Guillermo Alvarez

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 4.98150431566 out of 5 with 1189 ratings

Guillermo Alvarez Bariatric Surgeon MD

Guillermo Alvarez Bariatric Surgeon Picture

18 yr in Bariatrics

18 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

18 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

100% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 11

Max Age of Patient is 75

Brandi Carter Profile Pic
Brandi Carter
Patient Coordinator
Rosie Flores Profile Pic
Rosie Flores
Patient Coordinator
Lourdes Carranza Profile Pic
Lourdes Carranza
Personal Assistant

1189 Reviews for Guillermo Alvarez
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Dr. Alvarez is absolutely amazing as are his staff as well. This surgery was and still is life changing for me. If you are considering a gastric surgeon I would 1000% pick Dr. Alvarez over and over again. He has an outstanding bedside manner always available and his staff is amazing and very attentive to all your needs and concerns. I just can’t say enough about them all.


Oh my how this site has changed but my praises and appreciation have not. I have such a better quality of life now and caring for my sleeve means I am focused on taking care of me! I have the same restriction as from about 8 months out. No complications. I have named my sleeve Princess- she wants what she wants when she wants it and if she doesn't want it there is not a damn thing I can do about it so she runs my diet and makes me make good choices.

Hang in there newbies- I promise life will get better every day.


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One of the reasons I chose Dr A is I went and read the surgeon's review on every profile I could find. rnrnConsistently, I found outstanding review after outstanding review. His personality and training and technique were described with glowing praises.rnrnEverything about my experience was exactly as I had read. Everyone on staff and at the hospital was attentive and considerate. The anesthesiologist came into my room and oversaw the administration of the meds- Dr A and his assistant were in my room to check on me frequently. rnrnI will be taking my son to him for surgery as soon as I can save up the fees.


I was so skeptical! Going to Mexico for surgery was something I would’ve never done. But hopefully the next person that is iffy about going to this doctor will read this review and GO! BEST DECISION IVE EVER MADE!!! I had to go in secret because my family would not allow it. But the care I received while i was there was beyond amazing!!! There are challenges with weight loss surgery that everyone experiences and mine were knowing when I’m full and stopping. This amazing doctor gives you a tool that will help you reach your goals! Ask all the questions you need, but it is worth it! And you will be safe! ?? I hope I helped someone decide


Dr. Alvarez displayed a very energetic and positive personality . His team of associates , Nurses were informative and friendly . The anesthesiologist was an older , friendly gentleman which I took as having the experience to deal with sedation of over weight patients . Meeting each of the team members , before my surgery , was certainly reassuring to me of a healthy outcome. I actually had my surgery a couple weeks before he opened his new facility . My wife was a bit nervous about crossing the border . I still chose to utilize Dr. Alvarez for my VSG , a procedure which my company's health insurance would have paid for in the United States . Before my decision to proceed to Mexico for VSG , I was faced with my personal doubt along with plenty skepticism from coworkers and family . Two previous consultations with Doctors in the U.S. just did not impress me enough to utilize the paid benefits of my health insurance . Now to the point .... I had VSG , by Dr. Alvarez , on 02/28/2018 . Pre Op I weighed 385 lbs. ( probably fluctuated closer to 400 lbs. at times ) . I have lost over 100 lbs. to date (12/28/2018 ) . I do not worry about getting on a scale but as of a couple months earlier I had already lost down to 290 lbs.. I went from just "EXISTING" to actually having a life with my family . Work related stress has even subsided . I can actually wear blue jeans and pull on boots , instead of baggy overhauls , shirts or shorts and crocks. Yes ...dinner dates have been great . the pre op diet sux....headaches etc. But it was worth it . Since day one after VSG .... No hunger headaches or the sensation of starving like on a harsh diet . I just eat small portions many times ( about every 45minutes ) throughout the day . My taste for sweets and sodas just isn't there as it was before . I drink no carbonated drinks ... and do not even crave the diet DP's at all ( I previously drank sodas like water) .... A sweet tooth is cured with sugar free jello or one piece of chocolate etc... it is weird how a little goes a long way now on anything sweet I just rarely crave sweets. I did not experience any issues such as vomiting or feeling sick etc. after surgery. Just follow the directions during your healing process ( about three weeks if I recall correctly ) . I currently have no issues at all and continue to drop the pounds and move around much better . I cant stress this enough .... if you are over weight , your family participation is suffering ( as mine was at 45 years old ) ....get the VSG . and as for as where you go is up to you .... But I will confidently say I recommend Dr. Alvarez to anyone who ask me about my VSG. His team takes great care of you from the pick up in Texas until you are returned ..... and please do not let any myths about surgery in Mexico stop you from having a happy healthy life and family . My wife and I had no issues ( I have crossed the border to Mexico years before many times ) with our trip to see Dr. Alvarez. Great Team ....Clean facilities .... friendly escorts and staff your entire experience . I wish I would have done this sooner !!! I had been over weight since a year or so after I got married ( 14 years ago at 200 lbs. to close to 400 miserable pounds then VSG ) ..... Now happy as can be ...NO BS....


I had VSG with Dr A on July 9th 2018. It was by far the BEST DECISION I HAVE EVER MADE.

The facility is immaculate. The staff is amazing. Dr Alvarez has perfected his craft. I was NEVER in any pain other than soreness at the incisions.

The entire "going to Mexico" stigma is a joke once you see how smooth and easy the entire process is. The entire Endobariatric team is a group of amazing people looking to help and set people on the right track. I have nothing but praise for everyone involved.

So if you're considering it. DO IT. Get over the stigma of Mexico. Dr. A is brilliant. The staff was amazing and made me feel as comfortable as I could. It was all in all the best and easiest thing I've ever had to do.


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Hi! I wanted to share my experience of have my VSG surgery by Dr. Alvarez on March 6, 2018. As I write this review on May 8, 2018 I am down a total of 53 pounds. I have struggled with my weight my whole life and was a perpetual yo-yo dieter. My health insurance did not cover the VSG procedure stateside, so I elected to explore other options for the procedure. I found Dr. Alvarez through Pinterest of all places and made contact with Susan, his amazing Patient Coordinator before Thanksgiving 2017. After filling out the Health questionnaire and waiting a few days, I received a personalized video from Dr. A himself! It was a video all about me and how the VSG procedure could benefit me and my current health. I reflected and thought some more about my decision, and eventually booked my surgery date and sent my deposit in. Time flew by so fast and before I knew it I was preparing to complete my pre-op diet. This was probably the toughest part of the surgery journey for me, but completely do-able. I realized my relationship with food during the pre-op liquid diet was more mental than anything. During the preparation for surgery, I also had severe doubts about traveling to have weight loss surgery. I was scared, nervous, and almost canceled my trip. I am so thankful that Susan talked me off of the ledge and I went through with it. I had some trouble getting out on my original flight due to the weather (thank you, freak snow storm) and my surgery that I had originally scheduled for Saturday, March 3 was rescheduled to Tuesday, March 6, due to the travel delays. Dr. A and his staff were super accommodating to me and made sure I still had my surgery done. This proved to be an awesome time to meet some "sleeve sisters" who are now some near and dear friends. I ended up hanging out with two ladies from Las Vegas, two ladies from Arkansas, and one from Australia, who all were sleeved with me and we all still communicate to this day. Rosie, Dr. A's cousin is your shuttle driver from San Antonio to Piedras Niegras and she is so sweet, accommodating, and knowledgable. She is the first person you meet from Endobariatric when you arrive. The hotel accommodations you stay in (Hampton Inn) before and after your sleeve are top notch and the nurses in the hotel that take care of you (Jessie and Karen) are the absolute sweetest. My experience in the hospital wasn't too crazy at all. The morning of your surgery you are taken to have your pre-op work up done-weigh in, blood work, chest x-ray, and paper work. Then you are placed into your hospital room until its your turn for surgery. I ended up having my surgery last so I talked to all of my new friends, surfed WiFi, read my book, and chatted with the nurses, who are AMAZING. When it was time for them to come take me back for surgery, the last thing I remember was them asking me if I wanted anything for my nerves and I replied that I was fine and moved over the gurney and the next thing I knew I was waking up in my room post-op. I did however have some really bad nausea and dry heaving that is completely normal post op from the anesthesia. I hate throwing up and when I started crying and getting upset from the pain of the dry heaves and the pressure of my stomach having just been operated on and trying to throw up, I had 4 nurses in my room, and 2 doctors. All were comforting me and calming me down. I was so shocked as I know this type of care would never of happened in the US. They gave me medication for nausea, pain, and to help me sleep. I slept so soundly for a while (about 7 hours) and woke up in the middle of the night multiple times when my overnight nurse was giving me meds and checking on me. After my night in the hospital it was back to the Hampton Inn for a night, then back to San Antonio where I flew home on the 8th. The pain I experienced post-op was minimal, and I returned to my job on the following Monday, 6 days after I had my surgery. Overall, I would highly, highly, recommend Dr. A, and his wonderful staff. I will reiterate how scared I was to go to Mexico for this surgery, but I would do it again in a heartbeat. He is an amazingly talented doctor, and he and his staff genuinely care about your success. I have met and made so many wonderful friends from this experience, and have gained so much for my health.

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Hello all, I had gastric sleeve done on 3/9/18 in Mexico by the one and only Dr A. My experience from the beginning to the end was 5 stars. Dr A and his team were all amazing. I elected to go to Mexico because I was self pay due to a low BMI. This was the best decision i could have made and I'm so happy that i went thru with it. Mexico was extremely beautiful and safe. We went shopping had a cherry icee and we even had a massage and facial at the endo spa the after surgery. Once I returned home the first week was a little tough but here i am 5 weeks out and i feel amazing. I hoping my husband decides to get the surgery so we can go to the new hospital and this time it will be my mini vacation. If you have any questions or concerns feel free to reach out to me especially lower BMI people. Hopefully I can help ease your fears.

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I had a great experience with Dr. Alvarez and his entire team in Mexico. I was self-pay so I elected to go to Mexico. I went alone and was a little worried about that at first. But once you are there, it is like you are with your extended family and everyone in the hospital (and other VSG patients) rally around you to make sure you don't feel alone. I had no issues at all; everything went as planned and scheduled and have had nothing but great help and support upon returning home. I was sleeved on March 7th and as of today (5 weeks out) have lost 32lbs! Happy to answer any questions about Dr. A or my experience!

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Dr. A and his staff are amazing. I had my sleeve done 2/15/2018. This was the beat decision that I made for a healthier me. I am down 35lbs within 6 weeks. I have gone from an XL to a Medium.


Dr. Alvarez and all his staff were very professional, friendly and treated us like family. The hospital was very clean. I had no complications and NO regrets that I chose to go to Mexico and have my surgery by the BEST surgeon there is...THANK YOU Dr. Alvarez!!

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