Dr. Alvarez and his entire surgical staff for the excellent care and wonderful experience I had. Like many cash paying customers who desire this surgery, I did tons of research and read hundreds of reviews on doctors in the U.S. and Mexico.

I selected Dr. A. because he has performed over 10,000 surgeries in his career and specializes in the Vertical Sleeve which is what I had. And like most of you considering surgery in Mexico, I was a little nervous and maybe a tad bit afraid.

I read a lot of horror stories about Mexico surgeries done by doctors really cheap but with horrible consequences. And although Dr. A. far less expensive than the bariatric surgeons in the U.S., he is one of the best in his field!

From my first consult online, to Dr. A's personal video email with evaluation results, to ongoing email correspondence from his patient coordinator Susan, I felt very confident that I was in good hands. Dr. A give lots of information prior to surgery, so that you are prepared and is always available to his patients. The entire process was so easy, from picking a surgery date, to confirming flights, to getting financing, Endobariatric helps you the entire time!! Susan is a great patient coordinator and has great response time to all questions and concerns.

Dr. A only performs 3 surgeries a day and has perfected his technique so well, that the surgery is less than 1 hour and minimal discomfort right out of surgery! The hospital staff are very professional and know their jobs very well. They took such great care of me and my two other "sleeve sisters" who had surgery the same day. I was walking and feeling great just hours after surgery. There were the obvious pain and discomfort from the surgery sites, but you get all the med's you need to feel better and Dr. A sends you home with enough to get you through the tough times once you get home.

Dr. A makes you feel like part of the family and I felt so comforted and cared for my entire stay in Mexico. If you are considering this procedure, do not hesitate! Dr. A is by far the best bariatric surgeon in his field and in my opinion has a better bedside manner than bariatric doctors I consulted with here in the U.S. If I had it to do all over again, I would pick Dr. Alvarez and Endobariatric!!

I follow him daily on Snap Chat and FB to keep up with his practice and his patient success stories. I am such a devoted patient, that I plan on going back once I reach my goal to thank Dr. Alvarez and show him what he helped me accomplish. Save your time researching other bariatric surgeons and the different procedures and settle on the vertical sleeve. Gastric Sleeve surgery has the fastest recovery time/healing. I was back to work after just 1 week. Also check out Dr. A's Facebook page where he posts updates of patients who have reached their goal and uploads great YouTube videos that answer a lot of questions about the surgery. I could sing the praises of this wonderful surgeon and his staff all day!!! Choose Endobariatric and you will not be sorry!!!

I am sooo happy I chose Dr. Alvarez!! He is AWESOME!!! Starting weight was 200lb's and less than 6 weeks out I have lost 26 lbs!!!

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Dr. Alvarez and his entire staff at Endobariatric is amazing!! I can't explain how incredible my experience was in Mexico. From the beginning you fill out the medical questionnaire online Dr. Alvarez personally reviews it and replies to you and knows who you are and you become part of the Endobariatric family. You will not be left in the dark or have to wonder or worry about ANYTHING!! You will be emailed everything you need to know about your surgery and your trip to Mexico before you go and everything is exactly as they explain it to you, no surprises. I highly recommend Dr. Alvarez and his staff at Endobariatric to anyone considering weight loss surgery. He is the best surgeon for the vertical sleeve and you will get one on one care with him and the attention as if you have been long time friends. He truly cares for his patients and takes his time with each of them. The surgery itself was so easy and virtually painless because Dr. A has crafted so many sleeves over the years he is an expert in his field and a surgeon of excellence. I went back to work the next week with no problem just some lifting restrictions. I'm 6 weeks post op as of today and the surgery has changed my life. I was already taken off of my high blood pressure medication after only 2 weeks post op. I'm down a total of 46 pounds as of today and no problems. I'm so grateful and thankful I found Dr. Alvarez and Endobariatric because without him I would not have been able to have this life saving procedure. Please don't be scared to research Dr. Guillermo Alvarez and, it just might save your life, it did mine!

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This will be the best money that you have ever spent. The first three weeks post-op are the most difficult. Follow diet instructions during this time, seriously. Dr. Alvarez and his staff are very, very, very nice people and they are expert clinicians. I would do it all over again in a second. The only question that you need to ask yourself is, "Do I want to live my life at normal weight? Yes or no? If yes, make an appointment with Dr. Alvarez.

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As a registered nurse, I was hesitant with not only having the surgery done, but also with going out of the country to Mexico. I luckily had the benefit of having two fellow colleagues who had their surgery with Dr A 6 months prior. Dr A was very informative. He posted answers to all my questions before, during, and after surgery on YouTube. I went to Mexico alone and had my surgery done. His entire team took care of me and not once did I feel scared or neglected. I was even surprised that right before surgery he asked me who he should call after my procedure. He put my family at ease before I could call them and do the same. Once you have decided to do the surgery, Dr Guillermo Alvarez should be your choice. Your only responsibility is to get to San Antonio and he will take care of the rest.

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I can't say enough wonderful things about Dr. Alvarez and his entire team! They made the process so comfortable and easy. They also took great care of my husband who was with me for support. You just won't find that at most hospitals in America (and I'm the daughter of a doctor and nurse so I mean absolutely no disrespect to American medical personnel). I would recommend Dr. Alvarez to anyone looking to have the VSG.

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