Guillermo Alvarez

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 4.98150431566 out of 5 with 1189 ratings

Guillermo Alvarez Bariatric Surgeon MD

Guillermo Alvarez Bariatric Surgeon Picture

18 yr in Bariatrics

18 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

18 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

100% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 11

Max Age of Patient is 75

Brandi Carter Profile Pic
Brandi Carter
Patient Coordinator
Rosie Flores Profile Pic
Rosie Flores
Patient Coordinator
Lourdes Carranza Profile Pic
Lourdes Carranza
Personal Assistant

1189 Reviews for Guillermo Alvarez
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Deciding on a VSG after 2 years of research was the hard part - deciding on Dr. Alvarez was the easy part! For me, any prospective surgeon's experience with the VSG procedure was critical and Dr. A was one of the most experienced available.rnrnSusan, his patient coordinator was helpful, efficient and a joy to work with. Arrangements were handled flawlessly and made the trip as worry-free as possible. Rosy, responsible for transport to and from San Antonio, Eagle Pass and Piedras Negras, was delightful and made the time pass quickly.rnrnDr. Alvarez himself was everything I had been led to believe and more. His kind, considerate and reassuring manner quickly put any concerns I had at ease. I appreciated the time he took to answer my questions and his frequent visits post-surgery. It is now three months since my surgery and I have had an easy recovery and no complications whatsoever.rnrnWhile the hospital facility itself may be a bit dated, I was fortunate to be one of the first patients to stay in one of the new bariatric suites which was spacious, modern and well-equipped. The nursing care was attentive(Priscilla was especially great) and, even though I don't speak Spanish, any request for assistance was handled promptly.rnrnI think it speaks to the regard Dr A's patients have for him and his team that a \"patient reunion\" was recently held (a reunion for surgery patients??). And next year I'm planning to be there!rnrnMy husband, who accompanied me to Piedras Negras, is considering WLS himself. If he does decide to proceed, Dr Alvarez will be his surgeon of choice.


~How do I even begin? From that first day when sweet Susan called me and talked to me about the sleeve I have loved this group of people. Susan right away put me at ease about choosing the sleeve and has been there for me promptly each and every time I have needed a question answered. She made me feel like the most important person in the world--she is amazing! rnrnWhen we arrived in San Antonio and were met by Rosey I felt like I had known her for years. She is a beautiful girl and put my husband and I at ease quickly. The ride to Eagle Pass was filled with laughter and conversation--no akward moments. I felt like I was with family! I was so lucky that my sleeve sister and her family are amazing people. My sleeve twins daughter had been sleeved by Dr A in Janurary and put me at ease so quickly just by telling me how amazing Dr A is.rnrnThe next day when we went over the border into Mexico I couldnt believe how NOT nervous I was. These people have such a gift at putting you at ease. When we pulled into the parking lot Dr A and Priscilla personally came out to greet us with warm hello's and hugs. I really felt like a long lost family member coming home for the holidays! We felt so welcome. We then met with the Doctor who took his time and answered all of our questions and then we went upstairs to our room. It was nice and so clean! The first thing that I noticed when I walked into the hospital was that I smelled clean--if clean has a smell! Our room was BIG! We had a computer to use with internet access and a phone with free long distance. What hospital in the states provide that kind of communication for you? rnrnWhen it was my turn to be sleeved, Priscilla came in and gave me what I call HAPPY MEDS. Whoo! Whatever that was relaxed me and made me a bit loopy! I loved it! We then moved into the OR and I swore that I would stay awake and tell Dr A that he wasnt allowed to play any April Fools Jokes on me! I had that thought and the next thing I remember is waking up in my room. My surgery was textbook! 46min long and it went perfectly. Thank God!rnrn I woke up in some pain from the gas, no pain from the insicions, and I was VERY nauseous. I reacted badly to anesthesia. I was pretty sick for about 12 hours and during that time Dr Alvarez and Dr Gabriel came and checked on me several times. Dr Gabriel even gave me an anti-nausea med that is used for chemo patients. Around 2am I turned a corner...I SUDDENLY just felt normal. It happened just the way Dr A said it would. He told me that I would feel better each hour. The night nurses were on top of the pain meds and took amazing care of me. The care I recieved from them was better than any care that I have ever recieved in the states. It was an old hospital and they had some old fashioned ways of care, but it was EXCELLENT! rnrnThe next day I had some soreness, but no pain. I saw Dr A on a local talk show that morning and couldnt believe that I was in his hospital, flipping through channels and there he was on TV! It was a live feed and he looked great! I didnt understand anything he said though! Haha! I passed my leak test with flying colors and Dr A gave me a medical ID bracelet and permission to have ice. He told me that Susan had been asking how I was doing--to me thats exceptional personal care. These people become your FRIENDS. I walked all day and even skipped the hospital to go to the resturaunt across the street with my husband, sleeve sisters daughter and sister. I sipped my ice while they ate and didnt wish that I had food. Im not hungry! Its a strange thing for me! HA! When we came back to the hospital Dr A busted me with a smile on his face! He said, \"I came to check on my patients and one was missing!\" He was great about it and was there at all hours--this was after 8pm when he caught up with me. :0) There are some moments in your life where you have a mental picture taken of that moment, I will never forget that smile on Dr Alvarez's face when he \"busted\" me. I will take that with me forever. :0)rnrnThe next morning Dr A was there bright and early, dressed to the nines as usual and giving us discharge goodies and instructions. He took his time, didnt rush us at all and answered all of our questions. He even took the time to help a possible pre-op with her making her decision about weather or not she will be sleeved. Dr Alvarez gave us each a lunchbox of treats. It was full of painmeds, acid blockers, antibiotics--even a keychain. We took a hundred pictures, gave a million hugs and off we went with Rosey again. rnrnIm now 4 days post-op and except for a small bit of discomfort in my main incision areas, I dont feel like I have even had surgery! My liquids are going down with no problems and I am down 12lbs! WOW! I give this whole experience an A+! If I had to say anything negative it would only be that I had trouble communicating with the night nurses. It was difficult with the launguage barrier. But Susan gave me a translation sheet that helped SO much! rnrnIf you are considering going to Dr Alvarez, but are afraid of the whole \"Going to Mexico\" thing, DO NOT WORRY! You are just about 1 mile into Mexico--so close to the states--and Dr A is the very VERY best. He has only had 2 leaks out of 450 sleeves and zero deaths. This man has saved me from a life of obesity--I owe him my very life. rnrnThank you Susan, Dr Alvarez, Dr Gabriel, Priscilla and Rosey. rnrn~Janelle~~


I was impressed with Dr. Alvarez the moment I met him. He is very personable and friendly. He explained all I needed to know. After the surgery he came in to see me several times a day, and helped me with all of my concerns. His staff is very nice and speak English as does Dr. A.rnrnI would rate Dr. A a 10 out of 10.rnrnI felt great within a week of surgery and have had no difficulties at all.rnrnI have not read anything negative about him and it seems from the posts that people who use him have very few problems.rnrnI would highly recommend him.rnrn


I was very impressed with Dr. Alvarez and his staff. Dr. Alvarez is very professional, but is also very personable. His office is very modern and as nice as or nicer than any doctor’s office in the United States. The hospital is older but all areas of the hospital that I saw were clean. The suites provided to Dr. Alvarez’s patients are very nice. I would have no problem recommending Dr. Alvarez to friends and family. He and his staff are very competent and have all arrangements and details perfected to make the whole experience a very positive one.


My first impression of Dr. A, I was very good. He took all of the second thoughts that I was having out of my mind while I was talking to him. Dr. A's office is very nice and his staff is very helpful and wonderful. The aftercare was great, Priscella your nurse is very attentive and willing to help you do anything that you need. Dr. A, the staff, and my surgery was very successful and I would recommend others taking the trip to see Dr. A.


Dr. Alvarez is exactly as everyone else has portrayed him, he is very gentle, understanding and caring. He gives everyone patient personal attention which is valuable to calm a persons nerves before major surgery. He an his staff and the hospital staff were great and give the best medical attention that I have ever received.rnrnI would recommend Dr. A. to anyone considering self pay for VSG or surgery outside the was worth every cent.


Dr. A was wonferful to work with and I'm glad I chose him.He checked on me two/three times a day while i was in the hospital and found the time to answer all questions that I had.He spoke very good english.


Dr. A preformed my surgery on March 15th 08. I feel he is THE MOST QUALIFIED surgeon doing the sleeve today. He has an amazing bedside manner, personality and is always happy. I was comforted by his confidence and impressed by his knowledge. I have had consultations with 3 of the surgeons currently doing the sleeve here in AZ, and I know I made the right choice with Dr. A. He knows his sleeves! I would highly recommend this surgeon to anyone considering the sleeve.


My first impression of Dr. A was very impressed with how he made me feel at ease and very comfortable about my decision. Dr. A and his staff are wonderful and take very good care of you. I am so happy with my sleeve and extremely happen I went to Dr. A. I wish he was closer so I could just stop by once in awhile to say \"Thank you\". I would never choose to go to anyone else. I wish more doctors were as personable as Dr. A. You can't go wrong by choosing Dr. A for your surgeon. rnrnWatch Dr. A perform VSG surgery. rnrn rn


Dr. A definitley makes a great first impression. He is the most gracious and kind doctor I have ever met.....and I'm an RN so I've met lots of doctors. From the minute I walked into his office it was all about the patients. He took us into his office one at a time and thoroughly explained the procedure and what we should expect. He reaslly put me at ease. His partner is equally as gracious and kind. The other patient went into talk to him first and then Pricilla, his nurse, took her up to her room to get her started on blood work etc. After my meeting with him he personally took my luggage and took me up to the room. On the way up to the room I mnet his father. I'm fortunate that I can speak Spanish and his father asked me where I was from, was I nervous etc. He was also very gracious and put me at ease. Dr. A's staff is awesome. Rosy was right there at the airport waiting for me, and we had wonderful conversations on the way to Eagle Pass, HIs nurse Priscilla is also awesome. I felt very well cared for. The hospital is a tad old, but spotless. I was very impressed with the sterility procedures they use. The gourney that you leave your room on does not go into the OR. You are transferred through a horizontal window to another gourney that remnains in the sterile environment. All the nurses and the anesthesioligis were very attentive talking to me and explaining what they were doing. None of the nurses spoke English, but I was able to communicate with the in Spanish so I didn't have any trouble. But they are so attentive to your needs the language barrier wouldn't matter. They kept me on pain meds without my asking. Dr. does have a strict post-up protocol, which is very well explained. The success of this protocol shows in the fact that he has a very low leakage rate. I think surgical competence is probably the ost imnportant, but the bedside manner plays an important part in your overall well being. Fortunatley Dr. A. has both the competence and bedside manner. I would reccomend him to anywone.

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