Guillermo Alvarez

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 4.98150431566 out of 5 with 1189 ratings

Guillermo Alvarez Bariatric Surgeon MD

Guillermo Alvarez Bariatric Surgeon Picture

18 yr in Bariatrics

18 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

18 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

100% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 11

Max Age of Patient is 75

Brandi Carter Profile Pic
Brandi Carter
Patient Coordinator
Rosie Flores Profile Pic
Rosie Flores
Patient Coordinator
Lourdes Carranza Profile Pic
Lourdes Carranza
Personal Assistant

1189 Reviews for Guillermo Alvarez
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OMG! Dr. Guillermo Alvarez and his practice is amazing. Everything he states is facts. I felt welcomed from the get go and Dr. Alvarez and his staff have really made me part of a family that I'm proud to be part of. Please trust me if I can do it all over again I would. SPECIAL THANKS to all the Endobariatric FAMILY! THANK-YOU FOR THIS TRUE BLESSING IN LIFE! HAVE FAITH&BELIEVE!


I am a registered nurse in Ohio, and I spent nearly 2 years researching bariatric surgery options, surgeons, etc. I attended local bariatric "workshops" to learn the process, the time frame and the insurance requirements, only to find out mine was not going to be covered. I was at a point where my knees hurt, my back hurt, and I wasn't enjoying the activities in life that I knew I wanted to. The final straw was getting a CPAP. I knew sleep apnea was just another debilitating diagnosis from obesity.
I came across Dr. Alvarez in my search and found his credentials and experience to be among the best. I decided the gastric sleeve was the procedure for me. I emailed with questions which were immediately answered. I read online reviews, questioned everything, and compared responses to those from other providers. I knew in my heart I had found my surgeon! I scheduled my surgery for 10/27/17 and for the first time in many, many years, I felt hopeful.
The amount of information provided and how accurately everything is explained prior to the trip is wonderful! Everything went exactly as explained. Dr. Alvarez even found a hiatal hernia (which he repaired "on the house") that I did not know I had. I can only imagine the insurance battle that would have been in the US. Every staff person was beyond nice and helpful and caring. I can honestly say that the care was the best I have ever received! My boyfriend accompanied me and also remarked several times how well we were both taken care of.
I am now 1 month post-op and down 29 lbs from when I started my pre-op diet. This isn't an easy fix- it still involves work and commitment on your part- but it is the tool I needed to achieve my goals. I am beyond thankful for Dr. Alvarez and his team, and I can honestly say that I have no regrets!
I would encourage anyone thinking of having a vertical sleeve procedure to watch Dr. Alvarez' videos on You Tube as they are very informative and provided the answers that, for me, set him apart for the other bariatric surgeons I had been considering. (Specifically regarding leaks and stapling) Do your research and you will find Dr. Alvarez to be the best!!

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I have wanted to explore gastric surgery for years but would always procrastinate. This past summer I started seriously researching the Sleeve. I found that while my insurance would cover it, I would have to spend 6 months on a supervised diet, psychological testing, counseling, and nutritionist visits in order to qualify. I am an instant gratification guy and not a hoop jumper, so I decided to check out Mexico- never thinking that I would actually pull the trigger. I came across Dr. Alvarez and Endobariatric and was blown away by the reviews. I contacted Susan and she sent me some info. When I breached the surreal subject of traveling (alone) to a Mexican border town to have 90% my stomach cut out with my wife, she freaked out a bit. However the more I read about Dr. Alvarez both online and in the material he provided, reassured me that if I was going to do this- this was the place I would need to go. I slowly softened my wife by filtering down literature, reviews, and videos. She finally got on board and I scheduled my surgery for October 17, 2017.
The fee covers everything except for the flight down but I travel extensively for work so I used Delta miles to get me to San Antonio. They have a pretty good system set up where Rosie the driver is dropping off yesterday's patients at the airport hotel just in time to pick up tomorrow's patients and take them across the border. The worst part of the whole experience was the long @ss ride from San Antonio to Piedras Negras. My ADHD was raging for sure because there is nothing of interest to look at and the internet signal is too spotty to watch Netflix or the like. I wish I would have downloaded something to watch.
Piedras Negras is not much to look at- a pretty downtrodden area, but the Hampton Inn where the patients stay is amazing. I stay exclusively at Hilton properties and have stayed at dozens of Hamptons. This is BY FAR the nicest Hampton I have ever been to.
The next morning the other Endobariatric van takes you to the hospital. Not going to lie- when we pulled up at the hospital is probably where I felt the most uneasiness. It's not exactly Grey's Anatomy hospital. A semi rough place in a rougher part of town. I was relieved to see that it was very clean on the inside and the staff was very helpful and friendly. Dr. Alvarez is in the process of building his own state of the art facility which you will drive by. Once he stops sharing space with a regular hospital (we witnessed an elderly lady in the waiting room screaming in stomach pain) it will be that much better.
After bloodwork they take you to your room and in short order Dr. Alvarez pops in to chat, then the anesthesiologist does his thing. I remember moving to another bed just as I was being "relaxed" but woke up back in my room with 5 bandages on my stomach. I slept most of that day away and walked the halls in the evening trying to ward of gas pains that really never came.
Discharge was the next day back to the Hampton where a nurse is on call and a doctor visits you in the evening. Other than mild heartburn that first day, I had no complications (and have had ZERO since).
The final morning Alvarez says goodbye and you head back to San Antonio. I flew the next day with no issues.
I weighed 334 when I started the two week pre-op liquid diet, 315 on surgery day and on 11/17 (one month) I came in at 277.
I followed the post op diet timeline fairly strictly, give or take a few days. I have had no problems digesting any food that I have tried in very small portions. I usually get the hiccups after about 3 ounces of food so I know when to stop.
Surgery Day is the only night I have ever stayed in the hospital so I have limited experience, but I have to say this was the best medical experience I have ever had.
Here's the takeaway that should speak volumes. If I had it to do over again and had the choice of going to Endobariatric or having the surgery done 5 minutes from my house under the same terms and price- I would go to that dingy little border town ten times out of ten. Hell, even if my local hospital offered it at half price, I would insist a loved one go to Dr. Alvarez. He. Is. That. Good.

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Hello everyone. My name is Jerry Muniz and I can't put into words how this surgery with Dr. Alvarez has changed my life. I know there are a lot of horror stories out there about how surgeries in Mexico turned out to be bad for them. I can assure you that this particular place with this particular surgeon will be well worth it and will put to rest what you may have heard in the past. The facilities and hotels that are provided to you are of the best quality. The technology far surpasses that of the U.S. It has been 1 month since my surgery and from the day I started my pre-op liquid diet I have lost a total of 45 pounds. This surgery will definitely change your life. Be sure of your decision and stick with it because once it's done it's done. I've been happy so far but I had to learn to eat all over again. Smaller bites, smaller portions, not drinking while eating, and eating slower. All these have always been a challenge for me because since my military service we were taught to hurry up and eat. Your stomach will tell you when you are eating too fast and believe me I've already experienced that. The weight will come off but you will eventually plateau if you do not set up an exercise routing. I have already eliminated several of my medications such as my insulin and Victoza. Yes I'm a type 2 diabetic and not having to take insulin shots is a blessing in it self.I'm still on my journey to losing more weight but I can only tell you what I've experienced so far. Having this surgery has been the best decision I have made for myself. My son helped me with the decision because he had been so worried for me about my health issues. I have many disabilities from serving in the Army for 13 years so my level of exercise has decreased over the years and I let my weight get out of control. I walk now and have more energy than I've had in years. If you decide to have this surgery it will definitely change your life. The horror stories you may have heard are stories from people who wanted to get this surgery at the cheapest rate possible. I did many hours of research and by accident stumbled across an AD online. All I saw was Endobariatric Gastric Sleeve Surgery. I have been researching doctors and locations for a couple of months before I decided to click on the link. I'm so glad that I did. I think it was fate and that GOD was answering my prayers. Dr. Alvarez is one the top 12 surgeons in the world who specialize in the sleeve surgery. In fact, this is the only surgery Dr. Alvarez does. He and his staff are the most professional and friendly people I have ever met and all of them speak great English. I hope my sharing this story will be the final push you needed to make your decision. Remember, this decision is yours to make because you will be the one experiencing the effects. The great effects of feeling better, losing the weight you felt was impossible, possibly eliminating medications you have taken for years, an abundance of energy, self-confidence booster, self-esteem booster, and finally that glow that has been missing for many years that people used to see on you. GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR DECISION AND THE NEW YOU!!!

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Dr. Alveraz is the best and has a great team. He took excellent care of me.


Dr. A and the endobariatic team are the best medical team I have come across. I had a revision lap-band to sleeve surgery on September and it was the best decision I have ever made I came across Endobariatic by a google search I had reasearched many doctors but from the moment I saw his website and started to get in contact with them I knew this was the place to go. The entire process was extremely easy even though it was in Mexico Piedras Negras is a beautiful town with nothing but friendly people. The hotel is a beautiful nothing short from a hotel you can find in the United States. The hospital had great nurses ready to care not only for me as a patient but my mother who was with me for the trip. Dr. A and the Garza doctors were so caring and always willing to answer any questions or concerns. As a nurse myself I had never seen the patient-Doctor relationship that Dr.A gives to their patients. Dr.A has hands of an angel I never had pain I was walking just a few hours after surgery. If you are considering bariatic sugery endobariatic is the place to go.

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I went to Dr. Alvarez for removal of Lap-Band and revision to VSG. I couldn't be happier! In 6 weeks with the sleeve, I had already lost more weight than I ever did with the Lap-Band. My first contact was with Susan. She was very responsive and answered all of my questions. Once I decided to move forward with the surgery and filled out my patient information, I was pleasantly surprised (and impressed) to receive an email with a video from Dr. A about ME! Wow! He actually took the time to look at my info and send me a video. My surgery was on a Friday and I went back to work on Wednesday with no problems at all. I felt great! I never even took the pain medications that they sent me home with. Dr. Alvarez is very caring and I can really tell he loves crafting the incredible sleeve that transforms so many lives. His entire team -- from Rosy who picked us up in the EndoVan in Eagle Pass, Texas, to the sweet nurses, and Drs. Garcia, Garcia, and Salinas -- were all incredible. I felt totally safe and it was a great experience. I highly recommend Dr. A!

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I live in Los Angeles and sought help here. My insurance covers the procedure here and I interviewed several doctors, but none of them were warm or personable as Dr. Alvarez. The LA doctors made me feel like I was an invoice. Dr. Alzarez and his staff answered my every question and assured my every worry. I felt genuinely cared for and treated like a person. Their hospital and staff in Piedres Negras, Mexico were top notch. I felt safe and well cared for with constant supervision and thoughtfulness. My surgery was in June and I have already lost 25 pounds and I'm continuing to lose weight. I am grateful for the care I received from Dr. Alvarez!

I highly recommend Dr. Alvarez. He is an expert in his field and has excellent bedside manner.

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My story is no different from all the other happy patients. I went to see Dr. Alvarez because a friend of mine recommended him, so I was confident of his abilities and did not concern myself with the location. (been to Mexico before and know lots of ultra capable and educated Mexican professionals - so that was not an issue) This surgeon is the friendliest and most professional surgeon I have ever met. Even more impressive is his staff, what a team! Not only are they all so good looking ;) but they're all so extra accommodating, well articulate, patient and very friendly. Surgically speaking, this was one of my best adventures. I had my GB removed, my VSG and a hiatal hernia repaired all at the same time by Dr. Alvarez and I could not be any happier. I highly recommend him, actually I do not recommend going anywhere else.

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Let me tell you about Dr. Alvarez and his fabulous team! First, we met Rosy in Eagle Pass and she took us across the border...Rosy is such a wonderful person and she helped us with our luggage and taking us across the Border. Absolutely no problem going across the border. Then Rosy drove us to Piedras Negras, and its a very quaint little town in Mexico -the people were so friendly and wanted to help you as much as possible! We went to the Hampton Inn which is gorgeous and brand new and we got uploaded and unpacked. Dr. Alveraz thinks of everything and had fresh broth ready for us at the hotel. It was delicious! The next day we had our surgery and Dr. Alvarez did an amazing job! It was the best medical experience I have had...I was not sick for one second! Dr. Alvarez has an amazing nursing staff. They are so kind and bring you whatever you need. We followed the Doctor's orders perfectly for two days! Never experienced nausea one time. When we left, we were so excited for our new journeys! Dr. Alvarez took the time to come and tell us good-bye and encourage us. He is such a positive and uplifting person - you will love him like we all do!
This is the end of my fifth week and I have lost 42lbs! I've never been so excited and appreciative of Dr. Alvarez! The trip is exciting and you know the minute you open your eyes from the surgery that your on a new and exciting journey!

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