Guillermo Alvarez

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 4.98150431566 out of 5 with 1189 ratings

Guillermo Alvarez Bariatric Surgeon MD

Guillermo Alvarez Bariatric Surgeon Picture

18 yr in Bariatrics

18 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

18 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

100% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 11

Max Age of Patient is 75

Brandi Carter Profile Pic
Brandi Carter
Patient Coordinator
Rosie Flores Profile Pic
Rosie Flores
Patient Coordinator
Lourdes Carranza Profile Pic
Lourdes Carranza
Personal Assistant

1189 Reviews for Guillermo Alvarez
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I want to take a moment to talk about my amazing experience under Dr. Alvarez care with my surgery. From the minute I was picked up in San Antonio, TX. I was met with first class service. The procedure I was scheduled for was explained in detail and went as smoothly as explained. Treatment by every member of Dr. Alvarez team was excellent. Everyone there was with showed warmth and always met with a smile. They are a class act and the kindest people you could ever want to meet. I can not convey how happy I am with the kindness and tenderness of my care while in their care. the concern and understanding was far beyond any expectation I could have ever had. I thank everyone for the most wonderful experience for the beginning of my new life. Thank you all on Dr. Alvarez's team. You Are the Greatest!!!!!


If you are considering having the VSG, I strongly recommend Dr. G. Alvarez. From the first contact with his coordinator Susan, I felt like I was a person that mattered, not just another patient. Susan walked me through every step and I knew right up until my surgery date that she was still there and would be there for me after.rnrnI can say that meeting Dr. G. Alvarez was no surprise. He sounded just like he did on the video on the website, and I knew right then I had made the best choice for my surgeon. Dr. G. Alvarez has the best staff ever. They were all an A+ and they were so gracious and caring, I felt \"special\". rnrnI know some of you may have concerns about going to Mexico for surgery, but I never had even one concern. If you had your eyes closed when you walked into the Drs. office or into the hospital, and then opened your eyes, you wouldn't know the difference between Mexico and the United States. Well except for the fact that everyone was extremely friendly and there was no long waiting. When Dr. G. Alvarez says this, this and this are going to happen, it happened just like clock work!rnrnI am now three weeks out from my VSG and I still can't believe how smoothly my recovery has been. Last week was my first week back at work and everyone could already tell I had lost weight and looked great. Some even asked if I changed my mind and went on vacation instead!rnrnI can only say that this has been the greatest experience of my life.


Dr. Alvarez was very thorough in explaining how I might feel a different times, and I'm glad my boyfriend paid attention because I as not very focused. He came by the room everytime he was in the hospital, and I was so glad to see his smiling face. Dr Rosales is his assistant and we saw just as much of him, his English was excellent as well. Both are very kind, open to questions, and very generous with pain medications both inpatient and to take home. I decided to go with Dr. Alvarez because he has so much experience doing the VSG, unlike local providers here.


This man is extremely sweet. He jokes with you and makes you feel at well as his assistant Dr. Gabe. I loved them both. If only the Drs in the states were as awesome as these men...My mother had the surgery with them about a year ago. She loved them and talked nothing but good things of both of them. I agree with her whole-heartedly...they're amazing and quite gentle in surgery I haven't had much pain at all...The only thing I didn't like was the night staff. They're great, don't get me wrong, but no one speaks english...not 1. even when you point to the chart they still looked confused. VERY SWEET though and good RN's. Everything was always super clean. I work at a hospital in the states and I was impressed that I was always seeing someone cleaning. The Dr gave you all the aftercare advice needed. It's YOU who has to follow this advice. I got paper work from one of his RN's that had all the risks and everything you'd ever wanna know about the suregery VIA email. I would rate him and his staff a 10. He speaks fluent english and I would say he's one of the top surgeons in the world. I have not felt much pain and I have been giggling, walking around, shopping, everything...I'm so happy I had this surgery and had him as a Dr. Go for Alvarez!


So far I feel very confident with the doctor and his staff. The comforting words and encouragement from Susan are really taking the edge off of the upcoming procedure. It will be done in less than 2 weeks.


My Surgeon is HEAVEN SENT!?!?!?!? Dr. Alvarez and his staff are wonderful people who go out of their way to make sure that each patient is comfortable. From Susan the patient coordinator, Rosie the driver to Cynthia the day nurse, they are all wonderful people. If anyone had concerns about anything I will tell them to fret not becuase they are in safe hands. There is nothing negative that I can say about this doctor and his staff. Even my father who is very old school had a great time and he was very pleased with the whole experience. My only regret about my whole experience is that I wish that I had the surgery performed ten years ago. I enjoyed my experience so much that I am planning to go back to see Dr. Alvarez for my fills, I am planning them as mini vacations.


Dr. Alvarez was the best doctor I've ever had! I couldn't believe it in the US when your in the hospital you might see your doctor twice a day, but while I was in the hospital Dr. Alvarez an his partner would come check on me atleast 8 or 9 times a day even in the middle of the night I was shocked how awesome I was treated! If anyone is looking to have weight loss surgery please look into Dr. Alvarez it's the best thing I ever did he stays in contact with you long after surgery it's like finding a new family his staff is there to help you every step of the way! I wish I could have Dr. Alvarez for my family doctor I've never found a doctor with a heart as big as his, you can tell he really cares about his patients long after your surgery!


My story begins at 110 pounds. I was a very small child and teenager. Never understood how people could gain so much weight. At 3 months pregnant with my first child, the doctor weighed me in at 112 and told me I must gain weight. Well, I did gain and gain and gain. At delivery I was 186. I lost part of that and was never happy with myself from that moment on. I know weight shouldn’t determine a persons happiness but it did for me. I felt fat and out of control. That lead to more weight gain for me. Then a second child added a few more. Before I knew it I was over 220 and stopped caring about myself. I started feeling run down all the time and went to the doctor for it about 2 years ago. They ran a few test and told me to loose weight and I would feel better, as if I didn’t already know that. Six months later I was feeling even worse and back to another doctor and was told the same thing but this time they gave me little blue pills to help me with weight lose. Those lasted almost the whole month but I never refilled them as I didn’t loose any weight. I was good at waiting for them to wear off and then eating all my food in the evening. rnrnWhile cooking dinner one day I turned around quickly to go from the stove to the sink and nearly passed out on my face. I did manage to catch myself and went down to my knees. Finally I decided there is more wrong with me then being over weight. Again, back to a different doctor I went. This time the doctor ran all kinds of test. He left me in the room waiting on some of the results. He came in with a diabetic machine and stuck my finger and the number was 548 that morning. He said that confirmed what my A1C said. My A1C was 14.9. I believe normal is from around 5 to 8. I do know he said mine was extremely high. Immediately he gave me a shot of insulin and sent me home with medication for it and a tester kit. I went back every week for a month. Every time he added another drug and sometime increased what I was already taking. We couldn’t get me below a 250 even with 3 different drugs a day and 3 of each of them. My PCP finally told me I should consider this new surgery that he honestly didn’t know a lot about but had seen it on Dateline and Good Morning America. He said it intrigued him because it made claims of putting diabetes in remission and he speciality in medical school was diabetes. He said without me doing something at this point I would need a pump. rnrnI went to a weight lose center here in my state and did many expensive visits and testing that they required. I finally told them I have to do something now and can no longer wait. I did not want a pump. They kept making me promises of scheduling my surgery but every time I went in there would be another excuse as to why they wouldn’t do it. My PCP had ran and reviewed all my test and said there was no reason for me not to have surgery. He even called that doctor himself and got nowhere with him. rnrnI met a friend at this WLC one day and she was having similar issues with this clinic. She told me about the OH board and about a Dr. Alvarez in Mexico. I thought, ok like that is just what I need. I have enough problems and do not need to go to another country. I really don’t have to tell you what I thought surgery in Mexico would be like. I mean, aren’t they way behind the USA in medical stuff? How wrong I was. I did not even give it another thought but I did come home and join the OH Board. I went back to the WLC again and this time the nurse assured me they would set a date. Got in the room and a date was set for 2 weeks and she gave me the stuff to bathe with the day of surgery and then the doctor came in and said My A1C was at 9 still and he would not do it. I don’t think I have ever cried so hard. You see, by this point I was loosing vision, numbing in feet and the doctor said my liver was showing damage too. By this point I was scared to death for myself. This was the day I came home and logged on the internet at and decided I would do my research. I bet I read 100 plus post by Dr. A patients. I also read what OH board under his name and the testimonies there. I read his credentials and anything I could find. I called the girl I had met and told her I was going to call Susan and speak with her to see if Dr. A would do my surgery. I told Susan my story and she said she would call Dr. A and then let me know. She emailed me back in just what seemed only a few minutes and said Dr. A said to come to Mexico and he would do the surgery for me. Again, I cried and called my friend and told her I was calling Susan back to schedule. I did and my new friend also called and Susan scheduled her for the same day so we could do this ride together. I am so lucky because I have 2 sleeve sisters from the same date and love them both.rnrnMy surgery with Dr. A was on June 2nd 2008. I was the first one of the 3 that morning. When we arrived, Dr. A met us at the door and carried my bags for me. My first thought was where is the dirt ceilings. This looks pretty much like the older hospitals in my town. Actually it was way better and cleaner. He took me first to his office and left the others including my DH in the waiting room. I was so glad about that. I didn’t want my DH to worry and didn’t tell him ALL the risks, just the ones I felt he needed to know. Maybe that was wrong but I knew the other risk of not having it done could be way worse. I wanted this decision to be all mine from day one and it was. Dr. A spent time looking over my medical records that he asked me to bring. He questioned me on some of it and then told me this was going to change it all for me and that soon I would be better. rnrnI went for more testing that Dr. A needed that morning which included blood work and x-rays. Nothing different there. Same prick I was use to here and they used the same equipment you would see in the US. It was an older hospital, but no different then the older ones here. Although some of the staff didn’t speak English it didn’t matter. The nurse that took me to do the test did all the speaking and stayed with me the whole time so she could tell them what I said. She spoke perfect English and from what I heard she spoke perfect Spanish too. Lol. I never once felt alone due to the language barrier. They made sure of that. In my room I was given my gown to change into and it wasn’t long before the nurse set my IV and put something in it so I can’t tell you what went on after that. rnrnI woke up in the worse pain than I have ever had in my life. I had 2 c-sections, a tummy tuck and a hysterectomy and yet this was the worse. Like I was going to explode if I didn’t burp soon and I couldn’t. My DH said the nurses called Dr. A all night when I would wake up in such pain and he had them give me something to make me sleep and pain drugs. I really don’t remember that first day or night but I do remember waking up a couple of times in severe pain. The next morning Dr. A came in first thing to check on me and said no more sleeping drugs and now he wanted me up and walking and that would help. At first I thought he was crazy but my DH is one to follow instructions so up I was and boy did that help a lot. Meanwhile the nurses were checking my blood very often and giving me insulin shots for my diabetes. My surgery was on a Monday morning and I do remember part of Tuesday and thinking this might kill me. I never was hungry though or thirsty. I just wanted to sleep it all off. My DH said I was up all Tuesday night telling him to take me walking again. I don’t remember doing that much walking but he said I put some miles down that hall way. Guess that was all that was really helping me get relief. My best memory started about 3 am on Wednesday morning when the nurse who didn’t speak English came in and stuck me again. She looked at me and said “no insin, no insin” I spelled it like she said it but I knew exactly what she was saying. My sugar was finally normal. I never expected it to happen so soon. After all, even Dr. A said it may take a few weeks to come down enough. On Wednesday morning Dr. A came in and said I could stay in the hospital another day or so if I wanted to. By this time I had so much energy I just wanted to leave and start my new life. He gave us jello and juice that morning and I know I did a leak test because I remember doing it and him telling me I had a lot of swelling but don’t even remember what day we did this. I think it was Tuesday evening. I also remember getting ice chips and my friend was enjoying it but I still didn’t want anything but I tried and did my best with it. The jello on Wednesday morning was good and so was the juice but I was able to only do a tiny bit of either. I was stuck again to test sugar after the jello which wasn’t sugar free and the juice and still the numbers were good. rnrnWe left the hospital on Wednesday and was taken back to San Antonio. I wanted to go shopping and did for a little while but my DH was worn out by this point. I did a lot of walking at the hotel that day and sat by the pool sipping cranberry juice and water and watched people swim. When I got back home, I spent the next month cleaning my house like never before. I had been so sick feeling for so long and had skipped spring cleaning for 2 years. I also enjoyed cooking again for my family. I couldn’t eat it but I had no problems cooking it. I finally felt in control of food. It no longer controlled me. I know others have lose of energy but not for me. Of course, I was so fatigued for so long that I felt good being off of all my meds.rnrnI am now 7 ½ months out and have gone from a size 16/18 to a size 4/6. Had to start wearing belts with my size 5’s. I still see my PCP but only every 3 months. He is very amazed at my progress. I went last week for all my post op blood work you do at 6 months out. I was a month late but no biggy there. Everything was great and the A1C was normal. My cholesterol was high but after speaking to Susan yesterday, she said this is normal for that to spike up until a year out so I will let my PCP know and we will let it go until that point. My PCP did tell me that even skinny people can have high cholesterol. Can you believe he called me skinny. He also told me not to loose anymore weight. I am down to about 138 now and perfectly normal bmi. My PCP said to learn to maintain now. He said I have room with my BMI to loose a little or gain a little and still be normal. I think he said it was 22 now. rnrnI sat here on the OH board a couple of weeks ago waiting for midnight. The old year out and the new one in. Then for a split second I started thinking about what kind of diet I would attempt to commit to for the first 2 weeks of the year. Then it dawned on me that I no longer had to include weight as a new years resolution. That brought tears to my eyes. rnrnI am 5’6” in height and now weigh approximately 138. Many tell me there is no way I could weigh that much. My goal was originally 125ish but now that I am wearing a belt with my size 5’s and it is hard to find pants much smaller, I am going to try to maintain as my doctor advised. My mom, kids and DH are telling me I am getting too thin. Being that I am in my 40’s now and not a teenager, this weight suits me fine. I am still a diabetic and always will be according to my PCP but he said I am living proof that type 2 diabetes can be controlled with proper diet and exercise. I say it can be with proper diet. I live on a farm in the middle of no where so exercise is hard as there is no time or place without driving 30 miles one way. I do however feed a lot of animals a day and ride horses so I am not totally stationary either. rnrnI have a son that is 23 years old. He was very athletic in high school and now has a sit down job all day. He is 5’11” and around 400 pounds. He has finally decided to have wls and have the vertical sleeve as well. My DH and I are trying to raise the money now and planning on having Dr. A do it in June and perhaps the same day as my surgery date was last year. I worry so much about him as he is my son and will eventually have the same issues that I have had. No mother could adore and love her child anymore then I do mine but I trust Dr. A so much and even knowing the risk am 100% behind his decision and know that with God using Dr. A hands my son will be fine. It will be hard to watch him those first few days but I also know he is strong and will do great. rnrnI know you have heard this many times from others but I will say it once more for anyone wondering about surgery and what it can do for you. It is not the easy way out by any means but my only regret is fighting my weight for 20 years. I love myself again and feel confidence that I have missed for a long time. God has truly Blessed me with a wonderful husband, great kids, a loving supporting family and great health. I thank them all for that and I thank Dr. A, Susan and all the staff for what they have given back to me. My life!! rnrn


I knew of 5 other friends who had seen Dr. Alverez for their weight loss surgery, and each of them gave rave reviews about what a wonderful doctor he was and what a great experience it was having him do their surgeries. The second I met Dr. Alvarez, I had to agree. He was such a warm and friendly man who showed he truly cared about me and my needs. The more I got to know him, the more I really liked him. His personal office was very modern and professional, and the hospital was older yet very clean. He currently is building a brand new hospital which I'm sure will be state of the art. You will first meet Rosie who will pick you up and take you everywhere you need to be. It's like having your personal driver who is so nice and a lot of fun. Then on your surgery day, you meet Dr. Alvarez, Dr. Rosales, and Christina (your personal nurse) who all go over any questions or concerns you have before the surgery. (And yes, they all speak perfect English). Christina personally makes sure you get all your lab and x-rays necessary and then gets you settled in your room while you wait for your surgery. BTW, the rooms all have couches for your spouse or friend to sleep on as well as T.V.s, phones and computers. Within no time, your surgery is done and all you have to do is recover. I was up and walking in just a few hours after my surgery. (The more you walk, the faster you recover). I didn't have any pain what-so-ever. The doctors, nurses, and medical assistants are contantly checking in on you to see if you need anything at all. You are on an IV drip to stay hydrated since you can't have anything to eat or drink for at least 24 hours after the surgery. After that you get ice chips and in 48 hours, you get clear liquids. I had my surgery on Saturday morning and was more than ready to go home by Monday morning. I couldn't believe how good I felt so soon after the surgery. We even went walking around the Riverwalk when we got back to San Antonio. I was a little weaker than normal, but otherwise, I felt normal. All in all, it was a good experience. Dr. Alvarez is a WONDERFUL man - so kind and compassionate. I have recommended him to a few other friends who will be seeing him this Spring for their surgeries.rnrnThe biggest things I would recommend to anyone having the surgery is to make sure you follow the post-surgery diet. Clear liquids for 1 week, then solid liquids for 2 more weeks. Three weeks is not that long to sacrific \"real\" food in order to prevent damaging your sutures. Oh, and bring a book or your laptop to the hospital. It gets boring the second day.rnrnI lost 20 pounds in 2 weeks and feel great! My friends and family say I look happier and it's because I know I'm on my way to a better life, and better body, and a better me. Thank you very much Dr. Alvarez!

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