Omega-3 Plus Patch (30 Day Supply) by PatchMD - Vitamin Supplement

Omega-3 Plus Patch (30 Day Supply)'s Photo
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    As an ObesityHelp community member, you have access to exclusive pricing with PatchMD to support your bariatric surgery journey for the long-haul. We invite you to shop for vitamin patches for yourself, family, and friends. No coupon code is needed! Omega-3 Plus Patch (30-Day Supply) Omega 3 Plus provides adequate amounts of Omega-3 fatty acids to support good nutrition and overall well-being, including healthy heart and brain function, as well as mood, cognition, and immunity. Helps reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. Helps to maintain normal brain function. Helps reduce certain symptoms associated with PMS. Support protection of cells, eyesight, joint health, and immunity. PatchMD products are Latex, Lactose., Gluten and Sugar-free Omega-3 Plus Patch Directions Apply patch daily to an area with little or no hair, i.e., shoulder, back or hip. For best results, it is recommended to wear PatchMD patches for 8 hours. There is no additional benefit wearing the patch longer than 8 hours. Patches can be worn during sleep. Avoid using any lotion or cream in the same area as it will inhibit absorption. Patch is not waterproof. It is ok to wear multiple patches at a time. PatchMD Omega-3 Plus Patches are an excellent alternative for bariatric patients.  ALL PATCH ORDERS INCLUDE 30 PATCHES (30-DAY SUPPLY) Supplement Facts / Ingredients
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