Wellesse Calcium & Vit D3

Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 1 ratings

Wellesse Calcium & Vit D3 by Botanical Laboratories - Calcium Supplement

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1 Review for Wellesse Calcium & Vit D3
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I kept getting told that calcium citrate was hard to find over the counter. I found this at Wal-Mart. Some had concerns that because it is Calcium Citrate and Tricalcium Phosphate that we could not abosorb the Trical. Phos. I looked on the Wallesse website and in the FAQ's it states that there is 80% citrate and 20% phosphate. So if you double the dosage daily (one in a.m. and one in evening) you should be fine. This is sugar and lactose free. Orange flavoring is not overpowering AT ALL and does not taste tart like a Vit C. More like and orange creamecicle.

(indicates that they have not used the product)

Nutritional Value
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